Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

they did. You just didn’t like the answer so you reached for the “read what I typed” card in a vain attempt to save face.

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Mate try again and read who i commented on… trying to be clever but fell flat on your face…

No they didnt… and either did you :confused:

And there we go lol

You just couldn’t resist reaching for the bait I threw could you…

how will I ever recover

You claim that some hypothetical existential crisis makes “one more okay than the other” in a piece of media, when said existential crisis is completely, statistically impossible, and furthermore, has no actual bearing on the meaning of the message you replied to.

So what part of “if the entire human race was gay we would go extinct” followed by wwhelp’s reply of “only 10 percent is gay” did we misunderstand given that wwhelps post is more factual than yours which is just wild hyperbole to try and score likes from the bigot crew who rushed to like your post?

What IS the point you are trying to make? That we should all turn gay and validate you?

Not a goal any sane person would want to achieve son but hey. You do you if it helps you overcome your fear of the Gay menace coming to destroy civilzation.

Coming next week.

“Mankind kills itself off and replaced by frogs!”

Alex Jones exclusive. Remember to tune in Daella.

Oh right you’ll be dead along with the rest of us.

I dunno why your brain cant comprehend my comment…

A gay person cant turn their face up to straight people… they wouldnt exist without them…

I dont know Nigom, what with you being all superior and all.

I suggest Gatorade.

Apple is the best flavour in my opinion… what with it being so… fruity!!!

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And we can all see youre just here to troll and argue…

hypocrite /

The comment is talking about media depictions. How is being sick of “straight relationships” in media “turning one’s face up to straight people”?

Gay people aren’t here saying that straight relationships shouldn’t exist, so implying that they do is disingenuous at best.

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Much like everyone else then who isn’t terrified of the Gay Menace…

Imagine being so terrified of someone’s private life that you feel the need to compare them to the extinction of the human race.

And then imagine them being so terrified of someone that they don’t even know being the cause of the end of humanity.

How DO you sleep at night? You must be popping those melatonins like MnM’s.

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I would have thought someone as superior as you would do better than a simple gainsay.

Perhaps you’re not as superior as you dream. I bet you don’t even like Gatorade do you? More a Powerade man I guess.

I just copy you to show how easy it is to do, no point

And heres you spouting gay menace and stuff… reported by the way.

Gay people dont need to be paraded about in the media or anything else to make them anymore relevant… if youre gay youre gay.

People like you just like to stir things up and cause arguments

because it’s all this thread deserves. The more people troll it the more likely Blizzard are to remove it.

its a win win for me personally.

wait… weren’t you whining that the gay menace was going to wipe out humanity? That WAS you right or did someone just hack into your account? Now you’re telling us

Make your mind up for Pete’s sake.

Oh no!!!..

Hey Nigom! One of your buddies reported me for exercising my free speech!
I’ll see your report on me and raise you by a hundred on the people who probably reported your claim that the human race will go extinct because everyone turned gay, and you took the huff when it was pointed out to how ridiculous that statement was.

thou hast invoked my name and here I am.

not my buddy, you’re both clowns imo

I imagine he just needed a break, as people do?

That is why since time immemorial not every human has been gay.
Equally, since time immemorial, gay people have existed.

Pretty sure we’re still around as a species, despite that documented fact.

Daestra is female, and I highly doubt your claim to be superior to either of them.

No…you really are not…

Must be inconvenient to drive then, given that a car of excessive size would handle badly and probably break traffic regulations.

What does that even mean?

Given your intentions in this thread are somewhat less than sincere, I suggest you look at that statement.

See what I mean about people with unpleasant views being fragile and delicate and needing some safe space away from normal people? Go ahead, what’s the phrase 4chan kids use? oh yeah, Cancel him.

Which is precisely what you did when you entered this discussion. Ironic, no?

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