Ganking low lvl characters in Duskwood and Stranglethorn

Maybe so, but that’s Warmode for you.
Either turn WM off and never get ganked or park your main close to where you are questing on your alt. I do that sometimes and if a 120 starts camping my low lvl alt I log my main and go bring the pain instead.


Players are often offended to be told to turn off WM, but this is Blizz’s own advice: "If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode."

All PvP is allowed unless exploiting - so it’s okay whatever level, whatever number of kills, and for any length of time.

For NPC killing, It’s annoying that the above support article lists “A player of the opposite faction is camping or killing NPCs” under common problems, yet doesn’t directly refer to NPCs in the details of the support article. But it does say “Players that activate War Mode are encouraged to resolve cross-faction disputes on their own”. This means, if there is a PvP remedy, a GM will not interfere. If a player is killing NPCs or low levels, there is a PvP remedy, therefore no problem.

Here’s the support article…

Common Problems

  • A player of the opposite faction is camping or killing NPCs
  • A player keeps killing me over and over
  • Keep getting camped and can’t play the game at all

All players can actively choose when they wish to engage in PvP combat by enabling or disabling War Mode in the talents interface while in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode.

War Mode allows open combat between players of opposing factions that have opted in to PvP (Player versus Player). Players that activate War Mode are encouraged to resolve cross-faction disputes on their own. The Game Master staff will not intervene in PvP disputes.

The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:

  • Corpse camping
  • Killing players well below your level

Well to be fair the person has a right to sound off about being bullied by a higher level to the extent it is disturbing their experience.
I do not kill lower levels with my 120s either. Anyway.

Why should the player turn off WM because of a 120 keeps kiling them?

I think perhaps they should bring dishonour or do something about people who get off on ruining other peoples experience.

Sorry if my last reply came across as fresh. I took what you typed the wrong way and thought you meant something else. It happens…


Notice what is missing in the second one? That’s right “A player of the opposite faction is camping or killing NPCs” so doesn’t that mean Blizzard will do something about it?

I did notice, and that is an annoying flaw in an otherwise useful support article that is very clear on PvP rules. However, not referring to NPCs in the second part does not mean they will do something about NPC camping.

Because they refer to both player and NPC in the common problems list, I interpret the following text to include both players and NPCs: “Players that activate War Mode are encouraged to resolve cross-faction disputes on their own”. A player camping NPCs in WM is a cross faction dispute, solved with PvP.

At the end of the day, doesn’t matter how a support article is interpreted though… a GM will issue a warning or ban, or do nothing, depending on their opinion. The NPC rules are grey, there’s nothing specific I can find saying in clear words “don’t do this”. Whereas the article is very clear on PvP. That must be deliberate. Seems like they want to allow certain behavior to an extent, and leave an option to take individual action if needed.

I suspect a gm would first of all make a suggestion the offender moves on, maybe issue a warning. Pretty sure they don’t want to ban someone for doing something that blizz made possible to happen, and has always been in the game, unless a severely obnoxious player!

Ongoing NPC ganking is very common in places like Darkshire, but what is the ban rate? I suspect very low, if any. A 120 or two will normally show up eventually, a PvP solution… “Players that activate War Mode are encouraged to resolve cross-faction disputes on their own”.


Lets just agree to disagree.


Yup no prob… it’s down to interpretation on NPC killing then, and that support article can be interpreted both ways - a grey area. An individual blizz gm will use their judgment I guess. Since there is a PvP solution, seems like a non issue.

But at least they are very clear on PvP, and the lowbie ganking op is talking about - all PvP, regardless of level, volume, time, is 100% okay and for players to resolve themselves. No one is breaking rules by doing any form of PvP, as long as no exploits.

That is their choice. Blizz specifically state “All players can actively choose when they wish to engage in PvP combat by enabling or disabling War Mode” and “If you do not wish to engage in PvP combat, do not activate War Mode”.

A player might not like being lowbie ganked, but it’s up to them to enable or disable WM, or accept the ganking or retaliate, or move to a different zone or shard, or log out for a bit, or any other option they can think of.

It’s NOT up to any player to go easy on another player… WM on = target, regardless of level. Everyone has a different idea of fun. I prefer 120 kills, but I know others find it amusing to kill lowbies. Whatever is fun, do that.

It’s up to players to control their experience in WM, that is awesome! So much better than linear PvP game modes.


Cry me a river lol.
Log main and fight back is out of the question nowadays i guess?
(or maybe u tried and faild :D:D?)

Allys still have some brave 120s that defends stv/duskwood.
We have fun wpvp with them almost everyday, u should help them instead of crying on forum.
Who knows, u might end up having fun while you are at it. :wink:


A PvP solution to PvP… it’s a concept!


Should there be a marker for players who do that though. I find it very difficult to disagree with what you wrote there tbh

If it was my choice, I would put a silly icon beside the players avatar so everyone else can see what behavior they have been active at. A bit like a dunce hat but for 120s who massacre level 40s over and over.

