Fun Fact about Daelin Proudmoore

Then I suppose we should stop blaming Greymane for “breaking the truce” in Stormheim.

Why? How is that the same?
How was Greymane not part of that joint venture against the Legion?

I didn’t see him at SoO where the truce was estabilished and I didn’t see him ever agreeing with that truce. Yet he gets blamed for breaking that truce.

But you did see him on Brokenshore and the Airship next to his “High King” Varian Wrynn…I’m inclined to think he would be up to date on current affairs, and if he disagreed, he was still present to that end.

In War Crimes he too acknowledges the truce, so this all is but grasping.
Of course he knew.

He wouldn’t have had the cheeky and intentional sidestepping regarding Anduins orders if he hadn’t.

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I also saw him repeatedly moaning about how the Horde couldn’t be trusted. I’m sorry buddy, you’re not whitewashing Thrall this way. Either everyone is innocent, or everyone is to blame for their actions.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes!


This statement itself is an absolute :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s because the Jedi have always been hypocritical fools.

I don’t consider myself white washing anything. You noted a list of his transgressions against the people of Lordaeron / The Alliance.
I specificly commented on you mentioning he broke the Internment act, wich is a pact made by the Alliance nations afaik…the Orcs didn’t get to agree or disagree(-obvious as to why), Thrall and others his age were born in captivity, not so strange they sought to escape for a better life.


That pact also kept the peace, which is why I am making a big deal out of this. The act being broken was a huge deal that is even mentioned by the Alliance commander who stops Thrall. Thrall might have had his reasons but what he did indirectly hurt Lordaeron regardless of his good intentions. We are arguing over technicalities really.

Lol nobody cares about that old luggage but yourself. Your attempts to villainze Thrall won’t work. :wink:

Well at least you didn’t reply with “ok boomer”. Seriously, I can’t wait for that meme to die. Unfortunately your attempts to silence me failed miserably.

Daelin indirectly caused Garrosh/Garrosh’ war by destroying the woodland in Durotar. Now that I think about it.

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Amazing conclusion! We should have noticed this much sooner.

Pretty sure it was always a garbage wasteland, that’s why Thrall chose to settle in that place to atone for the sins of his people.

Yeah, it was/is a harsh land. But it also had some woodland, which Daelin slashed and burnt as a “HAH, GOTCHA!” moment.

I mean, really, if you look at Garrosh, what he did, what he thought, how he behaved, does he look like someone who wouldn’t turn into Orc Hitler if he had a nice woodland nearby? Nah.

But hey, looks like that move worked. Even in death Daelin is victorious :sunglasses:

His OG reasoning and line of thought came from observation of Horde poverty, this is what started the war after Varian’s declaration was retconned.