Game Folder does not contain the correct version of WoW

So why’s that? It worked 20 minutes ago.


same problem as of ten minutes ago, since downloading a maybe 20 mb patch.
no workarounds worked so far and am hesitant to re-install.

Same problem here. Clicked “Update” and can no longer log into the game. Got exactly the same message as OP (“Game folder does not contain the correct version of game”).

i’ve scanned for errors and applied the patch that ought to have fixed them, problem persists. When ‘Checking for updates’ it will notify me with a green check mark that all is well and the game is up to date. Several times of restarting the battle net app haven’t helped and neither has starting the game from the install folder.

Un- and re-installing the battle net app did not solve the problem. :frowning:

Same problem here.

running scan and repair didn’t help.

Tried launching the US version, worked fine. must be something with the EU one

I changed the server to US. It started updating and fixed the game. But when i change it to EU, It demands an update again and reverts the version to 8.0 .

Same problem here …

Same here.

Same here, update and poof this happens…
plz can we get a quick update/fix.

Same here, looks like alot of people have got the same problem again.

Same problem here. I tried the “Scan and Repair” option, “Check for Updates”, switching to beta BattleNet client and back (also tried launching from beta client, but I got the same error). Restarted the launcher and my PC a few times, nothing works.
It keeps saying
“An updated version of World of Warcraft is available. Please launch the BattleNet app to download the update.”
“This folder doesn’t contain the correct version of this game. Please check the installation path and try again.”
My installation path is correct, there is nothing wrong on that end. Really hope there will be a hotfix very soon.

Same here, very annoying.

Hi, there is a solution from RU forum in case if you don’t want to wait for an official fix:

  1. Make a backup for Interface and WTF folders;
  2. Uninstall the game via launcher (it will not delete whole the game but a reference only)
  3. Install the game via launcher (it will take couple of mins)
  4. Copy your backup Interface and WTF folders in case they got deleted

Link to the RU tread:


Solution given by Дымныйрыцарь worked for me. I did need to use the Interface and WTF backup, so make sure to save them!

LE: Ridiculous, as soon as I quit the game after the uninstall/reinstall shenanigans the game patched again and made it impossible to launch. Really?

Same problem, here. Small update and now nothing works.

I’ve tried running the game client directly from the windows folder to cut out the middle man, but it’s no different.

Yup, I got it too! I hope you fix this quick!

That worked , thank you very much.

I uninstalled and reinstalled like that dude said and the game updated itself again and again it doesn’t work, great patch 10/10, small indie company …

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This worked for me, had to copy the backups of Interface and WTF to the folder. Also, I’ve had to do this twice. Then it updated after leaving the game for the first few times, then I unchecked the read-only from the WoW folder, working fine since then. Thanks for this solution Дымныйрыцарь