Even better, players over 3 brackets below cannot be attacked.
It is truly proposterous that a level 120 can force a levelling player to switch off warmode. Nobody benefits from letting that behaviour go unchecked.
120 on 110-120 i have nps with being killed or killing over and over as its fair game.
Hopefully someday in the far off future when they get better quality employees in they will redefine their definition of fair game.

Haha yes! :rofl:
This will work out perfect, noone will try to get the silly icon ever.


Interesting idea the marker, but if you spend any time in Duskwood you know who the gankers are anyway :slight_smile:

Limiting what level of players can be killed removes fun for a % of players. Why should those players have their fun removed? They paid their sub. The issue is not the gankers, it’s the players that are being ganked that are refusing PvP solutions in a PvP game mode.

Blizz have thought about this. They did try out scaling for lowbies, it was removed because it defeated the purpose of leveling and gearing - a core part of the game.

War Mode is not intended to be fair It’s intended to promote conflict. Players have many choices on how they deal with that. They make a choice to die repeatedly, they chose that to happen. Why should we feel sorry for anyone that makes that choice.


I’ll tell it again the problem isn’t that you are ganked it’s more like you can’t punish the ganker because of various reasons.
Every time im leveling a char my I move to that region with my main, so if someone starts ganking me I can kick their asses, but thanks to sharing and queuing to arena/BG/dung you’re not able to punish simple fix to this would be that you can’t accept the pope’s queue if you’re engaged in PvP combat. they fixed that you can accept the queue if you’re dead. So if you’re willing to accept the queue you either should die/kill the other one/leave the combat.


Yup, sharding is a complication to retaliation. You can get your main into same shard reliably if you have a co-operative ally group, and it is a multiplayer game so that’s okay.

But queue jumpers are outside our control. The problem with limiting queue joining is - if we’ve been in a queue for an hour and can’t join the instance = unhappy player. Whereas the player trying to kill the queue jumper lost nothing except some pride. I consider a queue jumper to be defeated and move on.


You cant really cherry pick what you get to experience in War Mode and WPvP. You cant say that you want to fight in the open world, but only when you have an even advantage and/or better.

Why should Warmode be allowed in Darkshire then if you’d never be ganked? Why should you get the buff for free?


Buff for free? If I fight in the open world with people within the same level-range, does that mean I get my buff for free? No.

Anyway, it has become apparent to me that my ideas go against the WM concept and that most people and blizzard can’t be bothered by fairness.

It’s not so much “can’t be bothered by fairness” as accepting WM for what it is designed to be - anything goes PvP. Expecting fairness in that scenario is going to lead to disappointment.


The War Mode buff is compensation for the risk of being ganked and losing out on time due to fighting and/or death.

It is not just a reward for turning something on. Please tell me you are not that entitled to think that?

If you ran around leveling in non-contested zones, you’d find almost never see another similar leveled opposing faction player; so why should you get the War Mode buff there when there is nothing to compensate for? No risk at all - it’d be a free buff.

Again, you are cherry picking what you want. You want the buff that is compensation for the risk of being ganked, but you don’t want to be ganked or partake in WPvP if you are at a disadvantage.

War Mode is fair - WPvP is all about survival of the fittest. You have the means to become the fittest at your disposal. It is not unfair for someone who has become “the fittest” before you to flex their strength.

Also, an Alliance player complaining about fairness in War Mode when you can run around with an increased % bonus while outnumbering the Horde? Lol!


It works both ways, horde are often at darkshire ganking and sometimes the same multiboxer but ally are also always there ganking the gankers and camping them until they log off. Many of my guild members are always killing horde at darkshire we can easily make a group to counter a raid. On the other hand ive farmed horde towns for hours with no opposition so i dont see why ally lowbies complain they probably have it a lot easier


every time this topic comes up you will inevitably hear the following responses come up:
-git gud scrub
-(and the ever-present good old classic) just turn war mode off

you see,human beings who engage in pathetic “sissy” tactics like ganking low lvls ,graveyard/corpse camping etc. will always look for ways to justify their actions…ie : “its YOUR fault if i keep robbing your house…just get a reinforced vault as your front door,build your house with reinforced concrete ,use bulletproof glass on your windows and never leave the house,duh”.anyone who’d instinctively go out of their way to blame the victim instead of chastising players who are just plain TOXIC by any definition of the world is a ganker/troll himself and their opinion doesnt hold any weight.what a normal person would do when you see a lol level player is just leave em the hell alone.maybe WAVE at them(just for laughs). the whole “if you dont like it dont do it” logic is extremely flawed.war mode/world pvp was not designed for trolls to use the game as their playground.blizzard should put an algorithm into the game that detects gratuitously over the line toxic behavior by a certain set of rules and give demerit to those types of players.or at least give them a pacifier icon or have their username written in pink or that during battlegrounds or other pvp stuff,players could see whos a ganker and can gang up on em extra hard…make em see how it feels

oh and btw,for anyone responding with git good or turn war mode off…dont bother.youre opinion means less than nothing to me(if thats your mind set)…besides,dont you have a child or a woman to beat up?go!the world needs your help Captain Assbackwards!(protector of the toxic)

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