Fresh is dead already

You nailed it there.

Although I’d broaden it a little. That “restart” group actually consist of two type of players, people that don’t have much gametime and can never keep up with the curve anyway and a mixture of speedrunners/levelers that quit/restart once hitting a trivial milestone.


Yeah and apparently blizzard has identified this duality you talk about. Because the “fresh” part is aimed at the first group, while the changes and 1-year format is thought to cater to the second group.

What I don’t understand is : the removal of WB seems to contradict the idea it is tailored for speedrunners too and not just 2-monthers. Did blizzard misunderstood feedback because most real invested players are quiet and don’t post on social media? (I started posting when I stoped playing on official lmao)

Or perhaps they see the removal of WB as a concession made to ignite 2-monthers engagement (it seems to work as we see a lot of excited pandas for this product)


Prior to Classic there were long lasting servers. Nowadays playing on the old client on a much lower pop server is questionable. I was on K2 when it was way after Naxx and K3 when it launched and progressed. Started with like 6K peak ended with like 2-3K peak. They are on the market for many years. There even will be K4 soon paradoxically.

They aim at blizzlike with few changes - WB disabled for the first month of a tier, 5g respec cost cap, more strict item progression or debuff slots (8 on start etc.) and they were quite successful. Sweatlords from LH hated them due to “hunter incident” but that’s another story :wink:

You are not talking about what we were talking about.
I was on nostalgeek for years and it also is a steady blizzlike p-serv with thousands players. It is still strong today.
We were talking about fresh p-servers which do not aim the same public than steady p-servers.

There is a lot of fun servers. Mostly a cashgrab or scam. Turtle is allegedly successful but nowadays vs initial idea is way different. There is MoP Spanish one that has like 2+ custom expansion on top it and is super hot in South America.

Still you are off topic my panda friend.

YES, is hard !!!
Why? Because if new Blizzard dev team make Classic Vanilla in right way with difficulty of first patches and with FIXES mentioned above, Quality of Life things and newer Graphics from actual Classic…

That game will be much more interesting, challenging and better in many ways then Shadowlands…
Results = New dev team easily can be fired from Blizzard because old devs were better

Fresh in the way as announced as Vanilla race/rush 1 year game is dead from one minute after official announce, there is no sense to play MMORPG which need time to build and to do continuous micromanagement on our characters in the way where we need to rush in silly race to be “the best”.

And after all - wipe server (eventualy TOP names will be in some Hall of Fame) - LoL
Who need that ???

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