Ganking: kiiling of one faction low level chars by high level chars of the other faction other

Ganking in PVP realm. Limits? I recen0tly became aware of high level horde characters killing low level Aliiance characters repeatedly. in Redridge at least one realm, the apparent aim is to slow down progression 0f alliance characters Or possibly as a0 goad or troll to get Alliance level 60’s to come fight them.

Am aware that such practices won’t phase seniorr plyers or any adult for that mattter. But the 13 to 18yr olds for whom this is theiir ffirst MMORPG can et very frustraed when their levlling is blocked or impaired in this way. And many of us empathise. way

Human rogues in particular have ttheir locping traing quest there.


Pve realms were invented for a reason


The limit on Classic realms is to play on the PVE type servers as Iggwilv posted or at Retail, disable Warmode in Capital Cities.

Or call your buddies for a PVP solution. That’s about it.


So someone makes an adverse choice. Chooses to play PvP but is not really up to the rougher stuff. Doesn’t want to admit it. If you were regular gankers wouLd you gank without any restraint? We are talking About a level 60 “camping on” lndividuals or groups of lvl 16 -24 or so, or inhabyting an area. You resurrect at your corpse, seconds later , you are a corpse again.

I think Blizzard can look after themselves and probably will.

To me this is a matter of game culture. Good games are robust, aggressive, action packed, no mercy to characters.

This particular matter is not about characters but about players.

If someone showed a pvp disabled flag, would you still attack?

I know of no programmed Warmode off. If that could be applied outside cities that would solve the problem

Hey, I feel your frustration. I’m on a pvp server because it’s populated otherwise I’d be on a pve server. Unfortunately they are completely dead.

While leveling I never ganked. I left alliance alone even when I could have easily killed them.

There was a ally hunter at Uldaman summon stone. Could have easily killed, but I didn’t because I’d feel like a dick if I did. I’m no bully. I don’t pick on people and waste ppls time. I don’t do that.

As a result, by time my group arrived while I went to go get a soul shard, I came back to meet them only to find that hunter and his group fighting my group. I asked what happened and they said the hunter just started attacking them. I came back to help but I was 1v4 and didn’t have a chance.

Then they corpse camped us. They blocked us and kept killing us every time we ressed. They blocked the path and advanced upto the instance. They kept killing us on res.

Instead of going into the instance as they planned, they waited upto 5-10 minutes per res just to gank us.

I couldn’t believe the persistance.

I could tell stories like this all day from my experience leveling so far. My recent victories have been lvl 60 rogue/ warrior/ hunters trying to gank me when I’m busy fighting mobs questing. I went drain tank build and killed them. It must have made them feel pretty stupid picking a fight with me and then losing considering they had enchanted weapons and stunlocks.

All I can suggest is you ask in /1 if anyone is around to help kill the gankers because there are some guilds I’ve discovered who’s sole goal is to gank on sight. They will help anyone asking for it, ask for your location and kill them, then corpse camp. This is on both factions and they’re well known by my guild.

Its always worse during the school holiday here in the UK which I’ve concluded (maybe wrongly) that it is the level 60 kids doing the ganking.


In PVP realms this is auto toggled in contested/hostile zones.

In PVE you have the choice to toggle it or not, and if it’s toggled off you cannot attack them by default.

Though they can still attack you on their iniative, you just can’t until they do.

Warmode is only present in Retail WoW and not Classic, as Classic didn’t have this but PVP/PVE realm types in the past instead to mimick.

It is intentional that you can only toggle this in Capital cities to prevent the “iniative hit” as well as give players the choice to participate in phased warmode.

Thanks for the replies.

It seems that the culture in PvX is different. Behavior that one player may find unacceptable others may find unremarkable. Astonishing when I consider that changes are so minor.

I have reported gankers and ganking to Blizzard as a potential source lof harrassment. They may take a view.

It is on record anyway, better safe than sorry


This is not considered harassment and such reports are discarded, please do not report again unless they harass you with ingame texts bypassing the faction-language barrier or join the opposing faction with an alt to whisper you for example.

you fail to realize that he isn’t complaining about pvp happening on a pvp servers. he is complaining about gankers trying to prevent low level players from playing. why not just attacking other 60’s?

killing low level player should count as dishonorable kill. because it is literally an dishonorable kill. except they engage first of course

It is not against the rules to repeatedly kill a player of the opposing faction, that doesn’t mean it’s not a scummy thing to do.


19 y at vet and never ganked greybies

But also

19 year vet and never moaned about being ganked

I fail to realise nothing matey - I’ve been around many years and seen your ‘primese’ many times. The answer is reroll pve

I can’t believe another thread is started about PVP crying. Did you expect PVP will be always fair - same level, same number of players in each group?
And how limits could be put in game? One kill per day?
Because of such crying Wrath has one faction realms and retail doesn’t even have PVP realms.


People start it all the time not even 3 days ago a similar topic here:
Where that OP was fully convinced everyone was griefing him by PVPing on a PVP realm he chose to play on.

Getting ganked on a PvP server! Whatever next?

It’s happened since game was released. Roll PvE, simple as that, if you can’t deal with it.

The reverse happens with alliance ganking horde in hillsbrad, arathi, badlands…

I did a post about it in regard to the firemaw server where lvl 60s literally render entire questing zones unavailable.

There’s nothing that can be done by blizzard, it’s player culture which is at an all time low since vanilla. Questing has become very difficult and annoying.

The reroll PvE advice is too stupid to comment on, it’s what it is. Griefing on this level isn’t PvP, it’s just manchildren making the game experience worse because they can, it’s sad but hey, it’s your own fault for wanting to play a game… pfff.

Layers are the answer for extremely high pop servers like firemaw

You mean like getting killed by the opposite faction is something you don’t want on a PvP realm?

It is, just not PvPing in your eyes.

If you don’t like it then guess what? you can play on realms where it doesn’t happen.

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WoW such good points, congratulations debate lord, you’ve managed to miss the issue, address imaginary points and still be smug about it.

It’s too stupid to comment on, but never underestimate people.