If you want to play a fair-haired, light-skinned, blue-eyed majestic high-elf, sorry but…the Horde is waiting for you!
So, seemingly the eyes could become a separate option.
One can imagine we would get more colors.
Then obviously enough, the most “roleplay-driven” color choice in the whole fluff is the eye color of the Thalassian elves.
For years, people are asking for playable blue-eyed high-elves.
On the one hand, there are awesome ideas about ways to put them playable Alliance-side.
- New skin and hair options for Void Elves, making PCs more “Alleria-like” (The devs seem not against this)
- New Allied Race for late expansion, with stronger differences with VE and BE (
On the other hand, in this old thread I was thinking about a simple way to “gather” green, golden and blue-eyed high elves in the already-playable Blood Elf race.
- This would be a mere customization as eye colour option (no Allied Race required, thus easy to implement)
- This novelty would be explained in-lore simply by the regular story quests.
This was the idea for example:
1 - The Void Elves are allowed and even welcomed in the Alliance.
2 - Clashes between Void Elves and “Pristine” (or “Genuine”) High Elves. Some cases of Void contamination are reported among the “Pristine” Elves, corrupting purity, spreading disgust and distrust.
3 - The High Elves (long term unfailing allies) think they are disregarded, and even mistreated, by the Alliance. All for the benefit of the brand-new, more numerous, more “powerful” Void Elves. The Alliance have lost values, faith, loyalty they think.
4 - On the other side, the Blood Elves envoy Halduron Brightwing to plead the reunification again, he warns against the inconsistency of the Humans.
5 - Indeed the Blood Elves are “washing” the Fel marks relentlessly since the Sunwell renewal and since the fall of the Legion. Many already lose their green eyes (except warlocks and magisters), getting golden eyes (cf. future models). Silvermoon is on the path of “Sun Elves” / “Day Elves”.
6 - Original High Elves split again:=> One minor part becomes Void Elves (allegiance to the Alliance pride and stuff) …and are already playable. This partly explains “growing numbers” of VE.
=> One part joins the Sun Elves thanks to the Farstriders, in order to defend their values by “another way”, befriending the peaceful Taurens and the wise Frostwolves.
This story + PC option would work after Sylvanas is losing the control of the Horde, for obvious reasons. (Will she?)