Remember flying to Drustvar a while back to do an assault, only to be greated by 40+ Horde and 4 assassins camping the flight path and Order of Embers quartermaster.
It took me a good 40 mins until I rallied enough people from either /1 or lfg in order to beat them, but when we got the manpower it was glorious. Their ranks crumbled and they scattered like roaches. I left the group a short while after but a big chunk remained and started hunting them down. That was before Blizz added a 400 ilvl piece for people to strive for.
Moral of the story, if you have a problem with gankers whether you are Alliance or Horde, don’t wait for others to solve it. Form a group, get in there and kick some @ss. Stop relying on others to get things done.
Everytime i see a druid, rogue or night elf even commenting on the state of WPvP I just turn a blind eye. Being able to stealth, regardless of source really helps remove some frustration regarding the state of WPvP. So I suggest remove stealth so everyone could see how boring and broken it is to have 40 hordes or alliance camping a FP or Assualt point. It’s so bad you can’t even opt out these days.
No self healing saves you when you have 20 taurens trying to teabag you. Being one of the least mobile classes in the game also don’t help much, since you can’t get away even if you wanted to.
Look at it at the bright side you whould always be a interactive part of the WoW’s WPvP community. Being killed while you have to emergency pee etc. It’s all in good fun.
the best tool for WPVP is player interaction. You see a air drop near a bunch of alliance, tell the whole server its there and watch your reinforments come in and slaughter the people taking pot shots at you.
Well that usually requires people too acctually interact with and to be honest summoning up a raid group whould just cause me to become yet another cog in a flawed system. Not everyone are like those horde and alliance raid groups sitting on top of a FP or Quest point just mauling down people.
I enjoy WPvP when it comes naturally, but seeing 30 alliance or 30 horde sitting on a poor lonely tortollan NPC are not WPvP… It’s the “russian style” AV but in the open world.
Besides the shard balance just becomes even more messed up by joining nd creating these sort of groups.
Each class has pros and cons. Stealth is an advantage, but other classes have advantages too. In the situation of large groups ganking, the solution is to group up and retaliate. I’d do that stealth or no stealth. That is wpvp, as is 1v1, etc, it’s all wm.
Ye I love the air drop system, looking forward to capture points in 8.2 !
I agree with you completely there. Those first weeks with the alliances gank quest up were awful, you just saw them abuse first the ability to complete it in a raid, then the lack of guards in dazaralore’s vital areas.
However during faction incursions or completing the weekly kill 10 guys in this zone, you can usualy find a group or enougth people doing it to band together. In faction incusions if the numbers are balanced you can get some of the best pvp going as people carfully balance completing the quest or killing the opponants, the look as two lines form in a area and waiting for someone to charge in of throw a spell turning it into a brawl.
Yeah I sort of disagreed with the quest in general. They could had left the bonus up for awhile without the quest attached to make some of the PvE hordes opt out of WM and lure some of the undecided alliance players in anyways.
The quest itself were really silly and uneccesary… however i won’t deny I really enjoyed the struggle of doing it solo, untill the bounty showed up ofc… cause then everyone either ran away thinking i was a raid group or a whole raid came for me lol.
Stealths beyond a “pro”. It ruins the games immersion in it’s current state. In earlier expansions stealth were a bit more balanced since you could at least notice enemy stealthers at a decent distance, especially if you used detect stealth stuff. Even with the new detect stealth potion you have to be in melee range to even spot a stealthed playable character.
It’s not stealth if you can basicly hide in plain sight it should rightfully be called invisibility at this rate. Other games have this issue too when it comes to stealth mechanics, but WoW really push this to the extremes. Rogues and Druids used to have to give up five points to improve their stealth to a level not even half as rediculus as it is now.
As a rogue/druid you can basicly sneak straight up infront of players these days were as in earlier expansions it at least had some manner of “skill” attached to the whole mechanic both in spotting/noticing the prowling treath and to jump your opponent as the aggressor.
If they can’t fix it they should just remove it, not make it rediculusly Overpowered.
Yeah, and I never bubble/hearth! I’ve witnessed you attempt to gank tons of times. Maybe you are classifying it as “self defense” and therefore never technically engage under your own accord?
Have to think of Guild Wars 2 with Thieves, Mesmers and even Zerg Invisibility in WvW. The mechanic is indeed incredibly powerful.
It’s the ultimate tanking ability as you technically just avoid the damage. Especially when Rogues have so much cc but are still capable of noping out of combat to escape or to waste enemy burst even when that enemy is right on top of them!
They tried to reduce Horde PvE’ers while bringing in Alliance PvE’ers… the quest to kill 25 Horde is still ironically PvE in its ability to be completed in group, with PvE rewards. They really should have made War Mode more about PvP rewards.
The whining was glorious on the olden days of PvP servers as well. You chose to enter WM, you suffer the consequences. Same with PvP servers, you picked the server, you gave your consent.
Zerging is a valid tactic. However, I have no respect for people who only go around in zergs.
Agreed, there is nothing wrong with fighting with allies and friends, but you are only good if you are capable of holding your own on your own as well.