Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Are you serious?! This discussion is still going?

To all people who find a homosexual marriage between two fictional characters in a game offensive i say this:



Not to be picky but that was Ric Flair…

His particular favourite of mine was to act as if he just got smacked in the head, walk away from his opponent in a daze for 5 paces and then faceplant himself on the ring

Macho man’s favourite was to get all tense, stick a finger in your face and yell as if he was struggling with constipation “oh yeah!”

And who could forget the glorious moment when the WWF actually showed the promo of him being bitten by a defanged cobra at 9am on a saturday morning to an audience of 5 million soon to be traumatized kids…

Vince McMahon didn’t give a hoot over upsetting fans way before the Montreal Screwjob.

Now I’m gonna go and watch some more sweaty men in tights from the early 90’s, just to enrage even further the bigots in this thread.



Poor Nigom. Absolutely terrified that a big pink bus is going to arrive in Orgrimmar and then start playing YMCA while orcs in their standard fighting gear all pull out megaphones and start yelling at everyone “NOW YOU HAVE TO MAKE GAY CHARACTERS BECAUSE WE SAID SO!!”


Soon enough, everyone will catch the gay from video games. We should have seen this coming since violence in video games has turned everyone that has ever play them into psychotic murderers :fearful:

/s so no one thinks I’m serious

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Its sadly true. I can’t walk down the street without suddenly yelling “it’s time for some slayin!” and then pull out my huge arsenal of overly powered guns and start blasting them all picking up their sweet sweet health picks ups…

I’m banned from every Tesco in a 60 mile radius for falling foul of their rule of “under no circumstances are customers allowed to assume their demon form and inflict goshoryou’s on members of staff performing their duties.”

I just wanted to stand over them with demonic smoke rising from my back while I yelled “FOOL!!” at them in Japanese.

Now i’m stuck with mere ASDA employees. All they deserve is for me to summon my harpoon from the palm of my hand.


damn videogames.

(games referenced. Doom Eternal. USFIV. Mortal Kombat. All at one point blamed for violence in kids.)


Oh Damn, so it was! My Wrasslin’-Fu deserted me at that point.

It is true, as the pretend Welsh Rap group ‘Goldie Lookin Jaina’ sang, "Guns don’t kill people, Gamers do’

I did that in Sainsbury’s once, “Now you face the Lord Jaraxxus, I will End you, Flesh Trombone!”

It was so embarrassing they didn’t ask me back for a second interview.

Then the time when I was in the RAF at the rifle range, we were training with the SA-80 (Christ knows why, you don’t get issued with one as a pilot :smiley: ) and I had ‘Operation Wolf’ flashbacks and started walking sideways whilst firing, I think I must have shot about ten of the other Acting Pilot Officers to death before I ran out of ammo…

Very embarrassing, and the end of a promising career…

But just remember, you can’t say ‘Gamer’ without saying ‘Gay’ :stuck_out_tongue:


Imo , if you cant take the heat then get out of the kitchen , Lgbt people dont complain about straight people , so dont do it to us.

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Actually…one of my mates does, but only in a loving way. "Oh, but I really bloody fancied him, why does he have to go and be straight? Weirdo, what is it with you ‘breeders’ " “I dunno mate, maybe he’s just not into blokes?” “Ugh, disgusting…”

But it is all in jest between friends, so it is OK :slight_smile:

Where is the wedding? Havent found it yet.
Can you loot the cake?

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this right here, is what delusion looks like.

half betting this is an alt of the guy who originally posted because his vitriol was dying down

Shut this thread up Blizz, please. I know you guys don’t actually really care about progressive causes but the least you can do is pretend to hard enough to delete this hive of fascist nonsense.


Little does he know… we have already infiltrated the Horde.

Remember Stellagosa and Valtrois?

Valtrois is a part of the Horde now.

It’s been infected.

First the Nightborne, then the Blood Elves, then Horde, and then all of Azeroth.

The burning LGBTQ+egion is coming, and all worlds shall BURN

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I know I don’t normally approve of humans/elves normal humanoids getting into relationships with Giant Magic Flying Crocodiles, but there was something natural and a bit sweet there, in a way…

I shall assume my mantle of savior of masculinity (while in my absolutely stunning female DK form who I absolutely had no intention of making so bloody gorgeous. No really. I was sitting at my desk when I made her all those years ago and I thought… you know… the world of Azeroth needs a hero. A hero of the times. And one who will finally assume control and dominate the universe. Now I could make it a cliched over-muscled bloke in a wispy mustache and blond hair… but… no… the world needs… A RED-HEADED female. Now bear in mind when I first created her she was beautiful. Then along came the character model upgrades and she became… well. just click on the profile and gaze at perfection. Feel free to fall in love. Everyone does eventually. What were we talking about again?)

Its sad how many times I have replied … YES!.. to people who found out that the person controlling Souldefiler is actually a guy in real and not a red headed lady who looked like she just fell of the front cover of a lingerie catalogue so they immediately ask “are you gay!!!”

Its probably more tasteful than to reply “well if I must stare at pixelated bum cheeks i’d rather stare at these ones…”

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You summoned the demons in the comment section with their passive-agressive attitude, typical LGBT crowd.

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Do you realise that children are a result of straight relationships. If you call that being shoved in your face?

i wish being bisexual made me a demon

your ilk makes us sound a lot cooler than we are.


No, I do hate how all these straight relationships are shoved in my face though, seeing a man and a woman kissing on TV? Ugh straightist propaganda, shoved directly down my throat, all to fulfill some diversity checklist?
ugh, hate em. wish they were all shot into space.


I don’t think there’s a checklist for straight people. We would simply die out if straight people stopped existing :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you spend too much time on 4chan buddy :stuck_out_tongue:
