Fundamental flaws in blizzard mindset

There is so much things that blizzard did wrong with warlocks from overall class design to technical implementation of spells.
And if in legion we might kinda thought something like «Hmmm, they are trying new things and it just an experiment». But when crap like this happens in second xpac in the row it is not a “mistakes of dev team” - it is a negligence and lack of care about class an it’s community.

From overal point of view it is hard for me to immagine that blizzard just designed warlocks to be immobile, untanky, unsafe class in the game, where mobility and burst damage is the essence of the gameflow.

It is 2019 year, and warlocks only have a demonic gateways as sort of mobility spell right now, it is 1 spell more then we had in vanilla.
On top of that many of our core spells and mechanics was strip away from us, or redone in some bizarre way… well one good thing that was changed it is revamping old soulshard system - i sould give a credit where it’s due.

Let’s start with one simple spell that was one of the our core abilities for ages, and was fit the core gameplay design, lore and class ideology - a Life tap.
Yes spell that restored our mana at the cost of our HP. Is that was really necessary to remove it? Yes some warlocks thought that it is bizarre thing to eat your health in order to restore mana…but those warlocks never understood what was warlocks are about.
Life tap was an essential tool for warlock for many reasons, and had it ussage in PvP and PvE content.

  • In PVE eating your HP in raids and dungeons created artificial pressure for healers, but warlocks always had tools to restore your health by yourself.

  • In PvP it was a bit more triky, because eating your health in PvP always was a high risk ability, that awarded skilled players.

  • From lore standpoint it was one of the iconic abilities for warlocks that defined their identity in class history, and elegantly implemented it’s role from lore in gameplay.

Blizzard you destroys warlock identity by such decisions of removing core spells.

Another problem is that from legion devs tries to shift us into something new, without revamping whole spell ecosystem that existed long before legion
As a simple example - our prime tankyness tool is sould leech right now, while it strongly goes against warlock lore and warlock gameplay designt pillars.

Another thing is that blizz forgot or just lies about warlock returning to old roots ideology…Demo for example
Right now they are force us to believe that warlock is always meant to be a puppeteer class. While in vanila and beyond this was not the case for many reasons.

Now i will touch most painful topic for me - demonology…yet again.
Let’s just start from one simple statement - puppeteer will never be a viable spek in the game, not on this game engine and not with current design team and current programmers.

What makes demonology diffirent from rest of the specs right now - amount of demons that we summon on the battle, and the fact that our main damage is our demons.
But Blizzard seems doesn’t understand one little thing - if demonology main source of damage is demons, then they should be designed and programmed way better than we have now on live servers.

Any puppeteer class desing requires a lot more attention then any other class for many reasons.
Demons are not simple firebolt where gamedesigner juts inserts:

  • Cast time
  • Spell type
  • Spell Damage (formula)
  • Animation for caster
  • Visual animation for spell
  • Projectile travel speed

While Call dreadstalkers is more complicated then firebolt:

  • Cast time

  • Spell type

  • Dreadstalker damage

    • Formula of calculating damage from warlock item stats
    • Speed of attack
  • movement speed of the demon - actually blizzard just caped all demons at normal movement speed, they even don’t benefit from your passive movement speed bonus

  • Create model for demon

  • Set up a proper animation

  • Set up a proper sound

  • Set up a demon AI

    • AI behavior pattern
    • Tool to control AI - we can’t control directly control all additional demons
    • Scripts

And for now we can say that devs who programmed our demons and design team did a terrigle job with demonology right now.
We can’t control wild imps or dreadstalkers, they just attack one target and switching them to other target sometimes is just impossible. During beta there was a tons of sujestions of how to solve this game design problem.
For example i had my own idea about that that i posted here on the forum and in the game sujestions.

At this point it is should be clear that current design of demonology demands a lot more attention from developers than they want to gave it and willing to spare.
I have created several topics about demonology specifically Why Demonology doesn't work properly now

Another big problem that we - warlocks have with blizzard is that they are not willing to fix us or revamp us in the middle of the Xpac.

Some might say that it is not right to change drasticly class in the middle of the Xpac and some stupid M+ race, but from my standpoint it is not right to leave class broken for years to come, because it is an old habbit to fix classes only with releases of new Xpacs.

Healty thing is to fix your game right now, don’t put it off until later.

For some people it may look like i’m one of those people who constantly whine on forums because of things…maybe now i whine about warlocks, but is my reason to wrong to be upset about things here?
I’m care about warlocks, maybe i don’t understand all things right, but i want to see warlocks in good shape again, and see that great ingame damage numbers are equal to great, fun and compedetive gameplay that this class provides.

