Fury talent tree needs complete rework

Longer post ahead.

1. Single minded fury.


  1. Its never going to be better then Titanic Grip, no matter the buffs it gets just of reason of superior stats.

  2. Fury often get one handed weapons in their loot, fact that you need to invest 2 talent points in clearly worthless talent to make your loot viable is clearly a conflicting and nonsensical way to design a spec, this only brings frustration and very little gameplay opportunity.


  • Make single minded fury baseline passive for fury warrior.

  • Single Minded Fury talent is replaced with Focus in Chaos

  • Focus in Chaos is moved and in its place is Fresh Meat.

  • Fresh meat is getting moved and in its place is Oathblood

  • Frenzied Flurry now affects both Two hand and One Hand weapons and talent is connected with Cold Steel, Hot Blood talent.

  • Cold Steel, Hot Blood now affects Rampage instead of Bloodthirst.


This changes just make whole tree a lot more streamlined and simple with clear definition, left side is focusing on Bloodthirst and Basic Attacks improvement with Bleed Addition, Right side is Focusing on Raging Blow and Execute improvement With Cleave. And this opens a lot of doors for some hybrid specs.

2. Improved whirlwind


  • Without improved whirlwind fury warriors have 0 cleave potential
  • Historically whole point of fury warrior was that cleave potential as a base line and that design did not change, so removal of cleave just feels unnatural.


  • Improved Whirlwind comes with Raging blow talent pick and its nerfed to allow only next 3 single target abilities to cleave.
  • Improved Raging blow goes to place of improved execute
  • Cruelty goes into place of Improved Raging blow
  • Improved Execute goes in place of Sudden Death.
  • Sudden Death goes into talent slot that was previously taken by Cruelty.
  • Meat cleaver goes into place of Improved whirlwind
  • Talent slot where Meat Cleaver was is now replaced by talent that gives ability use another single target ability(going from 3 to 4)


This all looks like big change, but in general is just moving around talents so they make a lot more sense, for some reason Cruelty seems to position itself in “important” talent category, while Sudden Death clearly is more defining talent and should be unlocked at later levels.

3. Slaughtering Strikes and Hack and Slash.


  • This talents simply push, entire fury talent tree balance too much on Raging Blow build.
  • If you want to go bloodthirst build this 2 talents are almost unusable
  • Positioning of Slaughtering strikes does not make sense since its not rly improving Rampage but Raging Blow instead.


  • Slaughtering Strikes stacks now come from Rampage only and not from Raging Blow.

  • Hack and Slash is change now have a chance to Refund Rage used to cast Rampage.


This makes rampage by far most important ability to use as Fury warrior, making any potential build tier set, bonuses, legendaries etc. that may come in the future viable in that sense we already have very conflicting tier set that focuses to much on generally underpowered Execute. This simplifies Fury to its core mechanic (build up rage use Rampage kill stuff)

4. Onslaught and Odyns Fury.


  • Odyn Fury deals physical damage while animation suggests it should deal fire
  • Odyn Fury subchoices are most unoriginal part of Fury talent tree
  • Onslaught seems very undercooked and boring(animation wise too)


  • Odyns Fury and Onslaught swap places.

  • Odyn Fury deals additional fire damage(come on now)

  • Odyn Fury specializations are reworked now its Empowerment of Heyla and Empowerment of Odyn like it was in Legion only this time you have a choice Death and Glory

  • Onslaught sub talent now gives Siegebreaker for 5 sec.

  • Onslaught animation is brought from 2007 to 2023 standard.


First of all changes to Odyns Fury allow opportunity to pick that instead of Ravager ability that many people find boring, and frustrating to play with, changes to Onslaught allow much more More single target or cleave oriented build that will hugely benefit both Raging Blow and Bloodthirst build it just makes whole talent tree much more interesting for all situations. Ofc. Ravager still stays viable option for people that love that talent.

