Game has no respect for player time right now

It’s not my fault when someone else does this, but I still suffer the consequences.

There’s a lot that needs to be done to improve this season, but this is the easiest route that reduces the pain.

If I have a broken leg, the long term solution is to set it plaster, it doesn’t stop the paramedic giving me something to help with the pain.

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Personally I don’t think m+ ever respected the player’s time, at least not since I first touched it in SL. Group gets 2 items for timing a dungeon (3 chest used to be an actual thing at some point but it wasn’t a lot better), and vault rewards can’t even be targeted.

The activity designed with the intention that you run on the hamster wheel as long as possible so players don’t run out of people to run m+ with, instead of having weekly lockout like mythic dungeons used to be but with more loot.


You still don’t get it? Right now, the only way to avoid certain death of 1-3 players in high keys is to talk in voice and to coordinate CC, because mobs immediately recast without delay guaranteed oneshots after cc/interrupt. This is not an individual player’s fault, this is the design of the game right now. If you only remove death penalty, the game will not be better, it will just be easier to get the rewards.

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While we did used to get 3 actual chests for 3 chesting a key (I still call it that) we also had the “fun” of real depleted keys, where you had to run a key for nothing if you failed.

The risk/reward was real.

Oh I get it, it’s just another barrier to exclude people who don’t have premades.

I often do run in a premade, however tonight I had to try my luck outside of the premades, and this happened a few times, where someone made a mistake, and it burned the key, removal of this affix means that that mistake might not of been fatal.

I mean the death penalty is also really good to counteract boosting too. I think it should stay, but there are other mechanical elements that can be fixed, which make pugging way better.

I understand why people blame the death penalty for it not being fun, but it’s not really the root issue atm.

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TBH it doesn’t matter if it helps counter boosting or not, if no-one wants to run the content, whether someone is boosted or not is academic.

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I would be interested in learning your ideas as to what can be done with relative ease, that could justify keeping the Peril affix, because to me, anything that means “one mistake and you’re out” belongs in the region of keys that are far above the level where the vault stops giving out loot as it’s more for the people who appreciate that sort of challenge.

The death penalty is also good for pugging, because it makes it more likely that people play like their current score. Without this death penalty it’s very easy that someone just makes groups with his key, and gets a score upgrade despite dying 15 times and not knowing anything about the dungeon. So… I really hope they will try to fix other things first before changing this affix. This affix is really healthy for the game, if the dungeon designs and mechanics are good.

Also, another positive thing about death pentalty is that the meta becomes more complicated and people try to mitigate damage too, instead of just tunnel visioning on their dps meter.


It simply means a person did a key without dying in it’s current form.

If I wanted to play dark souls hardcore, well steam is right there next to wow on my desktop.

WoW has always been popular because of it’s balance between casual and hardcore, this is not that.

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Looking at this thread, and people’s conversations in game, and on other websites, this affix is what is hurting mythic+, it’s not the only problem, but it’s certainly in the top 5.

You mentioned ideas that would allow it to stay, mechanical ones, so please share your ideas, perhaps the feedback might actually make m+ better rather than people moaning all the time.

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Because people here only look at the immediate, shallow cause → effect

Paraphrasing: “I didn’t time key. I died a lot. The issue is the punishment for death”

Maybe people should ask themselves why they died, and if the mechanics in the game are problematic, rather than turning M+ into a trial and error, where ppl die and resurrect over and over. Because that’s what the design would be without death penalty. It’s actually good, if death is punishing. I prefer death being punishing over the game having many dps-checks and very short timers. So, Blizzard’s idea with death penalty is fine, but they did a change to mob AI, and that’s what’s killing pugs.


Isn’t that exactly what raiding was, before guides and addons?

We wipe we try another strat.

What’s wrong with people trying dungeons, they might even find it fun.

The simple truth is that Blizzard wanted the season to live longer, and it’s backfired.

If this was true, fine, but usually it’s one death at such time it causes a wipe and game’s over.

Originally, 2 or 3 wipes had the same effect 1 wipe has today, and that was with the original 5 sec death penalty, so logically, people want it back.


I don’t remember any one-shot casts in up to +10 except the ones that intended to one-shot (like frontals, etc).

Agree with this. The death penalty is the thing that forces people to learn on their mistakes.

In most cases, death of 1 dps doesn’t result into a wipe unless it’s a heavy dps check.

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No, but one tank or healer probably will do, and that’s still one death that ended a perfectly viable run, for no reason, especially if that tank / healer was also the group’s battle res.

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How about adding an NPC that gives players all their portals so they don’t have to bother with the chore of playing game?

The journey to earning my goals is the fun part, not the medal at the finish line. If I didn’t enjoy running lots of keys, I wouldn’t play. But I main protection paladin, so maybe I just like punishment.


I think that’s a little bit of a facetious argument.

Removing the 15 sec penalty doesn’t change the difficulty level at all, it just means that one tank / healer death isn’t fatal to keys.


Even 1 wipe doesn’t mean that key is depleted.

Get your own battle res on AH :slightly_smiling_face:

Can’t have an internet thread without a straw man.

Dedicating 20-30 hours to get the portals is fine, but the current gear progression / difficulty of keys says that is to be extended to 120 - 150 by my napkin estimates and I don’t find that neither fun nor enjoyable.

Currently doing 20 - 30 keys gets you absolutely nothing. With that many keys you won’t even get to doing 9s, let alone getting 10s done.

Current state of the game is good only for no lifers play WoW 12 hours a day every day of the week people.


What if they just gave mythic crests at a lower key level? This way, people could at least gear better at a lower difficulty, and +8 is still hard. +10 should be a big challenge though, and if casual players want to farm it for gear, it’s too easy.

You don’t need portals. And 120 hours in 5 months is on average less than 1 hour a day not: