Future of SoM Characters?

I know it is a duplicate question but couldnt find any recent responses. What is the future of SoM characters? Will we be able to transfer to TBC or WoWTLK once launched or this characters will be stuck in Classic Era?

Just to classic era realm; not to tbc

I dont know what’s the point of classic era tbh…

Just another cheap way for this corrupt company to suck money out of its downtrodden playerbase.

It is what it is.

  1. for keeping their promise, as Blizz actually promised us “museum servers” with Vanilla for ever.
  2. for the - admitted small, but steadily growing amount of - players woh play there and have fun o a daily base.
    But as has been said in these forums uncountable times (mostly about LFD): If you don’t like it, don’t use it.

I really hope they allow us to move to tbcc/wrath - otherwise my character won’t ever get logged into again once SoM ends

If they do as they say, you’re screwed, then. Because they “promised” that all SoM characters would go to Classic Era once the season ended.

Classic servers should have work by having eternal realms of the 3 expansions (Vanilla, TBC, and WOTLK) with occasional season SoM realms of some or all expansions and then let people at will be able to have one free transfer per character to the next expansion.

Yeah, I know it is complicated to do that because TBC had an initial clone of all characters and so people could have theoretically duplicated their gold with those clones but at this point given that TBC is one year old and WOTLK won’t have clones that duplicated gold is no longer relevant. Even if it were relevant, it does not apply to Classic SoM realms.


Exactly this! Era servers for all three expansions.

People duplicating their gold is an urban myth, it was not possible, or rather it did not work so that you had suddenly more gold in TBCC or Era. If you paid a clone, you had the exact same amount of gold those two places, but no possibility to transfer.

People were screaming anyhow bc players could - and did - bring all their Classic gold to TCBCC.

Of course, if people would be able to choose at will when to clone characters, or being able to clone only when the TBC realm launches but being able to transfer to TBC realms later then duplication of gold is possible, but in the case of TBC clones I think that gold is no longer relevant so they should let people transfer from Classic to TBC at will anyway.

And for future clones, it could be clones between TBC and WOTLK or new clones for new Classic characters (including SOM) it is as easy as allowing people to choose at will when to clone the character but don’t clone the gold.

So for example when WOTLK realms launch I could clone/transfer the character the first day or one later but remove gold from one of the copies to avoid duplication.

Gold is not only G, it’s gems, potions, herbs … should none of these be transferred either?
The copy-clone solution Blizz choose for Classic <-> TBCC is the best work-around to stop cheating and exploiting the system.
But I too would like one free clone per account.

Overall for the economy gems, potions, and herbs from one expansion duplicated or not won’t change the economy because the big sell of the economy is materials and potions from the new expansion, non of them available in the previous one. So, it doesn’t matter.

And probably even gold doesn’t matter if a free clone per account at will is allowed after a few weeks or months after the next expansion has launched. For example, for current TBC realms, it doesn’t matter. So, maybe start the new expansion with a clone of the whole realm and after some time also allow transfer at will.

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You might be rigth here. My understanding of (WoW)econimics is strictly from a small users’ point of view. This would make the copying/cloning process so much simpler.

Theres a tight diehard community enjoying classic era… with multiple guilds clearing Naxx, Honor ranking and all. We like to enjoy the game like this, on our own tempo, w/o whats the next best thing pressure to do things.

So, I dont quite get why you would feel the need to make such a comment. SoM players will be welcome on era if they decide to join us and they’ll quickly realize they can stay, reach their goals and thrive.

I personally do not enjoy TBC/WOTLK with shop mounts, level boosts, tweaks here and there and the never ending “what comes next” meta. But hey, to each their own.


Exactly this. If Classic Era’s your thing you should be able to go there, if BCC is your thing, Era servers should be there for you as well. And if Wrath’s your thing, I hope you eventually get Era servers as well.

The point of Era servers is the same as the point of WoW in genreal. Play and have fun!

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I hope they will let us copy char to TBC/WOTLK ( as they did when TBC came out )!

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People in this thread and others hoping it’s not to TBC/Wrath so Classic Era might grow from 200 players to 210 :rofl:

I hope they will allow copy to TBC/Wrath in the same fashion they did when TBC came out

No, I at last don’t. I would not like SoM zugzugs to come to Era servers. All I say is that they said that when the SoM closes down in a year, all characters there would be transferred to the Era servers.
I hope for you that Blizz goes against their promises.

Looking Forward

Finally, many Classic players have asked what will happen at the end of the Season of Mastery, and here’s the answer. When Season of Mastery concludes, you’ll have the option to permanently transfer your character to an existing Classic Era realm in your region. This free service will become available for a limited time at the conclusion of the season.
While we don’t yet know the exact destination realm and specific dates, you’ll have plenty of time to move your character to a safe home before all Season of Mastery realms are permanently closed.

Edit link: Season of Mastery Design Intentions, Part 2 of 2

What problem you have against som players? … We are the same vanilla player only we were forced into a hardcore content when we wanted a “normal” fresh. We probably stay on era for a time till next fresh, no one here like SoM raids at all, raids on SoM are fun, but only are fun if you have the consumes, so casual people and non hardcore players started to leave the game, making the game sad.

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