Frost DK are possible the worst spec in the history of wow

Frost DK is the worst spec in maybe the history of wow as a dps spec. Like it’s the most dull, low tuned spec ever.


Try it in pvp. It’s fun and underrated imo

Not maybe but 100% the worst spec ever.

I played a lot of solo shuffle games this season and from 0 to 2100 I met exactly 0 fdks.


Can’t say it’s a particularly exciting spec to play…

With every patch, some class gets major attention. I doubt they’ll do anything big frost on 10.2, but hopefully things will come. I mean they’ve done some reasonable changes for UH and people reporting positively from the PTR, so who knows, maybe a dev rerolled dk.

Just change how impactful DnD is for your AoE dmg or remove its CD for frost and you’ll have way better time in M+.

In PvP though… needs a whole lot more survivability cause as frost you’re literally paper.


Death strike nerf of later Legion/entire BFA is still there, and it’s there for a good reason :slight_smile:
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

so glad they kept it nerfed after the versa corruption OP build was made useless in next expac too. blizz are such smarts

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Frost is maybe bad for dueling but in arena it’s in decent spot not bad avarage good.
Unholy is perfect in every way.

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I hate DnD on Frost, 1 Rune AND 30 Sec CD, just so i can hit 2 more targets for 10 seconds? Such a joke.

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I mean, its really strong, it just doesn’t fit frost well, or the rotation.

Remorseless winter should do the oblit cleaving.

Make frost tank again and blood dps again. Or not?

True! for pvp need some deff fixing. And I hope tier set from Season 2 will be permanent with chill streak the tier effects after the season ends

facts … i never touch Frost its terrible

As someone who just started my first DK ever, what’s so bad about Frost? Everyone was telling me to roll Frost over Unholy (no interest in tanking).

It isn’t.

Frost is fine, it’s not great, but it’s certainly not “the worst spec in the history of wow”. Like please, not even close. Frost at the moment is already better than any of the warlock specs in terms of gameplay after 10.2.

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Agreed. It’s middle of the table and can be fun to play.
I don’t like the 10.2 teir set as the whole point of dragon flight talents were to play your way but now being forced to take a talent that no one was using


Frost’s issue are the cooldowns and the survivability, or lack there of.


I agree. They killed the spec years and exps ago. It’s a complete disgrace of a spec. ( I main FDK btw)

So I tried frost in a +8 with my guildy mate tanking as blood. He out dps me with lesser gear… Frost is in a horrid place. PvP is the only viable area for frost currently.

In pvp it is the mele with the least representation too

frost DK is stuck with a very old design, needs a rework tbh with DND