From Dreadmist to "Deadmist" or what happens when a PvP-server becomes "Horde-only"?

Hi! I was asked to re-post something I put over in the “WoW-Classic”-section yesterday. So, here goes again, but maybe this time in a more appropriate forum. Pardon the spammage. The problem is as real today as it was yesterday. And it seems to only worsen.

" My name is Tremor and I am an officer of the guild, Iddqd , which has been part of the Dreadmist horde community since day one of WoW Classic.

Today marks a new era on our realm. The final Alliance guild, Infinity Loop, is no longer with us. Apart from the unaffiliated scraggly individuals that may still roam the streets of what must be eerie-AF Stormwind and Ironforge, this now makes Dreadmist, EU as close to a 100% horde-side only realm. The irony is that we are listed as a PvP Server. The only people we fight now are ourselves when debating whether or not to follow suit in what has virtually been an exodus of guilds leaving the server during the last 4-6 weeks. Initially, it was drip drip drip, but now we are bleeding guilds and cherished community people en masse, and we have no way of stopping it. The absurdity of being a pvp server while having noone to fight hits the head on the nail:

Something needs to be done about this situation. Or is this working as intended?

The daily life on a low-population server is quite frankly not the optimal way to play the game. We are struggling to fill pugs for even normal dungeons, the server economy is starting to get skewed, recruiting new people for raid rosters is getting increasingly difficult, and all in all, there is just no life left. The chats are dead. The zones are empty. World bosses are left alive to mock the random passers-by. Is this working as intended?

We hear and read about Blizzard employees and higher-ups alike claiming that they wake up in the morning to provide one of the best gaming experiences to a loyal community of gamers and fans of the franchise. But I am not seeing it now. I am seeing neglect. I am seeing a game in free fall. On my server.

I do see full servers on the server list, and I am certain that there is room for me and my guildmembers too, if we were only to pay up for paid server transfers. But we are probably not going to. We are, so to speak, aggressively staying. Even when slowly dying to asphyxiation. You are choking us out, Blizzard.

But I like my community. I like the ones who remain behind. I like a lot of the people who left. But with the continous neglect and unwillingness to act to preserve vulnerable communities like ours, we are disintegrating completely, and the sense of community that we came back to the OG to partake in once again and bring to life once again is withering away. One would say that we already have. As I am writing this post, this call for help, yet another four top-guilds are in the process of moving or are considering it seriously. They probably will move soon, and the community is even worse for wear.

Blizzard, I am calling you out (But do you care?)! Help us by offering free character transfers or by merging server communities to give oxygene to what will surely be ghost-servers. Stay true to your vision and revitalize what is about to whither away in the face of your absent community-shepherding.

My own history on your website has me knowing and proving that I was once part of free character transfers in the OG. If you were providing this service then, why are you not doing it now? How are you failing to realise the goodwill you gain from saving the communities instead of bleeding us out?

And let me reiterate: As a horde shaman, not even casting farsight will allow me to see any alliance anymore…they have ceased to exist. My reason for being has been removed.

A gravely concerned fan of the franchise for more than 15 years. Help us.


Thanks for reading


This part alone is why Blizzard won’t do anything.
Thousands of $$ per guild?
Why bother doing anything.

But obviously there’s some Blizzard fanboys that don’t see anything wrong with this.

Like this person.
“Just pay for it lol”
“If you enjoy the game that much just transfer”


Well, the problem is that server merges to create balance servers cant work, there is just way too many horde for that.

And i really doubt that blizz would give free transfers to whereever to thousands of people, either out of their greed or the fact that it would most likeky make even the mega servers mono servers. There is just no easy solution to this

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This is why they needed to act sooner.
My server keeps getting more and more horde players whilst bleeding alliance players.
Do I have hope in Blizzard fixing this?
Not at all.


How would you want to fix it tho?

But there is something to be done about this. Blizzard obviously has the technology to do something about it. They could, and here comes a crazy solution, first do a merging of servers to allow for at least a reasonable amount of people to play on the same realm. Following that, they could offer - freely - a service to faction change. Yes, I said it.

They could add faction change from horde to alliance but they are not going to do that, they want money without work.

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Cmon man, there was way too much war agaibst the faction change from horde, wont be coming now.
And how would you merge servers? Would you make just a giga 100% horde server? Or 75% horde 25% ally? How would you do it

They could’ve fixed it ages ago, but as per usual… they’re super late.
One option would’ve been to stop the transfers.

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I am not surehow that would work tbh, alot of people would probably straight up quit instead of staying on unbalanced server

Because these servers weren’t that unbalanced until the mass transfer off.(Flamelash for example)
My realm was 40-45/55-60ish
Now it’s 28-30-70ish

We had a lot of horde transfer into our realm, whilst a lot of alliance guilds transferred to another realm.

Well, the first part of it were tbc rerollers, the 61:39 just cant really keep up the balance, just imagine if everyone would be perfectly spread every server would have 61:39 balamce, that just wouldnt be healthy even without tramsfers

It’s perfectly possible to keep a semi decent faction balance, just it requires a lot of requirement from Blizzard in order to do so.
Bonuses for being the underdog faction, restrictions on transfers to realms with higher faction ratios(So 70% horde on one realm? = Only alliance can transfer to it)

Blizz wont give any bonus to ally, horde wouldnt allow that
And every 70% server is already dead, no sensible ally would go there

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And thus is the issue.
People just transfer to alliance dominated realms.
Thus promoting even further horde dominated realms and horde transferring to other horde dominating realms from the alliance dominated realms.

Blizzard waited too late to interfere.

Well, if there would be no transfer we would get the “blizz give transfer or i quit, yoz want my money right?” Its all the same and with hvh and no boosts to ally it would be lost either way

I did pay and transferred, happy player now. Why would you get around and go for free? Would that be fair to others?

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Just because you paid, doesn’t mean others should have to.
People have multiple alts.

Where is the logic and fairness? How to decide who pays and who dont?
Either everyone pay or noone.

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What exactly isn’t fair?
The server died by Blizzard’s fault.
Why should the customer pay for that exactly?
It’s like going to a restaurant and the manager making you pay for a dish that has been burnt.
Whilst in reality, you should not be paying for that burnt dish and instead get a new dish / refund.

Is this the same logic in regards to free games?
Guild wars 2 was originally B2P, I had to purchase that.
Now the base game is F2P… was that fair?
^ Your logic.

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