Ganking is a 100% legit tactic in wpvp

It’s interesting that in a game mode with no rules, players like to create their own rules. RPing about honor for example, is a way to feel that there are rules, within a no rules situation.

Many variables in wpvp made up rules. An example variable, one player is honor bound to strict 1v1. Another player is a 1v1er, but will intervene in a 1v1 if their ally is being beaten. The second 1v1er has broken the first ones 1v1 rules, rage!

That is one example of conflicting made up rules. WM has potentially many many many made up rule variables. Every player has a potentially slightly different concept of rules, and what wpvp is.

It’s good to enjoy the game the way you want. But, there are no rules, except the ones you create yourself. That’s fine, but just don’t expect others to play by your specific set of made up rules.

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Ok, let me try another aproach

Vaëyn made a thread where he listed the different pvp players, but there is different variants than those he listed.

Let me ask you - what kind of pvp player are you?

I can introduce myself as a pvp-player:

I am a strategist, meaning I like to predict my opponents next move… And I can see what the opponents want to do, unless they are a pvp-player like me, then they hustle, and I either die very VERY fast or we have a draw.

The hit and run and shoot that many in GTA5 plays is not my style, and I often have trouble countering for a player that kites me like they often do.

I am only a kamikaze player when it comes to pve and mobs, you really won’t see me jumping first in line when it comes to other player - that’s what CS:GO player does.

There are other kinds of players, and that reflect on the variants of pvp games on the market.

My games when I don’t play WoW is games like Civilization, Ages of Empire, Valkyrie Cronicles, board games and card games -> Games where I have to predict and play against people or AI movements.

Or if I just want a pure fist to face fight, I play games like Tekken, Dead or Alive or Rocket League (yeah yeah, this isn’t quite the same, but it’s a fast game).

I will never be a player in games like Overwatch, Fortnite, CS:GO and similar games.

But when I pvp, I can tell what opponents do play those games, they move their WoW-chars the same way they are supposed to move them in first shooter games, how they are expected to move to survive and win a game.

But pvp in WoW and pvp in other games are way different, and changing play style can make some people stop one game or one thing in a game because they suddently are having difficulties in an enviroment they are used too.

Some of my friends that used to pvp, don’t pvp now. They can’t tell why they don’t but they don’t think it’s fun.
I haven’t been much in BG after I returned, I don’t like the changes, but I will honestly say, I think I am having so much trouble to adapt to the changes, and that’s why I don’t.

So, where are the hardcore pvp players now and what games do they play… What games do you play?

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I see pvp as “war”. I’d be amused to watch someone going into philosophical speech about honor, fairness etc. if he’s a soldier and sees a group of enemies in front of him. He’d either be dead or he’d surrender very fast.

People create pvp rules based on their attitude to war, I guess. As a result many do not see wpvp as war, but rather wish there to be something a bit different in wpvp. If I have to speak very honestly, there are too few “soldiers” playing this game.

What kind of pvp-er I am: “Krankenschwester”, a nurse. I play healer and prefer to pvp in groups. There I feel most useful. I love bgs. My rl is quite busy and I am often tired so I don’t play bgs every day. I enjoy coordination and team play.

Don’t play any other games, I barely have time for wow :slight_smile:


This is one of the main reasons why I don’t hate gank groups, even if I meet one… Grouping up with people you know or don’t know can be a difficult task as well - and meeting a skilled small group can still be devastating if your group are having coordination trouble :slight_smile:

I think you are correct with this statement (not a rule, I just agree with this)


I’m not saying there should be a rule against raids ganking in WPvP, but when a raid is camping the 1 NPC that lets you finish an emissary quest, and effectively prevent you from completing it, the game becomes frustrating, less fun. That, in best case, results in people (time of day allowing it) get a raid together and squash the raid camping… Another group will go back to a town, disable WM, and go about their day. Too many doing that though, will eventually result in dead WPvP.
People keep saying “it’s just a game”, and yes, this is true. But I for one play a game because it is FUN, not to be frustrated beyond belief by “trolls” camping the NPC I need. There’s a reason Blizz made it impossible to mount up on specific NPCs… trolls. Now they should prevent the same trolls from messing too much with certain quest NPCs; either through moving the NPCs further from flightpaths so it’s harder to predict where those heading for it will fly to, or make FPs “safe zones” so you can turn around if there’s a hungry mob standing there waiting for you. But as I said, once I find two more supply drops in WM I’m out, cuz a 10% bonus to rewards isn’t worth quests taking 300% longer to complete.
Y’all have fun ganking the randoms that fly to whatever FP you and your 30 buddies are camping, and feel big and mighty doing so while laughing all the way to the bank. I just don’t think it’s a good way to promote WPvP as something fun.

