Game isnt that great for casual players anymore

I dunno why would i need, my main ilvl > yours.

I honestly can’t understand your english in your last two comments

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I honestly think you cincirely are trolling.

this isn’t english mate


If my 140 ilvl resto shaman can do world quests, a 184 ilvl whatever class can do that too :thinking:

It is veryu much english.

If my 140 ilvl resto shaman can do world quests, a 184 ilvl whatever class can do that too :thinking:

You act like casuals only stick to wqs.

I never understood the word “casual”. Everyone not in world first race is casual to me. But the OP is not interested in M+ and raids at least.

I have to agree on the part that in Shadowlands content feels less rewarding to me than what we have earlier had available. There is things to do for sure, but i often just don’t see any reason to do them because rewards are not worth it. Gear offered is lower than what i got and is offered very rarely, amount of anima rewarded is feeling too low for the effort/time taken. Everything seems so time gated and streched. Log in, do your chores and if you keep on doing this in some point you get upgrade that gives you more chores. Feels like hamsterwheel and i have troubles to see the end goal i am working for. Content itself would be fine for me if there would be tad better rewards and things wouldn’t be so time gated (including the story).

I wouldn’t make it question of casual vs noncasual (especially because casual seems to mean different thing to everyone), i have seen these complains with both world content players, mythic dungeoneers and raiders.


I’m of the pesky “old school” players, but I firmly believe that gear ilevel should be tied to difficulty. Meaning that I don’t think WQ should drop that high gear to begin with since the content is too easy and don’t offer any challenge.


The real question here is why do you need better ilvl gear if you dont want to do m+ or raids? in the game cause you find them repetitive and boring.
There are players out there who do not share your view OP.More so i’ve seen alot of players saying drop rates are low,ofc they are low if you are playing the game inefficient…lone wolfing and pugin in the game is the most unrewarding inefficient way to gear up.
Dedicated m+ players probably have since week 2 all the ilvl they want cause they gear stacked classes(leather,plate) and shared the other remaining 8 slots between them cause if you time a m+ you get two items from the end chest.

that’s been true from every expansion to the next. in cataclysm random heroics felt rewarding not because of drop rates but because they were insanely hard. this is what casu- certain people don’t understand. you can’t have sense of accomplishment and progression in trivial content.
if world quests would reward mythic raid level gear, nobody would feel it’s rewarding.
do you get a sense of “winning” when you loot your pity-epic from the weekly vault?

Im casual and i dont care high items. Im doin PVP just to complete the mog. Why you need high ilvl items?
For casuals isnt so bad. The covenant activities arent so bad. But wq… wq are terrible with pityful rewards.


their is still hope for you wolfylock look at the renown level rewards you will see that at some renown levels the ilvl of wq’s will increase.
Only downside to this its locked behind timegating…

Do you have anything non straw to post?

This isnt about leader boards.

I did heroiccs in ccata and was geared as a casual 3 weeks in from heroic dungeans…

Im casual and i dont care high items. Im doin PVP just to complete the mog. Why you need high ilvl items?
For casuals isnt so bad. The covenant activities arent so bad. But wq… wq are terrible with pityful rewards.

Strawman arguement.

As a casualk I never did PVP, but I partook in M+ and in expansions prior I didnt even care ffor the loot of the chest. My main gearing came through running a couple of mythics+ in the week. You’re playing PVP and get welfare 197 gear soon.

M6- is rendered useless and you put in less effort playing afk bgs.

WQ item ilvl is set based on the average of your items, it’s purpose being to let you replace 1-2 items that are way below your average ilvl. if they awarded better gear than your average, you could steadily gain ilvl through them up to infinity (or whatever cap blizz sets). oh, and everyone would cry that the no-lifers who can hunt wqs 24/7 have an advantage to get better gear…

Seems we need high level end game gear to go back and do old raids and dungeons from previous xpacs for transmogs / Glory achievements.
Must admit I’m struggling to get gear too. The quest rewards while leveling were pretty bad and at end game finding any gear is hard. But I don’t do raids or m+ or pvp so I’m out of luck for doing Legion transmog runs…


but the problem isnt the gear… i dont need’em. is just the scarcity of anima. Im reaching the hghest levels of reputation and i would like to buy the cosmetics (and pet and mount) but BY NOW is impossible.

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it’s like the line from simpsons “'we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”. you can always turn to the AH or take part in trash boe farms. you could also (wait for it) play the game to get better gear

the anima grind sucks. but I may be biased because I utterly hate these world quests. I find them unimaginative, uncompelling, boring, lame…can’t think of other synonyms.
UNFORTUNATELY, this is exactly what the community asked for. people didn’t like the unique wqs in legion where you had to fly or enter vehicles. they don’t realize these may be annoying at first, but once you get the hang of it it won’t feel like a grind since you can blitz it. as opposed to “kill 20 mobs” style WQs we got now which will always be just as annoying and time consuming in months to come.
well done community, well done

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No, This is what some people asked for and I refuse the whole lot of community asked for this,

Miost casual players want kill named mob and be done with it, lmao XD

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