Frost is the real op Mage spec (and better than fire!)

ilvl 440:

60 seconds on dummy.

3 essences. All rank 1. Rank 1 cloak. No corruptions. I haven’t played a frost mage for ages.

I also have not touched my Mage at all this expansion.
You’re higher ilvl than me, equally bad essences corruptions, and did less DPS than me.

Fire is also supposed to be a burst spec, so the fact that I did almost 2mil more DPS than you in a 1m+ fight is telling.

Was this supposed to say Fire is not over tuned?
We all know Fire is a OP spec, I don’t really understand why you’re trying to claim otherwise all of a sudden at the end of a very long patch.

Dps on bosses isn’t the only thing that matters for classes though. If a fire mage is playing badly, I’d rather have a frost mage in the party.

Right, but DPS is entirely what this conversation has been about.

It’s easier to do damage as a frost mage in m+ if you’re playing badly than on a fire mage. If you’re playing badly as a fire mage, you’ll do like no damage. On frost you can barely fail to do any damage. You also have to pull around the fire mages CDs in m+ for them to be more useful than a frost mage, if you just pull small packs constantly like happens in pugs, fire mage sucks on dps. The reason you see insane dps in premades is because groups pander to the fire mage to enable him. A lot of dps classes don’t have this caveat to pull ok numbers and are a safer option than a fire mage if you’re just not going to play around having a fire mage in the party. I much prefer a frost mage over a fire mage, there’s pretty much never any pulling around the mages’ CDs in pugs. Then again, I’ve seen some insane dps from frost mages in tol dagor in the outside area when you pull a lot of mobs and they can get several orbs out.

Said the guy with no rating, and no rated pvp achievments.

Fortunately that is getting a 15 sec cd in SL. Frost Mage will always ruin my day though with all their snares, freezes and health depleting shatters. Ughhhh

Inherently, if you look at the spellbook of every spec, you would have to say that while all the specs do damage, Frost has extra tools in slows and roots.

But then you have to factor in the specific spells and talents and passives - for example, the Critical Mass passive that Fire gets increasing their Crit - and the actual damage values of the spells for each spec: or, as we usually summarise it, the Tuning.

And then, when it comes to individual performance, you also have to consider the amount of effort and the skill of individuals.

All of which makes the original statement look very low-resolution.

Memes aside, I agree that Frost is a great all-rounder (just not the specialization for me). I feel when it comes down to basics, it’s only the spells needing cast times that could be a “flaw”. It is not reliant on 1-2 stats as heavily as Fire is, and its AoE is so much more superior than Arcane (the day Arcane Explosion becomes ranged is the day I feel it will become so much more of a good choice).

I just found it a little clunky.

Fire mage with full haste amps for epic bgs.
Sit back 55 yards with flamecannon and I see mages can squeeze out gpyros in 1-2 seconds… crazy :grin:

Frost mage very good but I love the long range casting from fire mage and marksman hunter specs for epic bg in specific.

Do affliction got new AoE spell in SL?
I played affliction in BFA was bad. I use destro

No idea, my post was supposed to be sarcastic.

Don’t get me wrong. Frost isn’t bad. But fire is much better.

At least for the moment.

For frost to deal significant damage, you’re mostly reliant on icicles and each of them needs a frostbolt cast. Without it, you just don’t do much apart from a perfectly thrown full damage frozen orb perhaps and slows. There’s no damage.

Fire on the other hand has better mobility, you have a disorient, you can cast and run. You have a massive burst called combust. And to top it all off, you don’t rely on a thing like icicle to deal damage.

And besides. A good mage can easily evade any melee class as fire. You don’t need frostbolt slow for that to happen.

Unfortunately, your case is just the case of someone with less experience than most, facing others of the same skill level and coming up with wrong conclusions.

Right now, bleed effects and debuffs and such, just aren’t as important as burst damage. They’re good. Not good enough. So no. Affliction isn’t as good as destruction.

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