Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Nice try, no cigar…


Oof you got caught mate. No backpeddling out of this one

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Your character name, not mine.

Tell me about the slip Vulpie. My name is derived from “wrecked them” cause of my leet PvP skills.
Do explain what you saw in it though. It would explain the little freudian slip you had there :stuck_out_tongue:

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Rekt 'em

Explain please, not everyone speaks your foreign gibberish :stuck_out_tongue: I must know what innuendo is going on here :pleading_face:


That’s not what he saw :stuck_out_tongue:

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My name means Rekt em, or wrecked them.
Vulpie said my name has a freudian slip.
I told him he’s the one that slipped
Cause I’ve been getting jokes it’s “rectum” too.

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ye, but now lets watch how vulpie tries to precure a remark of questionable quality.


Typical vulpera player :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure it is…

Yes I based it on that but a lot of people are having freudian slips on my realm since the moment I say something in lfg they say “hey it’s that rectum guy”

Thanks for explaining, I was probably typing when you explained your name earlier :smile:

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What a strange reply.

Away to your bed

There’s nothing strange about it.

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Away to

She is waiting at your bed, bruh.


Sorry you’ll have to date me out on a date first

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