Fresh Classic - Ranking system issue - capped at R11 - please read

Hi, even been looking at the numbers required per rank and i’ve stumbled upon a significant issue.

I wonder if we could get confirmation whether the RANK11 cap is set to Rank 11 0% or Rank 11 99%

Why? Because allowing us to go to Rank 11, 40% means a difference of 1 week less & 337.500 honor less to get to Rank14. as opposed to be if we had to re-start from R11 0% once the cap is lifted.

No cap
R7.2 256.250 R9.6
R9.6 418.750 R11.4
R11.4 500.000 R12.64
R12.64 500.000 R13.34
R13.34 418.750 R13.68
R13.68 418.750 R14
Total honor 2.512.500
Capped at R11.0
R7.2 256.250 R9.6
R9.6 337.500 R11.0
R11.0 500.000 R12.24
R12.24 500.000 R12.98
R12.98 418.750 R13.34
R13.34 418.750 R13.68
R13.68 418.750 R14
Total honor 2.850.000
Delta 337.500

This will be the case

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