As for general Warrior Talent tree, I think they are mostly fine, but I think Thunderous Roar should knock targets in PVE since it did that in the past. This gives Fury more general utility for mythic plus, and fury clearly needs more utility to stay relevant.

For all of this changes I took inspiration from past iterations of fury warrior, while in general Fury was in good place in Legion, its fluidity and overall utilization dropped a lot in last 2 expansions culminating in one of the worst performing specs in the game today with general feeling of “clunky” being present when you pick some talents. This is not only because of clear lack of innovations(“if it works do not change it” mentality) over the past years rly, while most of other specs were worked on, but in the process of making talent system fury lost a lot of abilities that it previously had option to spec into.

Again sorry for long post but I chose to be constructive in conversation and give some ideas.

Good luck to you all.

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Love long posts.

  1. TG is stated to be, and to stay, the best option for Fury Warrior in all situations. This to stop the situation where a Fury Warrior would’ve to farm 2 sets of 2 weapons (TG and SMF) for wherever the one outshines the other. The only solution really at this point would be to just make 1handers and 2hander interchangeable as mog options. Remove 1handers from the loot table for Fury.

  2. Fury Warrior got the tiniest required investment to unlock their AoE potential. That is the one key-strength that Fury warrior have. No buffs or changes needed on that front.

  3. If you want to, you can play CB build and rampage get’s pushed way down on the prio list. RB builds is an option, but not always the best. At the moment there is also a CSHB/Onslaught build that is competative. Both builds where you do not take Hack and Slash or Slaugtherning Strikes.
    If you want the “build rage and dump into rampage” cycle, go OS/AM/Rav and that is what you do. Build and dump. As fast as you can. Ramp is your most important button there.

  4. I think everyone and their extended families want to see OF deal more damage, having it do Holy Fire damage could help fix that (Being roughly a 30% damage increase from no longer being reduced by armor). A decent fix to a weak talent.
    Sadly, as long Ravager and OF can be picked together, it will be forced to be a suboptimal version of itself.
    You know blizzard do want the Ravager playstyle, as it is affected by AM and OF is not. OF got no synergy, but the very most basic with CB cleave - by removing 2 GCD of WW every burst cycle.
    Onslaught is more or less loved at the moment as it is, so don’t think it should be changed. Other than animations for certain races of course, for Nelf as an example; it looks fine.

Most would agree that Fury felt better in Legion - but that time is gone. Execute will forever be a sloppy button of its former self and Odyn’s Fury is basically just nostalgia bait.

It is what it is.

tbh I would just remove Ravager and Thundering Roar from the game altogether.

  • Ravager is just a boring version of Bladestorm and I don’t like having two abilities (second being Spear of Bastion which is annoying to use and play around in PvE, it’s fine in PvP though) you have to use one after another that you throw on the ground. In general other than Leap I really dislike having abilities that you throw on the ground in PvE as a Warrior.
  • Thundering Roar is just boring version of Odyn’s Fury. Even though one is more bleed oriented they are pretty much the same thing. There is no reason to have two so similar abilities for one spec.

Current talent tree makes for a really boring PvE gameplay imo where you pretty much only do damage every 1.5min. I really dislike this to the point I think Fury is in the most boring state it has been in years.

A small correction. CB build with its 1.5 min burst rotation is out. Now OS/AM is the new hot thing - giving you your damage window every 30 or so secconds, this played in extremely fast and reactive gameplay style.

While I personally wish there was more ragemanagent and more than one ragedump; I have seen the sentiment that this new fast and dirty Fury warrior style is seen as being super fun and interactive by the community at large.

I just belong to the old guard that enjoyed big burst OF dopamine hits, with execute phases that felt like going into godmode.

We are just old and grumpy, mate.

I dont see the issue with ground abilities, just use @cursor macros. Yes it makes them difficult to swifty 1 shot macro into eachother, but a little variation to the spec isnt bad.

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