Have you bought a cheap version of Shadowlands but still want the transmog?
Look no further!
I will mount up to let you get your quests and then do it again for your turn in.
Due to me being lazy and not wanting to relog I’m only doing this on horde side.
UPDATE: I’ve started a bnet group that will let you join in and ask for people to mount up and get/turn in your quest. Still looking for people with mounts to join in so we can start helping more people get their mounts!
Feel free to add me on Dhoobs#21387 and we’ll get it sorted 
Monetize your service and purchase your longboii mount. Think big.
Why? I got plenty of gold
Does it still work that way though?
Blue post said it did earlier this evening and that it was intended, so figured I’d help some people out
Aah, good to hear.
This certainly is quite a generous thing you’re doing. Forgive my suspicious nature, but is there a fine-print angle to it, or is it just general well-meaning generosity?
Edit: And do you need the expansion bought or can you share it even without?
I love to farm transmogs so if I can help others get theirs with no effort at all from my side except for mounting up I don’t see any downside
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Well, you certainly are a rare kind of player. I salute you for that!
I don’t have Shadowlands yet, but mind if I keep in touch for when I do decide if to pre-purchase or not?
Of course! Just hit me up ingame
Surely the trick is to let everybody pick up the quest for free then charge them to hand it in!?
/cue evil laugh
I’m all for spreading a bit of chaos but I don’t mess with peoples transmog
This is kind initiative. \o/
I can get the set but never did…
Just thought I’d let everyone know I’m active for the day now if people want to start collecting their transmog
You will need to own a version of Shadowlands in order to use the NPC according to the blue post 
You stole my idea from other thread
but well done on what you are doing 
The more who do it the better proud of you hun