Game has no respect for player time right now

You want Tah to burn you at the stake for this or something? :rofl:

Sure. I agree the affix is nuts.

Close to impossible. Without going too off topic but there will be always a meta. If not out of pure dps numbers then from utilities and ways to deal with affixes.
To balance that out, we need to pretty much throw classes out of the window and go full “skyrim mode” where everyone can be everything and do everything and has every ability.

I don’t see how making +7s easier (and indeed every key easier) such that the challenge was the same at +7 and had a natural increasing curve would result in tah saying anything, but I suppose it’s a risk I’m willing to take in order to help solve these problems :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh Tah is way overprotective of delves. You as much as breath in Delve’s direction, he will go full “BURN THE HERETIC!” on you. :rofl:

Anyways, balancing m+ can be tricky in itself. +7 = easy as pie, +8 and above = solve world’s problems difficulty is no go. Balance everything till 10 and its the same ole “fart in the bosses direction for the win”.
Ok…lets go from a different perspective = nerf delves rewards or make the more difficult and you will have Tah and his world content crusaders burning down your house. :fire:

I never have an issue with making stuff easier. :blush:

Years of being at the receiving end of ‘improvements’ to the game at the expense of my fun has done that. :sweat_smile:

See I don’t see what’s wrong with 10 being a little easier, +20s were easier than 7s are now, but they were never “easy as pie”.

M+ has the luxury of being able to be two things at once:

Below 10, it’s a gear grind.
Above 10, it’s a skill challenge to see who can do best, since gear is removed as a variable.

I don’t see how anyone could possibly disagree with this, unless their wish is to horde the gear for themselves, when we’re talking about pixels in a game.

The worst part of this change is that people who perhaps saw m+ previously but were never able to try it, perhaps they were looking to leave world content behind, and give dungeons a try, certainly aren’t going to do that now.

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Its more of a case of balancing the rewards. We already have +7 = too hard, delve 8 = too easy … “issue” and its a different front which I am not going to fight here(please put down the flamethrower Tah. Tnx again! :D)

Moving the goal post to mythic raid = solve the world’s hunger issue, m10 = just press W = both have mythic rewards and you pretty much open up another war front. :rofl:

Wouldn’t care less but I want to raids to be a valid gearing path as well. We had a while back where in PvE scene it was = m+ main gearing route, raids = for those “unlucky” scrubs where a bis trinket drops and “that” darn M+ cant provide an alternative good enough.

Given less than 1% of people get cutting edge, perhaps this is also a time to make mythic raiding more on par with the old m+ system, since ironically this would for the first time provide true equality between solo players, m+ groups and raiders.

It seems that as usual, Blizzard has preferred the stick to the carrot, despite the game always being more popular when it’s easier.

Oh if we want to go in difficulties then balance will always be an issue.
Mythic raids = first bosses usually easier than end bosses, yet both reward myth gear.
M+ = We also had those “easy” dungeons for m10 (15/20) chore and harder ones where you want to do it for score and then forget about it.
For example: DF S1(or was it S2, cant remember). Shadowmoons burial grounds and that ice vault…dont remember what was it called. The dungeon where the first boss was a tree or something.

Dunno, I think the difficulty of DF s4 was about right. But they should start Fort/Tyran at 2 and remove the stupid death penalty affix.

Or add it to delves so the more you die, the less good loot you get. :supervillain:

At least in recent years, raids have offered higher ilevel gear as the bosses got harder, so there is some understanding on Blizzard’s end that it’s hard to balance 2 things against each other.

Delves sort of have this affix, in that I think above tier 4 or so you get 5 lives. That affix is itself a problem as that’s 5 lives overall, not 5 per player, so in a group you get 1 life each, unless someone dies twice and is greedy with them.

Either reduce the key difficulty significantly, or remove the 15s death affix, or preferably both.

If the game keeps being “improved” in this way, then only the RWF players, MDI players and a few top guilds will continue to play, perhaps this is where WoW finally becomes unviable financially.

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Or Blizz thought they could finally make m+ a real progression path not a “gear vendor for your raiding and PvP needs”.

Do makes you wonder how WoW survived and even thrived with 12M subs in vanilla TBC/wotlk where it was pretty much “raid or die” back then.

Simple, the raids were easier. Wrath was one of the easiest times this game has ever had.

Also: player base has changed, in Vanilla, getting a mount was a goal, now people have 300 and just throw more mounts on the collection pile.

Well with that logic. Whats the point of obsessing over gear then? You are going to vendor/DE it after 6 months anyway, at least mounts remain with you.

There are limits as to where that argument will take you.

  • why care about gear?
  • why care about achievements?
  • why play at all?

People obviously do care, or this thread wouldn’t exist.

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And its the forums…gamer…forums (gamers themselves are very emotional beings, working customer support is already a nightmarish work…working in a gaming customer support…oh boy. Wouldn’t wish it to my worst enemy). People will complain that the grass is to green or the sky is not blue enough. Give a free gold bar and some will complain that its too heavy.

sure, i think normal raid should give hero track in vault and hero raid should give you myth track. Vault is once a week, it should always offer better loot than the content you do for it.

Granting people better crest on the last bosses definitely was a good step this saison, but for me they should add it too enough bosses so you get your cap from only clearing the raid (meaning the last 6 hero bosses should give additional gilded crests), so people do not feel they have to M+ if they only want to raid.

Every player should naturally get better gear when playing a given content, rewarding only champion with no progress towards hero when many players will already require at least champion gear to begin with to clear normal raid when they start raiding is just bad. Same with hero raid not getting you on a slow but steady track to myth gear. Every player should feel noticable stronger week to week if you want people to keep engaged.

Weird response, gating things by skill is literally how all video games work. You move onto the next level if you can beat the last level…

This is a player issue.
People are expecting unreasonable things.

absolutely not. Even the famous Elden Ring is time gated, not skill gated. You can easily beat the game without any skill if you grind enough.
Or you look at sth like Zelda Breath of the Wild. You can just go and beat ganon after 15min if you have the skill, but you can also progress and slowly removing that barrier.

Skill in most games, especially in modern gaming reduces the time you need at most. There´s very little actual skill gated games and they are very niche, like e.g. Kaizo Mario.

And Wow did offer this to a much larger degree in Dragonflight, but now it seems all progression is on halt if you do not have the skill yourself + 4 other members that also belong to the 1% that are able to play 30min of a dungeon without making a single mistake at the wrong time.