Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Good… I feel sorry for the dog, the owner is clearly an idiot.


I’m gonna give you ten out of ten for attempting dragging this poor deluded whelp’s mind into the 1st century let alone the Pre- Cambrian.

But sadly, as we both know, it’s mind is nailed shut and now it will resort to bringing “science” into it, or more likely, the part of science it has chosen to validate it ignoring the other parts as bigots are wont to do in their zeal to loudly proclaim “I’m not a bigot!!”

A bit like people who always start an immigration conversation with “I’m not racist but…”


I’m glad some people found that acceptable and even remotely funny. Now I know who to avoid like the plague as if they were something I stepped on.


ooooooo get you!!! I would ask you if you knew what irony is but I’d get the Baldrick answer

“Yeah it’s like goldey and bronzey… only it’s made of iron…”

Remind us again of who’s post you constantly like who got all upset at the prospect of there being a same sex couple in a videogame and threatening his perfect world of man + woman so he said it was time to go to the Horde?

(ignoring the fact that the horde are quite possibly the biggest same sex stereotype in WoW)

Here I’ll remind you.

I’m still awaiting the imminent destruction of mankind because everyone turned gay over a videogame.

But here he is later, now dragging “SCIENCE!!” into his argument.

But quite frankly whelp. Daestra is worth 100 of you, with a billion Nigom’s to spare.


You don’t even know what hate speech is lol.

Hate speech is where you use hateful language towards somebody to describe their belonging to some recognised demographic.

Hate speech is not where you attack someone or even mock them for an opinion they hold.

That’s the difference here, homophobes are mocked for the views they hold, not for their being. Conversely they use hateful language to describe LGBT people by virtue of the fact they’re LGBT. Surely you can see the difference.

Also it’s super wierd to refer to “no u” in this way then the premise like 99% of such homophobic arguments rely on is that what they’re doing isn’t wrong because hate speech “isn’t a thing”. You kinda undermine that angle if at the same time you accuse the other camp of using hate speech.

If hate speech exists (it does) in the forms defined, then being homophobic in communication is wrong. The end. It’s as simple as that.

How does it feel in that closet?

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He is so deep in the closet, he is basically in Narnia
But don’t rush him
These things takes time you know


Not gonna disagree with that at all, but there are questions to be raised about free speech when you can go to court over it.

My opinion on this incident is broadly the same as that of Ricky Gervais, Rowan Atkinson, or Piers Morgan, and they’ve got long explanations of that so you can have a look at those. Basically: I won’t defend the man, but I’ll defend his right to make a fool of himself.

But either way the point is that freedom of speech is a very complicated subject in Europe. We’re not all just looking at the first amendment in the US and copy-pasting that in - not to mention that many of our freedom rights over here are actually older than those found in the US. Sometimes they seem to think they bloody invented the thing or whatever, but that’s simply not true.

Many countries across Europe have different censorship laws, even those that explicitly write that they do not in their constitutions. The UK basically doesn’t even have a constitution in the sense we think of it today, and Germany’s doesn’t guarantee free speech, etc.

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Oddly the Magna Carta was the original English Constitution, and the Blueprint the American’s used to make their own, but I do get what you mean…

Oh I -see- Like those Trumpanzee’s who believed him when anything factual was decried as ‘fake news’. What is REAL biology then? I mean clearly it is different from the science of biology.

Ironic really, given how often the term SJW is thrown at anyone who doesn’t agree with Right Wing views. Weird isn’t it, how ‘muh Freedom of Speech’ only applies to people who want to be unpleasant, and when people disagree they are suddenly ‘Leftists’ ‘Woke’ SJW’s, ‘White Knights’ etc.

Almost like no dialogue is wanted, but they just want to spew outdated and unpleasant views, and for no one to be able to respond to them.

Pathetic really.


What happened to I am leaving forums?

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Erm no… straight is the norm if every human was gay we would go extinct… you cant be mad about survival of the human race mate


Issue was resolved.

I said I would return when said issues were solved. Ergo what I said in saying I would be back after the issue was resolved I followed through in what i said when I said the statement about returning when the issue was resolved.

Hope that clears it up.

No, I’m superior to that guy and you


The amount of gay people roughly equates to about 10% of human population. In what way would we go extinct with this statistic?

If you’re so worried about the volume of childbirth, maybe you should be more concerned about urbanization, pollution and other kind of contaminants in our enviroment that have an effect on fertility.

lol that’s news to every single person who actually knows Daestra…

And if making you feel superior to a name on a message forum makes you feel superior, happy to have helped you out in your little inferiority complex there buddy.

Maybe the two likes from the other two whelps will give you a further boost to your ego today. Alts or something?

Seriously though son, you have no idea how hard I am laughing at you right now.


Read what im quoting before trying to be smart…

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You said “if every human was gay, we’d go extinct”.

Every human is not gay, so what exactly is the point you’re trying to make?

you’re trying so hard and here I am one arming you

lol no you’re not.

Now tell me your dad has a bigger car than my dad to make you feel even more superior.

I myself even have a bigger car than your dad, it’s no feat