Game Folder does not contain the correct version of WoW

This worked for me as well. Thanks!

Hey guys,
This worked for me: deleted Cache and Wtf folders from the “retail” folder.
Took 2 min for the launcher to do a small update, but now i’m playing.
Good luck.


God bless you!

Soon we might run the game ourselves as tech stuff in incapable of reacting fast.

Do you use old WTF after updated then? It wont start game!

I did delete Cache and WTF and I could start the game, but you cant use old WTF. Something is wrong for EU after updated! It can be new version of 8.1 too early?

Because Blizzard is nowadays just a retarded moneyhungry tardcompany. Just a fact


EDIT: Found the fix
Go to your retail/WTF folder, open up and at very first line “SET portal” change it from RU to EU (it should look like this: SET portal “EU”)

Hey Ghosudaz, it worked for me :slight_smile:

In my “”, the first line “SET portal” was in “test”, i just changed it to “EU” and it worked instantly :heart_eyes:

It sad that the community has to do the job by herself,
But thank you for this, you saved us for tonight !

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Yeah, I didnt know until now. I was deleting

I got into the game fine, but very quickly got the first hard hang I ever got in WoW.

Ctrl-Alt-Delete did nothing. I had to turn my PC off and on again.

On checking my files, I found a zero-size WoW.exe and no WTF directory at all where I expected them to be.

Looking deeper turned up a new directory

World of Warcraft\_retail_\

and my real WoW.exe and WTF directory were there.

On going back in with no addons, I soon got another hard hang.

Guys, this is a first. Back up your stuffs before you launch, and let’s be careful out there.

P.S. my in

World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\


SET portal "EU"

and no occurrence of the word “test” anywhere in it.

and I have neither a Cache or a WTF folder in my World of Warcraft\ directory; only in the World of Warcraft\_retail_\ one.

same here, for me after the “update” game launches but it soon goes “not responding” and windows offers t o clsoe the program…

Thanks to this newly bug. i couldnt get in to game so far. thanks Bliz

I did exactly what you listed there. The problem is, uninstalled the whole game :triumph: