Fyrakks death was a complete joke

Streamers exaggerate their reactions at every possible thing, because it brings them viewers, viewers like overreaction.
Also it can be a shock to many people that dream company blizzard has this kind of things going on inside

Someone has been watching too much my little pony and made friendship is magic ending now.

I am curious if these steamers will have anything to say about poor Khadgar being sexually harassed by that sexy voiced elf lady.

Not gonna lie even though dragon flight has been an amazing expansion and is fun to play blizz need to start putting effort in to these cinematics because they have been awful i must admit. The forging of the axe is the best i seen this expansion and thats about it

the opposite was said, but ok , you do you i guess

Am I the only one who expected it given the ending to Cataclysm…

At this point, no one cares about the story spilers.
It just sucks.

Yeah, you don’t get to decide this though.

No I’m with her. The story is so bad I actually don’t care.

What exactly was the spoiler though? Fyrakk is the last boss in the raid, and Iridikron seems to be the hook for future expansions (Or is that also a spoiler?), so of course Fyrakk was going to die…

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Well i mean a bad impression is an impression after all, soo.

What did you expect, from a Boss who’s Weapon we can obtain? to live for another expansion?

Can’t hate on your self insight.

Which is fine, but other people can decide for themselves what they enjoy and what they care about.

You don’t know until you know, but I didn’t mean to make a big deal of it.

i mean - he was a man - so just like jailor he had 0 chance to have good ending written :slight_smile:

its 2023 after all :slight_smile:

i would insert here recent south park meme but this would get me insta forum banned :slight_smile:

Huh? Nathanos is Denusers self insert. Afrosalami didn’t like Sylvanas, he wanted her to be a straight up villain (she already was pre-BfA but simps will argue), it was Denuser who retconed Blightcaller to be Sylvanas’ BF and decided to give her a redemption arc later in SL.

I really thought Iridikron was gonna be the big bad, man… He had that whole cool thing where he wasn’t gonna underestimate us like other villains, he was scheming he had a plan, Fyrakk just comes off as a crony, which makes the raid feel more like the second to last not the end of expansion raid.

Danuser interfered with afrasiabi’s work and ignored his directions? or they fighted every time nathanos was inserted into a cutscene on how to characterize him?
I feel like you or i are missing a point, because bfa-early sl were directed by afrasiabli, and he was responsible for how plot were going on and how characters were portrayed

Afrosalami wanted the burning of Teldrasill and Sylvanas as a villain. Denuser didn’t want Sylvanas as a villain and he created Nathanos (the retconed version). Afrosalami gave directions, Denuser wrote how they would happen. The 9.3 Sylvanas redemption arc wasn’t part of Afrosalamis plan.

If I remember correctly Afrosalami had something against Sylvanas because “something something Garrosh was ruined”. He also didn’t like Nathanos all that much.

that’s almost a sitcom episode levels of drama in blizzard studios

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