Frequent disconecting ~10-15 min

I experience constant disconnections (happens every few minutes)
Unable to play games because of it. (Diablo 2 Resurrected and WoW)
Date: 25.09.2024
Location: Europe, Poland
Problem started: Around 12PM - (5PM still not fixed).

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Your location - Poland (post code 83-200)
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Netia 1Gb
Approximate date and time the issues began - arround 1 PM today


Your location: Poland
Your Internet Sevice Provide (ISP): Orange
Date Time: 25.09.2024, 4 PM, logged at that time.

Thanks for the additional details everyone!

Given the concentration to a specific ISP, I’d recommend you reach out to them directly as well, though we continue to investigate.

Hopefully the issue can be remedied soon!

The same problem , constant disconnetcs
Your location - Poland
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Netia
Approximate date and time the issues began - around 1PM

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The weirdest part is that only and associated games (wow for example) are affected, every other service works just fine, no disconnects, packet losses or lags.


Location: Poland
ISP: Orange and Netia
Time: around 4 hours ago

Doesnt look like its ISP problem. Most people in topic use Netia, but it is most popular ISP in western Poland. I see people using Orange / Play / Polsat / Plus.

Additional note: it keeps disconecting from battlenet app, not just WoW.
Steam and Origin works just fine, at least for me.


I doubt it’s related just to a single ISP as I experience the same issue with a different one. Everything works well for me without issues besides BattleNet and WoW.

I see only failed or realy long logging attempts to WoW doesn’t seems to be affected in my case. Latency as usual and no disconnects from the game.

My connection is fine. The other services work, besides BattleNet which keeps disconnected me from chat and game.

The game for some reason is unplayable i can’t even shape shift with my druid to fly nor i can collect mail everything seems like lagging out but my internet is perfectly fine i checked other games all of them perfect only wow and this thing happen today only yesterday and all the rest of the days nothing was wrong seems server having an issue we can’t do anything in the game not only me also my bother having same issue in another network

Also my connection is fine. Steam and Origin work good, only BattleNet keeps disconnected me from game. Now BattleNet can’t even connect for like more than 20 mins.

All other services work just fine for me except battle net and WoW all of this started happening to me today around 12:30 PM, before that something like this never occurred before.

  • Your location - Poland
  • Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - NETIA
  • Approximate date and time the issues began - today, arouund 12 PM.
    It keeps loging out from battlenet every 5-15 seconds.

Not playable at all and ppl have raids today :smiley:

The disconnects completely ruined my raiding today. I got disconnected from two fights and couldn’t loot the boss, even though the boss was killed and the loot claimed. This is so frustrating.

It doesn’t matter if you have a raid or not. At the moment the game is unplayable but unfortunately no one will refund the subscription you pay. Looking at the posts it doesn’t look like a problem of a single ISP especially since apart from Blizzard products everything else works without any problem for all of us.


it is kinda important if u are a raid leader for example

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It does matter if you raid and in my case I lost my chance to loot bosses. No one cares about half a day of your subscription, which is 1/60th of 12 euros or however much it costs to play.


Your location - Poland
Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Netia
Approximate date and time: Sample dc times (GMT +2)
Confirmed with a guildmate that the dc were happening at the same times for both of us.

Having the same issues:

  • Your location - Poland
  • Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) - Chopin
  • Approximate date and time the issues began - today around 13-14 PM.
    It keeps logging out from battlenet every 5-10 min. Fix this as it seems to be issue on blizzard side. Everything else works well.
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