Free transfers to Earthshaker

If paid transfers aren’t coming, or not soon enough. I would like to already start creating a community on this new server. Anyone is free to add my btag : Laiyren#2182
I play Alliance and if I see I attract enough people, I Will create my guild focused on PvP. The PvE side would be handled by someone more experienced than me since I rarely did PvE, and I will handle the pvp side. But all this is still a little bit far away.

I would like to see who from those 2 servers will use the free transfer over to Earthsaker. I invite someone to do the same for the Horde side, so we don’t have a imbalance too grave.

Moving away from gehennas is recommended for obvious reasons + one more being APES, which I already knew what kind of players they are, I didn’t know they actually cheated on Private Servers to get some PvP titles, and I will not play with those on my realm.

Earthshakers, Horde or Alliance, is waiting for you !


Just imagine, APES waiting till the end of the transfer window just to move and screw with everything lol

Send mail to their members.

lmao oh hell no.

From blue post, so i doubt they will wait till last second and risk half of guild wont make it

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True. Also, it would be stupid of them to transfer since they’ve been planning it since Classic was announced. be it practicing raid clearing, leveling routes, AH manipulation, the latest being the main reason it would be stupid to move away, imo

What they practiced and planned would still be appliable. Difference is the realm name.

While this is true, i dont think they will leave their “home” realm, u know even in future, its more possible that gehenas will be high pop while earth migh fall, lets say to medium.

Also, cant find any info on this, but since they already get their pre raid bis mostly and already cleared raids, i gues they level alts, not sure how many chars per acc u can transfer, and second… Their names, most of them like em since they use them for too long and are known by them

Yeah using the transfer to a realm that risk to end up dead is scary, but I don’t know the probability etc. in worst case i’ll use a paid transfer to get back to a more alive realm since by then, there wont be any queue. Hard choice

Its not realy like thers chance for dead realm, it just wont be full, and apes want as much players as possible… Also take in note thers a lot of people that wait, that dont have guts for launch stress and wanna join 2 weeks after, they wont roll on full server…

You got a point. It’s more than likely that I will try out Earthshaker, hopefully I’ll be able to create some kind of little community for starter :smiley:

I am moving too.
Found out the hard way that Gehennas is a swedish server.

Happily :smiley: I also found out it was populated by swedish mainly, but so far didnt have a bad experience, speaking english and all. But even though I love being on a Populated sever (World pvp hello), sometimes its just too much when you cant even quest because of your own faction

Yea the Nordic classic community consisting of 30-50 guilds chose Gehennas and won’t move

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