How is this possible?
I always thought that this indicator was about characters created in the realm -alts excluded- and not players that are logged in at a certain time
Its players and not the characters. Always been that way.
It have always been about players logged in at the same time. Else dead servers would appear as high as they once were, or no?
Indicator shows logged players on server.
I thought the reduction of the population was based on transfers to other servers, and since there are no transfers now, it made me wonder.
OK then.
keep in mind that medium right now is more than high before they increased the realm cap 2 days ago, and then that medium now probably more than 3 times the full of 2004.
They made a post a couple of days ago saying they changed it. I cant find it at the moment, but now it refers to the amount of players logged in at the time that you are viewing the realm-list. Thats why alot of servers are stated as being lowpop in the morning and High in the evening.
Full means it currently is a que to log in.
They changed the labeling 2 days ago.
Right now, if it’s FULL, there’s a queue.
In the past it representend population compared to other realms.
It directly reflects capacity now.
Here is the post players above mention.
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