Whats with the fanboys.
Blizzard should add me as NPC there. I mean … why not.
Whats with the fanboys.
Blizzard should add me as NPC there. I mean … why not.
Can anyone show me where Swifty has actually been banned, again?
All that has happened is that his NPC has been removed from the game.
Than again what ban are you talking about?
OP is about adding the NPC again.
If they ban your account, it automatically becomes a (N)on (P)layable (C)haracter
You know, if two unrelated people (like Taka and Nano) described you engaging in such sexual misconduct, despite the fact one of them actually accuses the other too (such as in Nano’s case towards Taka)… it might not be enough to send you into prison, but if you were my employee or colleague or contractor it certainly would be enough to make me want to cut contacts with you.
Seriously, it feels to me like some of you ppl should seriously look into these allegations before posting this stuff up.
Seems the odds are against Swifty because he’s a guy.
Or maybe because there are at least two different ppl who accused him (more referred stuff in tweets replying to Nano), all he said is “this is false”, and even the girl who spoke in his defense only addressed Taka’s story (without saying a word about Nano). If that’s not enough for you to at least cast somebody into doubt, I dunno what would be.
not necessarily plenty of cases where two or more people group up to accuse someone of this stuff. which is why we should wait till its proven one way or the other.
Yeah, and for each of those that turned out to be false, how many turned out to be true? How many were dismissed simply because no proof could be collected due to the time that passed since the incident? Frankly, if I had to take my chances, I’d take them against Swifty in this case.
I would be willing to dismiss it as “hard to make a call on” if it were just Taka’s story, but Nano’s story on top of it is kinda difficult to just liquidate as “not proven guilty!”, for me.
“4 have told me that if I need them to come forward they would, but I don’t want this to escalate anymore than it has.” - Takarita
4 have apparently ‘told her’ they’d come forward for her defense, but she doesn’t want ‘them’ involved. I wonder why? It’s all he say / she say, there’s no proof, any friend can root for their friend to make their story seem legit, wake up.
Again, it’s not just Taka who spoke up. And, judging from what Nana had to say about her own story, Taka’s far from innocent herself (which actually makes me more willing to believe the overall picture is probably accurate).
what is it with people on here? you all think people should be thrown in jail just because a woman says something?
I sure hope nobody accuses you because if people think like you then your going to jail…
And how many turned out to be false? way more than people want to admit. My own cousin had his ex accuse him and he wasnt even in the country when it happened, but guess what? people instantly said he was guilty and people showed up to his house and threw bricks in the windows, spray painted his garage door with profanities and stuff. And turns out she lied because he broke up with her.
Cases like that really cement that you cannot just take someone word as fact especially now when women literally get money and fame for lying.
So im going to wait and see what a judge says.
Taka has a drinking problem, taka admitted she flirted and kissed all her female friends, constantly went on about Swifty always banging on about wanting one thing, yet she decides to come out the woodwork now during a worldwide pandemic.
Saying Swifty told her to go to the gym n such, and always telling taka how hot someone was WHILE being in a relationship with, which I highly doubt someone would do. Seems like she’s trying too hard to make her story believable. Just because someone else wrote a story, doesn’t make it true, like I said before, it’s all he say / she say. Oh, and now has an Onlyfans account.
Being fired from your job, or have your contract rescinded, doesn’t mean “going to jail”.
Again, who ever spoke of “jail” here?
Yeah I seriously love these anedoctical pieces of evidence.
Well, I’ll give you mine too, then. I’ve been playing WoW more or less continuously since 2006, though I moved to pservers since around 2012 until I came back for Classic. Over the course of my pserver experience, I’ve been for a long time in at least 5-6 different guilds. In each of these guilds, there’s always been at least 2-3 female players (one of them even had a female guildmaster). And in each of these guilds, there’s always been at least a male player who harassed these players with PMs asking them for real-life pics and whatnot. Again, not something I’d send them to jail for (otherwise we should jail basically half the male population that goes to discos), but enough for me to consider rescinding any working partnership with these ppl, and to personally call it sexual misconduct - albeit not as serious as what Swifty and other Method members have been accused of, thankfully (though who knows what these guys from my ex-guilds would’ve done IRL, if given the chance?)
