From best PVP expansion ever to unplayabe in one night

Current ret situation is “pre-patch crazy” material in the middle of the season.

This is the first week in DF that I have not enjoyed the game and almost not played.

AWC is in 2 weeks? Or is it 1? Better start hotfixing the game, devs… a lot of work ahead of you


Awc is this weekend and i gope whaazz gets eliminated cause i rather face ret/warr than rmp


Really? Thought it would be 2 weeks but that’s gonna be interesting to see.

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I don’t think what we’re about to see in AWC would be considered WoW’s most compelling gameplay, unless you like watching immortal rets killing the whole enemy team while dispelling everybody at the same time


True but if it’s gonna be absolutely insane Blizzard will nerf

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We will see 2 rog lock combs 1 jungle and maybe ret/warr from blizo and swapxy that will be it its finals and before its gauntlet

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How can u honestly mean this? At least you could punish the bad rmps. I can’t even tell the different from a good ret/warr to a bad one when ret is broken


Awc is 7 of April

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1 april my man

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Not rly many high streamers say ther eis no diff in a 2k rmp and in a 3k rmp

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Yup same. Wont touch solo before ret see some nerfs for that dmg…


AWC Dragonflight Cup 4


11 feb 2023

AWC Dragonflight Cup 4


12 feb 2023

AWC Dragonflight Season 1 Gauntlet

ven 7 apr 2023 09:00 CEST

AWC Dragonflight Season 1 Grand Finals

sab 8 apr 2023 09:00 CEST
Where did you read 1 of April?

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wait i link says 1-2 april for me?

They pushed it back due to 10.0.7 dropping and players would only have 1 week to prepare, now they had 2 weeks.

aw christ a hunter crying


i mean thats just talk they play all day so they are always rdy

jesus and i cant even imagine spending longer than hour per day put my time on this shaite of a game nor the 40min ques to play their new stupid lovechild of mode turn into huge fiesta :smiley:

the game is a bonanza

Best PvP expansion :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the best expansion. In terms of equipment, without a doubt, it is the best expansion in history. But pvp is worse than SL

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  • Gear acquisition + world PVP gear + bloody tokens & sparks
  • World PVP every day
  • Solo queue added
  • New talent trees - more abilities, builds and variety for PVP than ever before

Overall, DF is big in all aspects I care about.

Or rather, was, until last reset… stupid PVE rework killed it

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