Game over for classic?

so its game over for classic?

Depends what classic you mean. If you mean Wrath then it is long gone.

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I think that, if you are referring to Classic Era, Blizzard will not touch the Classic Era servers, they know that people play there and have been there for a long time and more and more players seem to be flocking to those servers as well.

They know that tempering with the Classic community could mean a loss in player numbers and by result subscriptions, if you mean WOTLK Classic, unfortunately , i don’t think that the Lead Dev walking away will not change anything for the better or worse, someone will step in to fill his position and the game will keep going forward because i still believe that Cataclysm Classic will be a thing.

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Super sad situation. No soul managers ruling the day. Just the same “I WANT MOAR” sh*t also impregnating their games.

Not only a sad situation actually, sad people too.

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Doesn’t really have anything to do with classic other than the guy being the lead dev, that’s more the business side than anything. Also what development is classic actually receiving? not much from my perspective.

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A developer, one of the least needed roles on Classic, it’s already been developed. Most of it is copying old stuff.


That is absolutely true. All they do these days is just a fine polish on the old version and implement crap aswell on them. But you’re right. The old games are already developed many many years ago

When do we want Vanilla Fresh? Yes.
How do we want Vanilla Fresh? Yes.
What do we want? Vanilla Fresh. Yes.

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I don’t get this one.

Or this one.

I get this one.

Who are “We”? I don’t want fresh realms, which will die quickly after the hype has gone.


Add some class changes for the unviable specs and boom. U have 2 year of fully populated servers full of ppl wnjoying the game and then transferring to ERA (who should instead remain unchanged) to keep playing their pgs while a new 2y fresh vanilla starts, with simply a new class balance change to keep things interesting. More or less a Starcraft season balance patch thing. With ERA always there for those who want the original class balance and to store all the pgs after each new release.
GG Blizz u have ensured ur future with a constant flow of subscription for a very low cost.

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We don’t need any changes for classic era, so far from game over.

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In relation to Wrath Classic, it’s been game over Classic wise since they announced the changes.

Vanilla Classic servers, I’ve no idea, I just know the foundation of Classic only lasted until they removed those emotes etc in TBC.

Then why are you posting in the Classic Era forums? :wink:

That’s a very good point! Someone replied to a comment I accidentally put on the Vanilla Classic forums :smiley:

Just testing a thing

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