From Dreadmist to "Deadmist" or what happens when a PvP-server becomes "Horde-only"?

Workshop Herectics is leaving too. Shame because Dreadmist was a realy nice server. We are keeping some characters there we log in from time to time to say hi.

Iirc they did come up with an idea, it’s called warmode.

The problem is the myriad players who can’t accept that the whole idea of PvP servers and two factions as we have them in WoW is a flawed concept to begin with. It worked early on in WoW’s history, somewhat, 'cause of a multitude of reasons, but eventually the whole system showed its limits and, after decades of attempting to push faction balance in one way or another, the devs basically realized there was no longterm solution and gave up, giving us what basically amounts to consensual PvP (warmode).

what about hydraxian waterlord to “Hydraxian Deadlords”?

Yeah, that’s kinda the issue.
We are likely going to eventually either just have warmode again or entirely one faction realms.
With maybe just Firemaw/Ashbringer being the two actual PvP realms.

This thread is funny. It shows exactly why people were demnading NoChanges.

Without mega servers, the populations wouldn’t have gotten so out of control. It’s just a very big difference if the opposite Faction has 11 players to your ten in comparison to 110 to your 100. Because those 10 players more can form a ganking squad to keep others from playing, while one player hardly makes a significant ganking squad.

Without the overabundance of ganking squads, phase 2 would’ve been different and less people would’ve rerolled horde or stopped playing. But they were there and the balance tipped more in favor of horde.

Without horde becoming the majority in almost all PvP-Realms, aka the realms where PvPers are playing, the need for HvH wouldn’t have been there.

Without HvH we wouldn’t have another good reasons for PvPers to choose horde over alliance.

And voila… here we are. PvP-Servers are defacto PvE, because there just is no enemy to fight anymore. Great Job, Blizzard. It could’ve been avoided from the start. But you don’t understand your own game. Probably because all the people who made that great game have left the company years ago.

People must demand free transfers from Horde to alliance right now at that point. But blizzard is going to give us amazing player experience (from their point of view) only (and “finally”) in 9.1.5.
Horde pve queues are so short I can’t even go out of room and make tea sometimes. Alliance queues makes you wait for eternity. Does blizz hear players on that issue? Ofc., they dont give a heck

The way things are going now we are going to end up with a few 100% horde and a few 100% alliance servers. HvH bg is not a good solution but there is no better solution, else horde couldn’t buy the gear from hp even if they played 24/7.

It’s a player made problem, so I don’t really see how Blizzard has to do anything, especially when the problem would solve itself. If Horde players stop playing instead of switching to alliance, horde numbers decrease. If their numbers decrease, balance gets better. If balance gets better, queue times get better.

It just takes ONE thing… less brainpower opponents that underestimated how long queues would impact their enjoyment of the game.
Everyone knew that PvPers will be mostly picking horde. But instead of using that knowledge people still picked horde for whatever reason.

You made your bed, now lie in it. I have no sympathy for horde players that can’t play BGs. I don’t want them to have those long queues. I’d rather they would not have them. But not at all cost. And HvH had a cost, as this thread once again proves.

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Well during vanilla classic pvpers mostly chose horde too, at least there were a few percent of more pvpers playing horde, while more pve’ers chose alliance. That kind of balanced the population a bit.

Now horde is extremely superior in both pvp and pve. This is why a 25% of alliance players switched factions, losing all their current progress in TBC: racial advantages.

So, I agree that you CAN’T coerce anyone to play a faction. So no server or faction limits will solve the problem, the damage is done and people will find a way through it. You can’t force people to merge their servers either because maybe they don’t want to be in a large server? Maybe they wasted hundreds of their real life times to play in that server for a specific reason?

These are not solutions. You can’t force anyone on the internet to do anything in 2021, people are way too smart and knowledgeable for this. And you can’t break meta-gaming or metaslaving in 2021 either, everyone plays every video game with a minmax mentality.
So what is the solution?

Simple. Give alliance better racials. I mean, really, obviously, stupidly better racials. Like give them a 10% damage increase and 10% max stats or whatever. You will see that at least a quarter of current horde population will be in Elywnn forest or kharanos after 3 days levelling their new characters. Or boost using their mother’s credit cards… Whatever… F…
So, You give alliance busted racials, just like how horde got so many players after TBC launched, at least a 30% of horde playerbase will change. As I said, I’m a certified expert and mrknowitall on these issues, it will work. Then, you wait a few weeks until it is somewhat balanced. (ofc don’t mention this to the playerbase) THEN, you remove ALL RACIALS from the game. All of them. Remove, completely, get rid of them and send em to the trash bin.

Some servers will still be imbalanced but you can fix that later on by giving people on those servers transfer options etc. But the overall balance issue in every region can, and will only be fixed as such.

Will Blizzard ever do this? Haha no ofc, Bobby only cares about his next limousine and not a measly video game.

Merging X:Y servers to z~-z~ servers.
Blizzard have the data and the tools, the question is how they will(want to) use it.
You(Players) have the brains and motivation to reroll/coordinate movements.
It’s all there for you and them, it’s all about the money in the end.

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