Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

lets for arguments sake take it at face value, how does neuroplasticity fit in? How can the subconscious brain take into account adapting to environmental stimuli outside of instinct?

Don’t pretend that you watched the video - you literally replied a minute after I posted the link.

because I already know full well what its about, the brains build up to do any given action is started before the conscious brain is aware of the action, implying consciousness is an ad hoc justification after the fact.

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Great, that’s another hint that discussion about that topic with you is absolutely pointless. Have a nice day.

Well that clearly just isn’t true, is it? ‘Nature’ doesn’t seem to care about it, nor think it abnormal. Probably because ‘Nature’ isn’t a coagulate entity that can form an opinion on the matter, and express it. It seems to have been going on for thousands of years, and yet our population keeps on growing and is larger now than it ever has been, despite our being OK with it. (I mean -normal- people being ok with it) so what point were you trying to make again?

Could be called that, could be, I could call it being the victim of having swallowed a frog, it doesn’t mean I’d be right. Besides, who decides ‘Sin’? Don’t give the answer I’m expecting, because you’ll be wrong.

Why do we have police forces and detectives then, if we can detect these things and somehow detect them?

Could the answer be because we -can’t- actually do those things?

I mean if we could, then Adam and Eve must have been shocking level bad parents. “OK, one of our sons is going to kill the other son, because a voice in his head told him to, we OK with that?”
“Yeah, totes, we can tell him off about it later”
“Oh, and you know as there will only be three of us knocking around, that you’re going to have to uhh…”
“You OK with that?”
“Not really, but a voice in my head said so”
“Well, if it’s for the good of the species…”
“I mean technically we -are- the species, there are only four people, and one is going to murder the other so…”

Actually if you really study the bible, that isn’t the reason at all. We were made aware of Sin, and I’ll give you a clue, it wasn’t by God. Also the same dude who gave us Free Will. Is that a bad thing too?

No evidence of that whatsoever, or people wouldn’t have been doing it and enthusiastically enjoying it for so long. Not my personal cup of tea, but hey, it harms me not.
Who told you it was ‘abnormal’? Was it God?

Because you Know God’s wingman on Earth just actually said it was OK, and that gay people should be able to marry and that they go to heaven, right?

Before you go “Ahah! But I am Orthodox!” then that basically means a breakaway splinter group from the original -PLAN-, you know who else did that? Yeah, chap with an apple, and a deficiency of limbs at the time.

This sounds -highly- unlikely in the extreme.

Err…you sure? Pretty sure you’re not prevented from writing the word ‘transgender’ on the forums.

ignores my point at acts like I conceded


Reading your posts a lot makes you cringe but i am proud of who i am and you and nobody else can tell what to say or think so please dont try and shut me down okay .

Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (Official Music Video) - YouTube

And thanks for reminding me to refresh your ignore will make 6months this time .

posting a Christina Aguilera song

is this a Poe? This has to be a Poe.

Ugh…this thread keeps getting necro’d and it’s not even the weekend.

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its the gift that keeps on giving…

Sure we need to get to a place where we aren’t seen as an “other” but that is what has happened due to the misunderstanding from people in the past which still happens today (as this thread is evidence of) as to what it actually means to be one of the “others” (LGBT+).

Similar to you I sit within the LGBT+ area as a gay man and don’t tell people I’m proud about it because that word to me more represents things like achievements but I understand why those who say they’re proud do it.

I don’t think attacking Daestra for saying she is proud by telling her its cringe was really the best way to get your viewpoint out there.

It keeps getting restitched back together in Maldraxxus, blame the Necrolords!

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It wasn’t meant to be an attack, but I do have a tendency to be blunter than a spoon though. I more meant to attack the ‘stereotype’ that feeds it. Ill admit I don’t understand pride, Im ace, woop de doo, your gay, ok. It has no bearing on who we are as people so I don’t get why its a thing to be proud of to be honest.

calling smth is cringe is cringe in of itself anyway, and yes, this right now was cringe too.

bets on Draebet selling out their viewpoints for contrarian/conservative bonus points to look cool among their peers tho?

In a way, you can view LGBTQ+ as abnormal, just as you’d view literally any other mutation/diversion/change from the normal as abnormal. Blue eyes? Abnormal. Weird chin? Abnormal. White skin? Also abnormal.

People who use the ‘it’s unnatural!!! it’s abnormal!!!’ excuse are just a bunch of hypocrites anyway.

And even then, I cannot say with 100% confidence that it is abnormal, since because it exists in so many cases in nature, surely it is normal?

whether someone is a stereotypical gay or not does not invalidate them or any other type, though - pride right now is more of a celebration after decades of oppression and fighting for the rights many right now have (and many still do not)

pride marches are a great message and time of celebration that thanks to internet can also be viewed in countries where LGBTQ+ ppl are oppressed. wow itself can be an escape where people in the umbrella can finally be free


Ironically I’m autistic, I have no friends outside my family, Incidentally one of my younger brothers is gay and introduced me to the fact I’m LGBT+.

This is the part I fail to grasp we spent decades fighting to get society to recognise us and treat us as normal, to then go and deliberately other ourselves?


Because we are normal? Define ‘othering ourselves’, as I’m not sure what you mean by it. Never was it to become straight. It was to be accepted for who we are.

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The way I see it, pride is less about acceptance and more about broadcasting the ‘status’ to the rest of the world. which to me comes across more as trying to show actively you are not het.

Pride (by which I mean the parades) are a celebratory event.

Pride (of your own sexuality/gender/) is individualistic, but for many can be the overcoming of different challenges related to their identity that makes them proud.

It’s less so ‘look i’m not straight’ and moreso an act of defiance against prejudice and oppression.

If you refer to coming out in general, it sure would be lovely to live in a world where nobody has to ‘broadcast their “status” to the rest of the world’, as in - it’s so commonplace and normal that it’s just unnecessary. However, we aren’t at that point yet, unfortunately, so currently we’re forced by society to show we are not het.


fair enough, I understand that.

That’s fine but you could have worded it better even with the bluntness.

Pride has changed over the years, its not for me either but I don’t think the original intentions behind it are fully fulfilled either hence why the marches still happen. There are aspects of it I very much dislike but they’re not for on this forum.

Woop de doo!

No it doesn’t however there is still a huge amount of stigma and bad stereotyping attached to what we are.

I simply see the act of someone telling others they’re “proud” as a way to say that they can live their life as themselves with less fear than they would have done in previous generations, even if they do have other meanings behind saying it.