Game Folder does not contain the correct version of WoW

Scan and repair didnt help! Come on, fix this quick!!!

Still no response by blue? We are waiting!!!

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same here,
please do something, tell us that you are on it ?

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I´m stuck with this bug for almost 6 hours now! At least its downloading the patch data as it seems we wont be playing today.

Got that message as well, what’s going on?

Do what that russian pala said, it doesn’t actually delete your game and you don’t need to reinstall it. This is what I did.

  1. I made backups for WTF/Interface/Screenshots folder
  2. I went to b-net app pressed Options - Uninstall game(It deletes some files, not whole game)
  3. Go to your wow folder and delete the _ retail _ folder otherwise the game will patch again and it won’t work again.
  4. Press Install in B-net and wait until it finishes.
  5. Enter WoW from b-net so it creates the interface/wtf folders and then exit
  6. Copy the Interface/WTF folders from backup to your wow folder
  7. That’s it, you can play again.

Nobody wants to delete his game even if it’s not the whole game you are deleting :confused:

I just want blizzard to fix this problem…

I have made so many workarounds advised on forums and nothing actualy solved the issue for me. I have also made this one with uninstalling…but guess what… the game was removed completely. Lucky I had a copy of the game on my othe hard drive. :smiley:

It takes 5 min to fix it lol

Same problem here!

Hello. blizzard? We still waiting for fix this issue? Thanks!!!

Same here. I even contacted US support, reinstalle the game and UGH, STILL PERSISTANT!!


Never again will I download patch in advance EVER!

Why does it take so long time to response if you see this, blizzard?

They are playing Overwatch right now duh, why fix? They are small indie company.

Same Problem

Same here.

I cant believe still no blue yet. This is unacceptable!


They dont know how to use new forums.


Wouldn’t be surprised PepeLaugh

Same problem here.