Meanwhile, I’ve participated into female-dominated online communities (such as Wattpad) for years, and while I had frictions with some of the members for normal reasons, never I’ve been made felt bad because I’m a male, or sexually harassed or slanted in any way. The fact I was a male simply had no impact whatsoever on people’s behavior with me.
So yeah, you’re free to think that, just because your own cousin was falsely accused, then most sexual allegations in the world are fabricated and the accusers are just skilled manipulators abusing their naive male partners. If that makes you sleep better at night.
What about Nano and her friend? Do you think they completely fabricated their story too? Because you know, they actually came forward before Taka did.
They could all be in it together… You just don’t know that. Easily done! It’s not proof at all.
He’s famous, his life can easily be ruined by accusations like these. I know women that would do anything to take someone down because things didn’t go their way. It happens!
being fired from your job because someone said something happened? yeah seems totally fair to me. How about not fire anyone til its proven? And you may not have mentioned jail but if you assume someone is guilty is that not the expected result?
Your experience is irrelevant to why i mentioned that, and no it wasn’t to claim most are lies. it was to show that it does happen and it really showed it wasn’t just something you see on tv its real and should not be ignored.
I myself have been friends with girls for over a decade and i have personally seen multiple women joke about making false allegations as revenge. Im also a victim of sexual assault and she said if i call the police she would claim i tried to rape her. And this wasn’t that long ago either 2015. So just because your experience was positive does not invalidate my experience.
If you honestly believe you should just trust someone because she said it happened then your extremely dangerous to society, you should NEVER just take someones word as fact that is extremely dangerous. People can and do lie all the time for personal gain.
As i said im going to with hold my judgement till its either proven to be true or proven to be false and i implore you to do the same.
Yeah yeah, no famous person has ever used his position to prey on women before in history. You keep thinking that.
You mean until a trial that is likely to last year and to result into acquittal based on lack of evidence, whether or not the crime occurred?
As I think I said so before, if you think most sexual misconduct allegations are straight-up fabrications, then you’re the insane one.
yes, that’s how the justice system works, you are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty. This is the fundamental building blocks to almost every judicial system on the planet. And say the accused gets proven to be innocent do you really think they will get their job back? And what about the 1 year as you put it the trial will take? Should the accused just starve to death and be homeless because he had the audacity to be accused of a crime? You have a severely warped view of the judicial system.
Where did i say that? You need to work on your reading skills because i said word for word “no it wasn’t to claim most are lies”
As I said, the justice can run its course, but this doesn’t imply the rest of people should just wait idly without doing a thing. Not when such serious charges are on the line.
Again, this is not about the judicial system. This is about what you, personally, would do about it. If a friend showed me Whatsapp messages of another guy who’s hitting on her, and the messages were genuine, I wouldn’t tell her “you know what? Go to the police and see what they tell you, I’ll wait until a 1st-degree conviction to make my mind”. I’ll probably consider said evidence enough to mark the other guy as a filthy scumbag regardless of whether the whole affair results in a trial or not. You don’t rely on judges for every personal judgment in your life.
that’s what your supposed to do though. The burden of proof is on the accuser its up to them to prove a crime happened. It should not be the accused need to prove their innocence. I dont care if someone is accused of murdering a 6 year old in cold blood unless its proven you should NOT be be condemning someone.
I also never said you shouldn’t take an accusation seriously, you can take an accusation seriously and not instantly jump on the “GUILTY!!!” bandwagon. You can do whatever you like but until its proven to not just be accusations im not going to judge him on anything and you shouldn’t either.
Again what if he’s innocent? just screw him? tough luck guy?
It’s pretty clear you got some sort of bias here.