Future eyes color & high elves of the Horde

But you missed the fact how the ones connected to druidism got them - " In addition, the night elves resolved to be more respectful of Azeroth, and a number of night elf men followed in Malfurion’s footsteps; these new druids eventually also had golden eyes. "

And how in the current WoW Blizzard is making race design on the race culture and not the class one.

“Innate druidic power does not necessarily lead to becoming a druid”
A great example of this being Azshara herself.

They don’t need to become druid but need to have some connection to the druidism.

Does our friend Aylish the female druid not have a connection to being a druid?
So why should she not get the golden eyes when she can get black eyes after one night elf went all emo power? :stuck_out_tongue:


As I said earlier, I think how it is because of the two reasons, for one - seems like Blizzard is giving up of that idea to represent night elves on that way when it does present Malfurion with the silver eyes. And for other - because the design of the races is based more on the race culture than the class itself currently.

then should the option not be taken away from men?

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It should, they have silver and black options unique for them currently and more fitting into their race lore.

That awkward moment when you realise that Worgen have 4 eye colours to choose from, despite being the oldest of the current models.

We get Arcane blue, Fury orange, Void purple and Fel green.
I do hope that all four colours remain after the update coming, would hate for my Worgen Warlock to lose his fel eyes.

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Worgens are special :joy:, I’m waiting for the day when the Blizzard will go all out and give everything to everyone, LFD with the red eyes would be interesting :rofl:, and the void elves with the golden eyes to :rofl: . Maybe tusks and horns should also be more spread among the races to :rofl: .

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