Ganking is a 100% legit tactic in wpvp

I see group wpvp as trying to clear a zone or subzone of the enemy. Whether it’s an assault, world quest, dungeon entrance, flight point: Fair doesn’t come into it… you are trespassing lol, kill on sight.

Superior numbers are a totally valid tactic, and the opponent’s inferior number is 100% their fault. It’s only right that their poor tactics are punished. They may not like being ganked, but accepted it would happen when wm on. Sometimes there are fun evenish battles, great! But they usually come after ganking has happened, it was a necessary incentive for battle! Otherwise, with no conflict, no reason for retaliation, no battles.

Lottsa fun, and those that complain about being ganked just don’t get wpvp. I know you look down on gankers as unskilled. Maybe so, I for sure need practice. Players of all skill levels have a place in wm, not just arena pros. I look forward to improving my 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 skills, but also my group leading skills, and will keep trying to reduce horde numbers in wm… get us to 10% Alliance!

Edit (for Alliance)

You might be thinking… what difference can little me make to faction balance eu? Answer is, a small number of players could potentially have a large impact. Say 10 Alliance decide to spend their wm sessions hammering Horde non wpvpers, and they are each in their own shard… each starts a raid group farming jumpers. That’s potentially a lot of Horde wm off’ers.

What if 20 Alliance start raid groups, 30, 40. This is not very many Alliance players we are talking about, but if each starts a raid on their shard targeting non wpvpers, it could affect eu wm faction balance. Naming your lfg group something like “Zone Honor Farm” should do the trick, but hopefully you can recruit from friends, guild, community, etc. too.

Only problem is, finding enough Aliance to join raids. But we can at least max what we have. Don’t feel bad, this is what blizz wants, and it will improve wm for all when we get to 10%. Ey, that can happen anyway, because the rebalancing system, but we can help it along :slight_smile:


I remember in 2008 when I started playing, on a pvp realm, I was ganked while leveling so much, that I wanted to cry (girl thing, I know, and once I cried). Since then so much time had passed and I got so much used to it, that in the present day I am an entirely different person.

People say “we want immersion” - and now we have it. With wm on, it’s war. You quest, you are tense because you don’t kno what might happen in the next second. Is there honor in war? Maybe, but in the end of the day numbers mean more than honor. Because we want to win the war afer all and if so, we must be prepared to give everything and to encounter everything.


just remember that goes both ways.

so no crying on the forums if the horde does the same to you and the alliance because its a valied tactic and we are allowed to do that to


And to me doing it, especially constantly and for hours on a spawn where you cant even move your character for 5 seconds, yet can be attacked, is a sign of low IQ sub human players that somehow need to fill a void in their egos because they somehow dont get any other “success” in their lives, be it online or in real life.

I’d love for it to be an incentive for bigger battles, but in how the game has evolved nowadays, it’s a one sided mess where the underrepresented faction can’t reasonably retaliate, and if they do WHOOPS YOU MAGICALLY APPEAR IN ANOTHER SHARD because somehow only the idiots that group up for this low skill dumb crap stay in the same shard forever and don’t get put out of it.

I just don’t get the appeal of it, seriously. It’s boring as fuc* to insta- kill people where you can’t even get a few spells through before the enemy dies, it’s dumb in my eyes.

Again I talk about sh*theads that do it constantly like these:

I just wish Blizzard would consider a Tenacity buff like they had in Wintergrasp, but stronger and with CC immunity if it escalates too extreme. Then this idiocy would stop. The behaviour is part of wpvp, sure, but it was never this unenjoyable, ever.


WPvP has always been this way. It is WPvP. It is just a game. People play games to have fun. Other games have pvp where kills are thick and fast. As with wm. Putting players down is sad. If not fun, the choices are simple :slight_smile:

Its always been a legitimate tactic whether they be max level or the lowly nub hoping for fast gains and an easy time. You turn on warmode/roll on an old pvp realm and expect to die.

Archimitros is case and point of why its so fun, although they act as if they’re better than gankers, in the end they’re crying about a system they signed up for.

Whos the real loser, the person having fun or the one crying about it.


you must be unlucky(or i am), as the shards Zones i end up in is almost always one with an ally assasin or 2 running around with their gruppes or no more then 3 people total in the zone(that i see)

Yes. IMO analyzing and overanalyzing the opponent’s psychologic reasons, their irl or whatever - instead of gathering a group and fight back - means that the person has already lost the battle in their mind.

