Game isnt that great for casual players anymore

I can’t say I agree with the title but there are some problems and wrong turns in this expansion.

Firstly, I quite like ‘Threads of fate’ as an altoholic it lets me play how I want to. I usually just call it: faffing about. Sometimes I like to do: questing, other days dungeons or mix it up with WQ’s… now we even have bonus objectives. So on that part I like the more choice we have in levelling alts.

Torghast is another one of those things I like. It’s what I would like for dungeons, were me and the wife can just 2 man a dungeons whenever we don’t feel like playing with others. Torghast we can.

Now for some problems:
WQ’s have gotten a bit worse. Some just take a bit too long and I don’t think I’d want to do those (3 to 4 step ones) half a year from now.

Torghast: A bit more enemy variety/boss mechanics and a bit more rewarding would have been nice. I think if you’d throw in a s much rewards as Islands did, it could have been better.

The drop rate of loot: I never saw loot in the old expansions as special because they didn’t drop often. For me it was their unique look and let’s be honest: their overpowered abilities. A lot of the stuff we get these days kinda blends in together visually and ability wise. I’m fine with a bit less items but not so much with worse drop rates.

And for the rest its the usual: Bad server management, Blizz wanting to control the player a bit too much in how they play, Rush/speedrun mentality,…

But when it comes to casual play I do feel we’ve gotten more of that this expansion than BFA. So I think its mostly people just having problems with the drop rates.

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I agree this too, but problem is this is not happening in the game anyway and hasn’t been so very long time.

Problem of the whole idea is that difficulty is not just in content but also based on gear. Someone soloing group wq in questing gear is doing much more difficult encounter than someone bursting it in mythic raid gear… should that mythic geared player get lesser rewards from it because that thing is easier for them? Or player who buys boost, has that person earned, because of difficulty of the content, their loot and achievements when they actually did nothing in this difficult encounter at all? If rewards would be based on actual difficulty of the encounter and calculating also ilvl person does it with and if they get help or not, it would be absolutely wonderful but i think same time it would be pretty difficult thing to do.

I have never in my life looted anything from weekly chest or vault. I don’t do that content. People who i know who are doing seemed to be pretty happy to get their extra loot every week in BFA, now they seem bit unhappy how it works.

But talking about “sense of winning”, not everyone playes for “winning”. Some play for character development aspect, where they try to make their character stronger while adventuring the world. People have so many different motivations why they play the game and sense of feeling rewarded is based on that. For me it is not getting the highest posible gear but getting upgrades once in a while: something that is better what i got. Same time non gear rewards there must be some motivation to get it versus time/effort it takes. Simple as that.


To do WQs faster?
Isnt it the same for raids?

raiders want loot to be ABLE to finish the raid, not to farm it every week like WQs.
I know the word “casual” has many definitions, but to me it’s someone who expects to win. always.
raiding is a different ball game

“raiders” raid to get better gear? I thought you guys did it for the challenge, same for m+ players…maybe it really shouldn’t matter to you guys that we get some stuff too?

It’s no fun playing a game where you’re beating on a mob 20 times to kill it while the guy next to you has killed 10 in the same time.


well you can suggest to blizzard to separate the itemization for every single PVE content so raiding gear only works in raids etc. just make sure to record their response so we can have a laugh too

Even back in TBC or Wrath you had End Game Zones, like Netherstorm or Storm Peaks, which had reasonable gear which you got at max level. Or you could rep grind and buy reasonable gear from factions, I remember getting decent healing gear from the Cenarion Circle faction.
Although I did run dungeons and do some pvp back then as well. I’m not against doing this but at the moment I’m still wearing the first pieces I got doing the first quests in Shadowlands.

And as I said, Ion told us that we’d only be more powerful than we were 10 levels ago in time with gear. Being weaker now in old content is not how an rpg should work, I should feel like a god in raids from 20 levels ago.

I do think that the loot treadmill in BFA was too much but this drought is the pendulum swinging way too far the other way.
It’s like when there were too many dailies (locked behind other dailes) in MOP so in WOD they gave us no dailies and we had nothing to do. It’s either feast or famine with Bliz…


yes. i agree the killl blah blah blah are boring. i just looking for the fly quest in bastion or the running in mx e rvth. But are too few.
In fact im hating the daily for the night fae rep (find 9000 wings)… i hope for the future they find some new and different wq

Loot in raids is used to overgear a raid, to effectively nerf the raid.
Guilds clear normal raid in mix of hc dung/mythic 0 gear.
Guild clear hc raid in mix of normal raid/ mythic 0 dungeons.
Same goes for mythic raids.


What is wrong with:

184 cap everywhere

You make no welfare gear unless its GV.

You tuirn loot back as was BFA

And voila, Casual M+, PVP, and whatever other content they want to play when it comes to eg content feels rewarding and enjoyable.

Its so simple. WQs arnt end game, shhould never be end game.

The only thing bad was abut BFA was TF and Corruption procs.

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I get that, and I think raiders should have fun that way, what i’m wondering is why all these “hardcore” people give a damn about us “non-raider/m+” players also getting a reasonable fraction of that power to enjoy ourselves?


how much is “reasonable”? and from what content and how often?

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Mostly ego, “effort”, “dedication” and such mantras + exclusivity syndrome


Sorry to say buddy but Casual players don’t need a high ILvl so your gear points are moot, I think you need to revaluate what games you should be playing…

Its a well known fact that to do progressive raiding and gear climbing requires a lot of dedication in most mmorpgs and the less time you play on it the bigger the disadvantage is.

so to put it to simple terms you’re basically playing the wrong game.

Sorry you say buddy, but you need to stop generalising casual players under the "They dont do x content"catagory, Thank you, Strawman…

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I think you feel way stronger than we in our M+. You kill stuff so fast in 184 ilvl in the outworld.

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the only dimension of progression in WoW is ilvl. if you let people bypass the main content (dungeons+raids) by letting them have rewards from other sources, you’re effectively killing the game

Because for you to have that you need to put effort into the game by allowing you to have everything on a silver platter it completes destroys the point of ILVL bracketing for certain content because if someone who doesn’t do Heroic or beginner mythic raiding can get the same ILVL then where does the line cross to separate the casuals from people who are hardcore?

You’re effectively killing the game with that mindset and destroying the communities that actually keep the game alive because you don’t want to put more effort into something.

I’m talking about general difficulty, not difficulty based on ilevel. Yes the higher ilevel the easier content gets, doesn’t mean content should scale based on ilevel. The base difficulty is in my opinion where the standard should lie, i.e if you go into that content with no gear from that content, it would be difficult.

WQ and open world is intro difficulty, i.e it might be harder in quest greens than heroic dungeon gear. But once you have some 171 pieces WQ becomes trivial. Hence it shouldn’t drop higher than 171 ilevel items.

People buying boosts happens, but difficulty can’t be scaled after those premises. In general most people climb the ladder.

I put effort in, but just not in group content, I think I’m playing more than most “hardcore” raiders.
I’d just like to stay within 10-30 itemlevels of the top content so I can also feel my playstyle is rewarded.

If that gear should come from say, hard soloplayer torghast, I’d be very happy indeed.