Renown Level: Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club
My renown levels are bugged. I should be at Renown Level 3 after two raid lockouts since each ID should grant one renown level. I cleared the raid completely twice.
In the first lockout, I didn’t get any reputation at all, despite killing bosses.
Now I’m stuck at Renown Level 2 with 0/2500.
Is anyone else experiencing this? It’s pretty frustrating when everyone else gets the damage buff, and I have to wait another week even though renown levels should be the same for everyone.
You can clearly see it here as well:
Bosses 1-6 provide 450 Reputation each. Mug’Zee, the Heads of Security (Boss 7) provides 600, and Chrome King Gallywix (Final Boss) provides 1000. 7 ‘Lieutenant’ enemies throughout the raid present in trash packs provide the final 100 each, totaling 5000.
For example this means that Week 1 of the Raid’s opening will allow players to get to Renown 2 and no further, regardless of how many bosses are killed. A player starting the Raid for the first time on Week 11 however will be able to rapidly progress towards that cap before joining everyone at the ‘1 per week’.