It would have been much more useful if an analysis of the opponent was made in arena to estimate when he’d make mistakes. qq-ing in wpvp brings nothing but frustration to the qq-er.


Is this so? Horde had that. You qq like there was no tomorrow. Then, for having superior numbers, the horde got punished. You epic hard-core wpvp gods neede to be spoon fed welfare epics and a 30% buff.

Did it work? I don’t think so. Maby on your server. On Argent Dawn wm is void of alliance already. You get the odd 4 or 5 man groups doing wq. Tbh…i think horde is scared of attacking you, in fear that you might qq again and turn wm off.

Bwhahahahahaha says the alliance welfare warrior. Do you sometimes taste the $@€# you speak?

Are you SERIOUS!? Isn’t it how we got the buff and gear in the first place? You do realize that alliance is already not that many is wm because the free gear is gone?

If this was true, both factions would be treated the same. Both would have a 10% wm buff.

How to use you number is always what matters.
In pvp I always find that it’s good to read your opponent, but it’s even better if you know how to read the one you are in group with - that way you shoud be able to defend/attack odd numbers and classes you normally wouldn’t be able to be against :slight_smile:

Of course I hate when a max lvl player attacks my low lvl chars - and that’s the reasons why I don’t play in pvp-mode when I’m in the lower lvls.
Does it prevent me from attacking lower lvls myself: No - because I do attack them if I see a guild tag I know, and I know how the players react when a member is being attacked :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(I play on both sides, so ofcourse I know what guild tags to attack :smirk:)

But that sharding is a devil to dance with, when you want people to come and play with you :roll_eyes:

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To clarify, we need to distinguish between the separate issues of Alliance being outnumbered wm eu region, and either side being temporarily outnumbered within a subzone on a wm shard. Though the latter, if Alliance doing the outnumbering, could potentially help with fixing the former.

The excess region wide horde had to be reduced, for your own good. :smiling_face:

You are on rp wm shards, so a different situation for wm. But, for those horde on normal wm shards, I’m assuming they are less likely to end up on overflow shards now? Because of the rebalancing system’s success. Less complaints on forum about it anyway.

Overflow shards, having no enemies at all, is the worst aspect of wm. Hopefully no longer required if Alliance get to 10%. Less overflow shards, which means remaining horde non wpvpers get exposed to wpvp, could be what helps them to gradually wm off, taking us eventually to eu balance. But Alliance can still encourage that process.

The rebalancing system created a sudden sharp reduction in horde non wpvp wm’'ers, worked a treat. More likely to see wpvp opponents now, instead of jumpers. It had to be region wide, including rp, because all have access to lfg. And it’s mostly lfg that unbalances a shard.

Horde still have an advantage with lfg, a potentially larger pool than Alliance of wm’ers to recruit from.

We need to get to 10% and remove Horde’s lfg advantage! Target those non wpvpers Alliance!

I assume that players with pvp flagged on want to pvp… It’s opt in right?

I don’t go to lowbie zones to gank but il happily melt somebody doing a world quest mid boss etc, then you get a race to kill the boss before the dude comes back and then you fight a few times til someone gets bored or more players turn up and soon you’ve got a big messy fight going on with a boss & adds trailing someone too bc he aoed the wrong place and tbh its all just top fun


Even the few “fights” I’ve had in Classic zones have been great fun.

I always looked forward to finding someone within level range, but it’s a shame when they run and don’t bother to fight back…


Yes, that can be frustrating - and sometimes you try to make yourself “attractive” by throwing some gear away, and the opponent still focus on the quest they are doing :frowning:

((Oh my goodness, you just jumped some lvls lately :open_mouth:))


Yes, I’ve actually been playing. :grin:

You’ll probably see me sit at 60 for a while though.


Fun story… I was leveling a Lightforged alt a while ago in STV. A fun fight happened then. There was a warlock that tried to kill me. I have no idea what level he was compared to me, but I was like 34 and here surely was 10+ levels higher I guess, since I only saw ??. I killed him in 8 seconds. wow. Guess that’s why people are scared to fight each other at low level really.

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I fought a Blood Elf roughly 14 levels below me who actually fought back. I did kill them in the end but they at least put up a fight.

At least they had guts and didn’t just run away like most others I’ve come across.