Have a nice day!


I agree with this and hope that blizzard changes our mobility by looking at in-game and player content rather than new changes they get out of a hat.

Im a new player and i really like the PVP aspect of the game. But its really frustrating as a lock especially early on in leveling when you want to learn and explore the class to get demolished by melee in almost all duels due to lack of mobility.

If we take rogues as am example they have a huge and viable toolkit early on in the game that gives them a huge edge in PVP, all specs should have that edge to make things fair. I suppose each class should have its own uniqueness which i get, but surely the devs want a game where all classes have a fighting chance??? there are too many classes that just have a better toolkit for PVP for most people to even consider using warlocks.


Then what? We will complain that every class is the same?

I dont think that its about all the classes being exactly carbon copies of each other, the point that im making is that warlocks need an updated play style to suit the fast pace nature of the game, again most importantly thats up to blizzard to decide based on the player feed back they receive.

During MoP/WoD most of classes had access to most of utilities such as self heals, mobility, stuns, slows ETC. And in most cases talent trees was identical for each of class specialisation. And during that time, classes was more diverse in gameplay, then now with forced “Diverse design”, now every melee is just a copy of another melee with visual diffirences, and minor gameplay diffirences.

life tap has probably been removed because it doesnt make sense anymore. Mana is not an issue in this game anymore, you do not run oom. So why have a spell that converts health into mana? Im only waiting for them to finally remove the mana bar.

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But destro and demo easily could run OOM in long fights, and especialy in long PvP fights.
There is a simple question, what blizzard has achieved by removing life tap? What was the purpose of this pruning. This was not a damaging ability of healing spell…

At level 60, warlocks had zero mobility in pvp, but they could fight back. Now, warlocks have almost zero mobility, but now we can’t fight back. I fail to see the purpose of the warlock class, except for it to be cannonfodder.

Around level 60, warlocks has a chance in PvP because most of the other classes doesn’t have key tools in their spellbook.

I feel like I’m reading the culmination of several of your posts that I’ve already read. You really manage to hit so many good points.

BFA has been very lacklustre in regards to class design. Some classes are better off than others (glaring at you, Demon Hunters), but overall class design has been pretty sh*t.

I’ll talk about destruction warlocks especially, since they are my area of expertise. Destruction warlocks feel very naked and stripped down. Some key issues that lead to this feeling are:

  • Too many important abilities are on the talent tree. These abilities should be baseline, with the talent tree perhaps offering the option to spec into strengths and weaknesses that amplify or empower some of these abilities. I find myself constantly retalenting in order to do different types of content, not for optimiziation purposes, but because the spec literally feels unplayable otherwise.
  • The spec has been massively dumbed down. Warlocks used to be able to play with their own health and mana as resources to spend in order to deal damage or gain other benefits. Destruction warlock has deteriorated into a boring builder/spender spec like so many others and it can get really quite jawdroppingly boring at times.
  • The loss of important class fantasy elements and spec flavour stuff. The loss of Life Tap and the playstyle that ability entailed has already been touched upon multiple times, but this is not the only thing that has been taken from us in this regard. Burning Embers are a prime example. Soulshatter. Shadowburn. Ember Tap. Old Fire and Brimstone. Dimensional Rift. Backdraft. Burning Rush. Demon Armor. Cataclysm. Demonic Circle. Old Grimoire of Sacrifice. Channel Demonfire. Dark Soul: Instability. What about glyphs? I could probably write a story about each of these.

I know that some of the abilities I mentioned are on the talent tree, but in a lot of cases this forces you into an either/or situation where you have to give up on something you don’t want to give up on or have to painstakingly keep retalenting. Weren’t talents supposed to be related to character progression, character building and turning your character into something unique? To make it feel like your warlock is different. Yours.

Burning Rush should not be on the GCD, and I would like to emphasize that Demonic Circle should not be on the Talent “tree” (though that is the case with more abilities, see my first bullet point, but I felt this one extra important)

Lastly, abilities that are on the GCD should have an active effect and/or an animation. Dark Soul: Instability feels bad to press because all my character does for 1.5sec is the ‘finish cast’ animation and that’s it. It should either get an active component or get an impressive animation so that it doesn’t feel like a wasted GCD to press.

I really hope Blizzard shapes up soon or I might have to unsub. I wouldn’t feel right about being discontent with so many things they’ve done only to quietly forget about them in the end and keep playing (and paying).


I was talking about when max level was 60.

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