I believe this is something you can ticket for under zone disruption :wink:

Although I can’t find it in the new set of rules

I am still sure, you can file a ticket and argue that they prevent quest completion, and they seem to do it on purpose :slight_smile:

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I can’t believe it’s “news” to Blizz that this happens EVERY time it’s Tortollan Emissary? While it’s good I can report the behaviour, I shouldn’t have to imo. They should work premptively to prevent trolling in the amount it happens. I will however start doing so now, so thanks for the tip. :slight_smile:

I agree, all though I am in the ‘WM is without rules, and when you turn it on, you face the consequenses’ - I also believe that behaviour like that should be fought by Blizz themselves, making the WM experince more fun for all :slight_smile:

Agreed. As I stated I will personally concider you to be a damn chicken if you need a group of 30 to kill just little ol’ me, but I can’t ban you from doing it. Blizz seemed to care by adding “NPCs that will deal conciderable damage” to some areas, but with a big enough raid that’s just not enough.

I agree that WM is without rules and you should take the consequences for turning it on, but i also believe in a fair playing field, and with fair i mean both sides has the same options and rewards for doing it, it would also mean that the wel fair epic and extra x% bonus is removed.
now that would make a fair field, and in that field i would say anything goes, with the way it is now its not a fair field, so im against the way it is now.


If you want a fair playing field, the only way is to reduce Horde and/or increase Alliance in wm. Reducing Horde probably easier. Otherwise, Horde have an advantage with a larger pool of players in lfg with wm on. And, Horde suffered too much with overflow shards. Doesn’t matter reasons why this came about, it needed fixed.

The current reward system for outnumbered encourages Horde non wpvpers to wm off. It was working, but looks like some came back, and Alliance item groups need another go at reducing those pesky Horde freeloaders, the ones with wm on, but not wpvping.

i never said i wanted equal numbers i said a fair feild and that is equal conditions for both sides, it is true that equal numbers would be great to, easiest fix, remove the 10% from ap rewards.


the horde Non PVPers left the first batch, the only reason the quest is back on is becouse of the alliance not wanting to have war mode without unfair insentives, stop diluding yourself.

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Yeah, I agree. Just remove any warmode incentive, even the 10% bonus that both factions get. That will remove the people who don’t like open world PvP.

Make the only incentive be doing it casue you like it, and incursions. I know, that’s crazy right? Only mad people make games like that.

Oh yeah, and stop listening to Alliance whiners Blizzard.

You claim the only reason Alliance are suffering in WM is that Horde vastly outnumber them in it? Then why, when the numbers were finally more balanced due to welfare epics and quick fixes, did most of those newcomer Alliance disable WM again? It wasn’t fun to be equal? They must have, since the welfare epics are back… So… Why didn’t they stick around when it was a more level playing field? Hmm?

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agreed and those times when the quest was gone, had great pvp, probably the best. did I die? ofcourse thats what happens, but I didnt die becouse massive raid group of alliance was coming round to complete a kill 25 people for free loot quest, nah I died because organic pvp happened. I died to the people that want to have warmode on and they are the people that should be rewarded not the people that turned off which are alliance who only wanted the free loot.

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The timing of the bonus buff changes makes me wonder. We don’t have the actual data, and can only go based on the timing of how long the different bonus amounts are up. Even what we observe when playing is misleading, because different shards have different situations.

The buff went from 30% to 20% to 15%. Gear quest was lost at 15%. Alliance stayed at 15% for several weeks without any quest incentive. To me, that looks like more than a simple case of Alliance turning off wm after losing quest.

Here’s my theory, based on this very limited data, and no wm pop numbers:

  1. When 30% first happened, many Alliance that didn’t normally wm, turned on for item quest. Many Horde that didn’t really care about wm turned off. Some that did care turned off too.

  2. At 20%, the above continued. Temporary extra Alliance, and declining Horde.

  3. When 15% first happened, some Alliance turned off wm, and many just didn’t turn it on for q. Some new wm Alliance maybe left wm on in limited numbers. So both sides had a reduction in pve’ers at 15%. Alliance were still outnumbered in region, but with less pve’ers, wm seemed improved for wpvp. 15% was a good wm period, and 10% would have been great. Not because I see a huge disadvantage to region outnumbering, but because wpvp quality can be better with wm faction balance, if pve’ers not on shards.

  4. Each following week at 15%, Horde gained more wm pve’ers, until Alliance bonus returned to 20%. Makes sense, why would they not turn wm back on? And now, the process repeats. My hope is that, with several passes at this rebalancing, each time, a % of Horde pve’ers will not turn wm back on when Alliance buff gets to 15%. If that happens, eventually we can reach 10%. If not, I see an endless 15%/20% loop for rest of bfa.

That’s my theory. Is it improbable? It’s the length of time at 15%, that makes me think it wasn’t a simple case of Alliance turning off wm. More happened.

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