Ganking low lvl characters in Duskwood and Stranglethorn

Quick question for those with the « Blizz wants the world to feel dangerous!!! » argument :
If that was the case… why did they adds guards in neutrals areas like Terrace of the Devoted and such ? :thinking:
WM is dead on my shards now.


Doesn’t neutral mean for both factions not a PvP free-for-all?

I tend not to use war mode as quite happy playing in peace mode and don’t care for the extra xp.

I did use to play on a pvp realm back in the day but feel like I’ve outgrown it now. Random pvp is just a nuisance, hence I switched to argent dawn.

But formidable guards was always meant to be the main deterrent to ganking low level towns, so that needs to be in place.

Otherwise find less popular places to quest in. The problem is too many people stick to the main route for leveling with pvp, and you need to be more creative then that!


Only in SW/ORG*

While I agree with you somewhat, it boils down to this:
Why do certain people grief others? Because they can!

Add some restrictions to the method currently being applied, they will come up with another.

At least in this scenario (ganking), it’s rather easy to opt out of it, which is why I don’t see “turn WM off” as a dismissable argument.


Nah. That was pre 8.1. Now you can turn it OFF in any rested area. You can turn it ON only in SW/ORG though…


The pros and cons

Nice, didn’t realize. I’ve been going back on my alts the whole time :joy:


The biggest joke is that those who gang lower levels and comment in here that it shouldn’t be free you etc they are all garbage level of pvpers and simply they can’t deal with the same lvl ppl as they are.
Biggest jk ever


Certainly Horde on my realm/shard/whatever side there’s more of a temptation to play WM off just because there’s so many other players around to engage with if you do. That far outweighs the minimal benefit from it. It’s rather quiet with WM on.

Even at 120 you will always encounter those that only attack the low geared (judged by health pool) and avoid all other combat. Questing on a 120 alt yesterday I had someone insist I help them attack a low geared Alliance clearly just doing the same quest and when I didn’t and they got themselves killed decided to whine about it. Shouldn’t pick a fight and expect others to fight it for you.


Warmode isn’t free xp but I’m not gonna say turn it off. Personally I feel that the character should be level reduced to the areas cap, like a twink in a sense. Then the gankers will suffer the embarrassment of being killed by a lowbie rather than busting a nut. My group and I however do kill them when we see them and even hunt them. We made a guild for killing gankers, all that comes now is gearing up. Then we will happily oblige ourselves to killing gankers. Best thing to do is level out of that sense of vengeance, makes it faster.


From my experience leveling alts, there are 2 things that don’t sit well with me:

  1. The fact that most of the time I can’t get back on my main and kill every single one of them repeatedly until they give up and shut down their PC’s, because of sharding ( can’t find them, they don’t exist in my universe ).
  2. I have up until this day not met a single horde that was ganking lowbies repeatedly for fun, sticking his own when I showed up on my main, and when Blizz Gods made it so I could share the shard, especially if they were solo and not in a group. Most cowardly players I have ever seen in my life.
    I stand by something called honor, even if it is a game, even if I am a rogue, go figure. That means that if you think that griefing low level players is fun ( and not matching against same level or better players in arenas, BG’s etc ), then I believe you need to be put down. And I would gladly send you on your way, if only sharding would allow me the pleasure.

Part of wPVP is choke pointing levelling. I See absolutely no problem of 120s killing the lower levelers. Slows the other factions progression and can also incite people bringing 120s to counter in areas where high level pvp doesn’t usually take place.


I assume you are one of these 120 gankers. If you are , seriously get a life


Sharding, sharding is the problem :slight_smile: Can you understand what I am saying? Means it’s ok for you to grief my low level alt if that is what makes you happy, but it should also be ok for me to find you and kill you until you want to take a break from playing :wink:


No not at all. I’ve never ganked lowbies in all my gametime. I think it’s sad that people feel the need to do it.

Conversely though I don’t whinge about it because the rule sets of Warmode (and pvp servers before them) are quite specific and if you’re not prepared to put up with it the. Don’t go there.


I am hapy to gank low levels because it is fun and lovely to play with the nerves of people in the hope of helping blizz maybe loose a subscriber or make them buy a boost.

Or maybe i am sadistic and have nothing better to do.

I think i am justs exercising my sarcasm…idk

Dadistic? Awww hell no. No daddy issues here plz

Yeah we did have an advantage hardly as big as say 90 plus levels.

Most or some cheat to get into unlocked BG’s? Give me some numbers and source.

I still remember the salty tears of the wanna be gankers when full world scaling was a thing in BfA Beta, just went to prove that people who sit and camp low levels aren’t there for PvP but to grief. Cried like babies when their prey bit back.

I’m all for warmode making the world ‘more dangerous’ but to be one shot by a 120 multiple times when you’re levelling is just pure griefing. Same as the people who sit and kill quest giving/turn in npc’s so you physical cannot start or turn in a quest (I’ve had it happen a stupid amount of times on alts and imo deserves a ban)

WM should scale you to the max level of the area. If you’re in a 60-80 zone you and you’re lvl 120 in BFA you are scaled to lvl80. At least then people would have a chance. WPVP should be about pitting skill vs skill not ‘hur dur I massively out level you so I get free kills’