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Yes me. Your biggest enemy! Someone who actually calls out the BS on this forum!

I don’t troll. I say things that need saying.

Yeah you are. And you should be 0%.
Because people like you spewing your hatred shouldn’t have a place here.

You know nothing about me…

Case in point.

More proof you have not even the tiniest notion of who I am.

And even more proof.

Just a biggot, racist and hatred fueled misongynist then?
Is that close enough?

Oh man, you have NO clue. Wow. :sweat_smile:
I’m feeling embarrased for you man.

Factually wrong.
And hey, if scum like you doesn’t like me; I’m 100% okay with that and will wear that as a badge of honour.

I already have several.

No? I retired when I was 31 and I never have to work another day in my life.
How about that?

Weird remark. Are you suggesting I’m fat?
The lack of knowledge about me just keeps on stacking up, doesn’t it.

Leave this game. Nobody wants you here.

i dont even read your respones give it up.

Doesn’t matter; you wouldn’t understand them anyway.

No. This hatred fueled thread must go.

or you can leave, go harass other forum threads, and write novels that nobody gives a sht about :slight_smile:

I have received DF free today and came back to try it after two years and am disappointed. I can barely take the story serious. They keep telling you that dragons love fighting and that they are fierce but you do not get any quests that give that impression.


Who the hell are you to know everyone’s wishes on it? And who the hell do you think you are to try and somehow shame people for playing the game as it was presented to us?

I don’t know what your deal is, but this crap needs to end. You are not some kind of racist, or whatever kind of crap you people have running around in your heads just because he wants to kill gnomes in a game.

So lemme turn the table. You people are the problem. You who not only somehow have deluded yourselves into thinking that if you VIRTUE SIGNAL in a game you are somehow a good person or something. Nah, far from it. In fact seeing the crap you write on these forums, I’m getting the impression you are quite the opposite. Or maybe you are just trolling.

Anyway, you don’t get to tell anyone to eff off from the game. They pay the same amount, their opinion is as valid. Get over yourself and grow the hell up.


I’m not claiming anything of the sort. :dracthyr_shrug:

Not doing that either.

I’m shaming him for being a horrible human being who hates on other humans for dumb, biggoted reasons.

Of course not. He’s a horrible person because he hates other real life people for arbritary reasons. I couldn’t care less what he does ingame.

I do, actually. They just don’t have to listen. :dracthyr_shrug:

No. The opinion of human garbage definitely isn’t worth as much.

No you. :smiling_face:

Omg what a highly amazing thread we havent seen 1000+ over the last 18months /s oh look at me trying to be edgy and funny on the forums /s

WoW has always had fun and light hearted elements in the game deal with it.

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no it wasnt, and your profile is hidden says alot with your achievment points you didnt even play in vanilla nor tbc so take your bs somewhere else.

oh tough guy huh the masked swearing in your posts will only lead to you being banned and attacking achivement points when they can be hidden sigh. Dont post on forums if you can not take people having different views from you.

You didnt even start playing to mid way wotlk unless new account cause you got hacked? :slight_smile:

lol i can see them clearly, i dont care if im getting blizzard jail for few days its totally worth it. people are tired of of ------- like you and im not afraid to speak up and get censored thats the only thing you can hide behind but that will change.

so if your a vanilla player and tbc player were is your tabard of argent dawn and protector achives? oh booom you dont have them…

You got nothing useful or truthful to say , just moot.

what are you about? i hit 2.3k in 3vs3 and 5s with wotlk with this char only. yes i do have 2 wow accounts but i was active raiding icecrown aswell on my shaman.

ofc you do … thats why all your achives start mid to end of wotlk none of the classic or tbc ones that you claim.
you cant even tell the truth and expect others to post in a good way to you, you act like a teen full of rage and angst.
if you are truely a vanilla/tbc player you would late 20s early 30s and act a lot more grown up.

i used to have them, removed them because of bag storage a thing i regret to this day, explain my high warlord tmog then ? i got it because i got pvp rank in vanilla, so im allowed to buy high warlord replicas to Tmog.

Neh. Humanity is tired of people like you.

you would have still got the achive’s which you havent :slight_smile:

everyone can from cata onwards with rank in pvp rated bg’s.

Keep the swearing up just adds to a longer ban and that link could be anyone.

hah no numbers dont lie… and you can clearly see that on the forum threads you post comments on and people who dont agree and what topics streamers and youtube videos are about with the state of wow and people like you :slight_smile:

You’re still confused about who or what I am.
You still have not the slightest idea.