Fury talent tree needs complete rework

Love long posts.

  1. TG is stated to be, and to stay, the best option for Fury Warrior in all situations. This to stop the situation where a Fury Warrior would’ve to farm 2 sets of 2 weapons (TG and SMF) for wherever the one outshines the other. The only solution really at this point would be to just make 1handers and 2hander interchangeable as mog options. Remove 1handers from the loot table for Fury.

  2. Fury Warrior got the tiniest required investment to unlock their AoE potential. That is the one key-strength that Fury warrior have. No buffs or changes needed on that front.

  3. If you want to, you can play CB build and rampage get’s pushed way down on the prio list. RB builds is an option, but not always the best. At the moment there is also a CSHB/Onslaught build that is competative. Both builds where you do not take Hack and Slash or Slaugtherning Strikes.
    If you want the “build rage and dump into rampage” cycle, go OS/AM/Rav and that is what you do. Build and dump. As fast as you can. Ramp is your most important button there.

  4. I think everyone and their extended families want to see OF deal more damage, having it do Holy Fire damage could help fix that (Being roughly a 30% damage increase from no longer being reduced by armor). A decent fix to a weak talent.
    Sadly, as long Ravager and OF can be picked together, it will be forced to be a suboptimal version of itself.
    You know blizzard do want the Ravager playstyle, as it is affected by AM and OF is not. OF got no synergy, but the very most basic with CB cleave - by removing 2 GCD of WW every burst cycle.
    Onslaught is more or less loved at the moment as it is, so don’t think it should be changed. Other than animations for certain races of course, for Nelf as an example; it looks fine.

Most would agree that Fury felt better in Legion - but that time is gone. Execute will forever be a sloppy button of its former self and Odyn’s Fury is basically just nostalgia bait.

It is what it is.