From Dreadmist to "Deadmist" or what happens when a PvP-server becomes "Horde-only"?

No slave should be freed, that would be unfair to all other slaves that never got to be free…

Also, direct your anger at Blizzard for a refund instead of other players that also just want to have a good time!


What? I’ve been on two different servers that have both collapsed through no fault of my own. One had 7 characters and the other server had my TBC main. Am I expected to pay EXTRA (key word) to continue playing the game at the same quality because everyone else left the server? What’s to say the server I transfer to doesn’t collapse the week after?

Blizzard should have suspended transfers a long time ago, but money and all that.

Where is the logic and fairness?

As far as I am concerned, my TBC experience has been ruined by greed.


Fear not blizzard will offer free transfers at some point, maybe with some restrictions, or server mergers but only after they bleed out every single penny they can from the people that are willing to pay for these services.

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just connect different servers, it doesn’t matter if it’s 40/60, when the population of servers is 10,000 … as with 1,000. I’m waiting for the dungeon for 2 hours. And I’m playing for the Holy Priest

Quite funny this thread, you’re speaking of one SERVER on HORDE. Try applying everything you wrote for the entire ALLIANCE FACTION

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I am one of the remaining horde players on “deadmist” and yeah alliance is gone…but I won’t transfer.
I will stay to the bitter end with my 6x70 soon to be 7x70 and unsub if it becomes unbearable.
It is indeed what shortsighted greed from Blizzard has done to the game but let’s be real it never was nothing more than a niche pet project for them to begin with.
It’s Activision that rules in the house and for them the whole Classic project is just a tiny blip on the radar.

Yo, it sucks such a nice game is held hostage in the hands of this company. The best way to be heard seems to be unsubing, unfortunately. They only listen to and act according to ‘numbers’. I would feel sorry for the employee in charge of the forums, if there would be one.

Horde dominated PvP servers are losing Alliance players? Oh dear, oh my.
Perhaps if horde got a 10% dmg boost in open world PvP, more alliance would join.
I mean it couldn’t be that there is no actual point to playing alliance on PvP realms anymore. So buffing horde in PvP only makes sense, since they’re the major faction.

Enjoy your dead realm, its your fault for being such a whiny bunch all the time.

They literally followed players wishes, you call it greed


Open ironforge pro and check the EU pvp demographics.
Heartstriker Bloodfang
Gandling Dreadmist
Stonespine Skullflame
and the last 4 that are literally with less than 100 people on them.
All these can be one realm and the population would be 50/50ish. ~3700a/3500h
Where is the inbalance here ?

But what about Shazzrah and Noggenfogger?

Why those servers? Why not noggen, lucifron, shazzrah? Why do you want to ignore those?

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I just glanced at the pvp ones only. Same can be done for the rest. It clearly can be done, but its not profitable.

Shazzrah, Noggenfogger and Lucifron are all PvP servers (although Lucifron is a German server). It’s not possible to merge all the monofaction servers into a balanced server. You have to ignore at least one of them.

How? You cant combine pvp and pve servers, how do you want to easily merge servers when you have 10k more horde than ally?

For starters, you dont have to do it for ALL servers.
As far as the 100% horde goes, how about opening free server transfers for alliance ? Or opening horde free transfers to alliance heavy servers. There are solutions, it may not be what I’m thinking but I was hoping blizzard would atleast take not and/or work on the problem. They dont. They just offer paid transfers… what about the people with 2-3-4-5 characters ? Its not ‘just 20 euros’ in most cases.

Yeah sure, why do it for all, lets do it for noggen then, and let dreadmist as it is i am sure you like that idea.

And cmon now, so many people are complaining that the few survivors are running away i want to keep them there, but yeah that would save few people, for huge majority it woupd do nothing

Dude, the whole player base shows 46% ally 54% horde… you’re telling me they cant balance it out ? Ofcourse they can! The least they can do is try… or show us its been worked on. So you have no argument here. It can be fixed. It can be made better. You dont see the problem because you’re so brainwashed and used to paying for things that are not supposed to exist in the first place. I feel sorry about you. Blizzard offers no solution, meaning lower pop realms will keep dying. Its all about the damn money. I’m sorry you’re too brainwashed to understand that.

On PvP servers it’s 40% Ally, 60% Horde. There is no way of merging PvP servers that would result in balanced servers. You are going to end up with 40/60 servers or you’ll have to leave some 100% Horde servers.

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First of all, except sub and buying legion i never ever spend any real money in wow.

Second of all, do you think that dreadmist is willing to switch to pve server?
Yes? Then its fixable
No? Unlucky, balance is 61:39 you wont fix that, or tell me how mr genius.