Game isnt that great for casual players anymore

Thats just marketing to keep your sub going. Thats all it is. You cant see the flaws behind that design too… LOL

Because I’ve done everything this week but I’m sure you’ve still got your raids with no curve to do.

If you don’t like it bro then unsubscribe as a consumer you have no legal right to tell them how to design their game you’re technically in agreement with them on their design choices by continuing your sub.

So if you disagree and unsub I can link you the page to do this if you want?

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I do have legal rights to provide feedback, and feed back can be posted here.

You are pointlessly arguing.

You have no legal right to change their design process bro thats basically them telling you that you’ve got a echo chamber to cry in lmao.

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I have legal rights to post feedback wether you like it or not.

I am not editing theyr software thus I am not changing the design process.

Keep posting feedback bro its not going to change enjoy being at the lower end of the game because you can’t put effort into it to begin with.

Done talking to you.

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I too am a casual player. I do table, I do a dungeon or 2, I do daily call (but now I’m lazy to do it anymore), and then I log off to do other things ^^ if that´s not casual enough then idk what is

Does that mean you’re leavign the topic?

Done talking to you.

At least you’re honest about it lmao.

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I can’t even queue for LFR, at ilvl 147 I’m way off the 170 required. Not sure how I’ll get to 170.


What’s bad with having an addon? It only makes it easier to see what’s going on. Doesn’t negate any difficulty. You still have to respond and follow the tactic.

FF14 have advocating of all their abilities, making it easier to go in on any content. But you still have to follow tactics, else you die.

I don’t need to upgrade my legendary. I do want to do Twisting corridors when it comes out, to get some costmetics and just to see how far i can go. Hopefully in that point there is some gear upgrades available that lift me enough to be able to proceed. I won’t be doing mythics or raids just to be able to do solo content, so if my gear blocks the process in some point then that’s where i stop. Simple as that. But this thread was not about “casuals” wanting mythic raid level items, it was about game not feeling rewarding so i don’t want to bring it further off the topic by discussing why i prefer something over something else.

Game should feel rewarding for everyone who playes it, otherwise game will slowly lose players. This doesn’t mean all content gives same rewards but it means all content gives meaningful rewards that are valuable to players doing that content aka make it worth doing.


Bro if that makes you feel better, the game isn’t that great for anyone only for the nolifers right now.

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it’s not written anywhere that wow has/should have a fully solo path of progression. and “solo” gameplay from blizzard’s perspective includes anything in automated matchmaking since it takes away every social aspect of the game.
if you bought an MMO in hopes of playing it as a single player adventure game, you’ve either made a mistake or got scammed.
quite honestly wow is always marketed as “satisfaction for everyone with a pulse” but then the amount of fun certain types of players get is next to zero. if this is how you feel I wish you a fun journey with whatever other game you move to

You are so eager to fight against the idea of “solo play” that again you turn a simple comment of “game should feel rewarding for everyone who plays it” as some sort of solo propaganda. I have never said i play purely solo, for example. But when i do, i expect it to feel rewarding as well, otherwise there is no point of doing it. Personally i have been getting lot of fun from wow with my 852 days of “played” and when i feel that fun is not there anymore, i give feedback about it, not just leave the game. Because i know it’s possible to make it fun again.


So the game should be designed around a minority of players?

you can’t make a game that feels rewarding for everyone without screwing up the game immensely. 99% of wow’s problems about the economy, world pvp, crafting, farming, !balance! are because they’re trying to avoid adding aspects to the game that would scare off certain types of players.
compromising the game’s foundations to make it more appealing to a larger group of players is a dead strategy in the long run. though blizz has been doing a fantastic job keeping it afloat all these years. most games who did the same have sunk

It’s strange thing to say, when it has been pretty rewarding until now. I agree they have been doing mostly fantastic job all through these years and all i ask they start doing it again.


Mitch and Boan…sounds like a great detective show!