Tech keeps advancing they also field tested laser weaponery and such but it’s still to bulky to really be pratical
Real life aimbot !!!
This would had been nerfed to death in a multiplayer videogame
there even a urben myth that the us military is researching fallout style power armor but i doubt it we’re to much in debt to get cool toys like that specially with president orange in charge
what has this to do with the topic anyway ? lolz
yes we got off topic but that’s general discussion for you it always derails
I find the derail more interesting that the original course tbh
In terms of the actual topic Lutia made a very good point about that the problem often lies on how those characters with different preferences are designed and implemented over the fact that they have those different preferences.
we should respect the op’s bigotry and not derail his topic of hatred and miss guided homophobia i guess
i meen in classic u can dodge a chos bolt or fireball but in retail u cant
that’s because the devs love casters but hate meele i remember us bringing hunter in vanilia mostly for like one ability that was all you was good for
Sometimes I wonder how the game would be if instead of having divided opinions over little things like who some minor NPCs like to bang, if we were focusing on pressuring Blizzard to not move forward with bad gameplay ideas/systems
that seems impossible as they ignore feedback and make the game they want to play or something and ignoring the fact that they aren’t the ones paying millions to play it around the globe
seems like a step forward to me hermaphrodite are a real thing after all i should know i married one
fully female with a working male bonus most of them are from my understanding defective despite having both at birth its how we have kids
I call this behavior “dev hubris”.
It seems to have been a major characteristic of the devs in this decade who inherited (and not created) established franchises.
Nearly every major franchise has the same problem these days.
From the (still dumb) “customer is always right” we went to “do the opposite of what the customer wants”
it is a sign of a good thing if ur 1-3 hours in chacther creation screen making ur chacthers atleat that meens it has good alternatives and no same looking chacthers in the game. All who plays skyrim or fallout 4 knows what i meen.
a lot of big companies have gotten so big they forgot how they got there and go shopping for other client bases despite their old one is loyal and still buying for that increased profit that will never happen anyway ironically this suits never seem to realize that if they made quality games their profits would increase rather then decrease but most of this suits aren’t gamers they do not understand the sector they work in and thus make subpar products
What? Shaw is cheating on Flynn?
Oh no you poor guy, how horrible. Are you going to be ok?
Ur pathetic to care about that OP. Sadly you don’t even know it, so I’m here to tell you.
I wonder if we will get to see a market crash first once enough people just stop having fun in these games and quit or if they will panic early enough to correct the course.
well 2 month to prepatch