Ganking: kiiling of one faction low level chars by high level chars of the other faction other

Pointless post from OP in my honest opinion. Griefing will always happen on pvp servers since there are always people that get some kick out of it. No point in dwelling on it.
If you don´t want it to happen, play on a pve realm…simple as that. You basically consent to all sorts of pvp nonsense if you create a toon on a pvp realm.

I thought that about your comment but I did it anyway, just like you did.

Seriously, if you don’t like getting killed by other players then a PvP realm is not for you.

I wonder if any of you Are currently leveling on Firemaw and actually know what’s going on.

This is now a 4 year old server and it’s crammed. The game wasnt designed for this. The “don’t play on pvp” thing does nothing to address any of the issues. It’s a 20 year old line that doesn’t apply anymore.

I already suggested the only option to somewhat alleviate the problem and that’s layers.

Now again, are you even leveling on Firemaw era, particularly Horde and are you fully ok with how questing is? Because if not then…Well you get it.

I played exclusivley on pvp for decades, but as said there’s PvP and the there’s this.
Layers can help, but as said player culture is what it is and it’s pretty sad.

Layers will not help it’s gonna be the same pissing contest everytime horde gank on ally then ally fight back horde run and yadayada

The Horde never runs!

We just tactically advance in the other direction.

Hahah i guess yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Redridge guy doesn’t want 60s to come and fight him, he is very poorly geared and rather a bad player. He has a level 1 alt, also named Redridge guy who is alliance side and he sits under the bridge in Lakeshire and monitors chat and whose coming in and out of the flight master.

If 60s show up, he is normally aware of this pretty quickly and makes himself scarce. After they have gone away, he resumes his ganking activities.

Whilst this is frustrating for many players, he is at least fairly fair in that I’ve observed him not repeatedly killing the same people over and over again buy rather rotating his targets.

He’s become a bit of a boogeyman for low level alliance on Firemaw which is fun and adds to the servers character.

The only solution if you want to avoid this is just to roll on Pyrewood.

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And of course There’s criminal in hillsbrad who does what he does and it gives flavor to the server, yes.

He’s been there forever and is notorious for it. I can respect that.

But then there’s a whole score of lackeys who want to one up him and whose names you’ll forget because of how many there are.

Eh, it’s pointless to moan about it, I know. Maybe layers help a bit maybe they don’t. All in all it’s a curious time for WoW, and it strains yer will to play, but whatever.

I understand what you mean. I had a similar experience in Redridge the other day when a party of level 29 twinks wiped us and camped us on our way to do the elite quests.

I’m in a fortunate position where when this happens I can log my 60 and simply kill them all and they clear off, however I understand this is not an option available to everyone.

Best thing to do is join a guild that will help you with this when it happens. I will often log my 60 and clear out Redridge when my low level guildies begin to complain about not being able to quest for hours. There’s ganking and then there’s ganking imo, but it’s a PvP server so you need to elicit support from high level players if you can’t clear them yourself.

Layers will not help at all, the only thing that will happen is that the gankers will transfer to those layers.

You are no dick for enganging in a 1v1 which is wanted on a pvp server ! Thats the fun part for pvpers. Its no timewaste, thats why we play on a pvp realm lol. Also group clashes low lvl is the best part. These pvers talking like this did create these unhealty monofaction realms in wrath instead going onto a pve realm. Thx for that btw

I lvled a Horde Mage to 60, and now lvling Human Priest ( lvl 56 ) atm. It’s a bad situation on both sides, both sides are gankin like crazy… But i did realise it would be like that, so i dont bother too much about it. It helps to try running some dungeons if the ganking is going crazy. That’s what i did, either grind some dungeons or change the lvling Area. Like i said, its not easy but also it’s something to expect on a PvP server…

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