Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

i have a japaneses owerwatch team on 6 girls it fun to hear boys range when they find out they lost to a team of girls :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why not?
Since games do not require physical abilities, they are an equalizer to that regard. Have you watched the Gamer girl episode in South Park?

One of our best raiders in my guild is a housewife (the couple literally met in Hellfire Peninsula years ago).

well to most guys we are seen as invaders i laugh everytime i see the our game was ruined because this girl was added to it or the sjw moto they seem to have going :smiley:
iā€™m not saying that forced representation is good its actually pretty bad representation should be natural

guns was technically a equalizer too a women can just as easily blow your brains out as a man speaking as someone who has 12 years of military service iā€™ve killed a lot of people during that time slight ptsd

When i was still in school i played in CS GO with a other girl and rest was boys we got kicked out from team becourse we made the boys look bad when they lost to girls :frowning:

First the Shadowlands animated thing and now this, just making everything sound cooler.

never really got into CS iā€™ve played a lot of battlefield 2 though :smiley:

i got my first gamer computer back in 1982 it had tettris , pacman and blocks :stuck_out_tongue: had Ms Dos 1.5 wau :smiley:

sex appeal of course same reason why our characters canā€™t get functional armor and look like weā€™re wearing bikinis that have a giant Stab me in the gut opening

I cannot begin to imagine how traumatizing it must be to be in that position.

I have heard a some nice theories that the real reason societies of the past did not wanted to lose women on the battlefield was that it would have a much bigger blow on the long term population of that society.

Between 3 tribes where one had only women fight, one with mixed battle force and one with only men, the ones that would lose women in wars would eventually go extinct or weaken enough to be taken over.

We live in a society.

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well the us military still donā€™t want us in the field there are all kinds of wavers to sign and such its a legal headache plus most girls donā€™t really serve in a post that would put them in danger then there is superiors who are from a totally different era and donā€™t want you in the military in the first place because boyā€™s club and all that

to clarify iā€™m Japanese / Chiense but a 3rd generation american
I was in the USN ONI for 12 years both as a field operative and a tactical analyst

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Bottom text.

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u dont need a spotter u look with ur right side eye in scope and left eye use for spotting :stuck_out_tongue:

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sniping is quite nice though you have a large reliance on the spotter i would guess

Iā€™m gay, I donā€™t actually give a shett, I donā€™t see why someoneā€™s orientation needs to be put out there, whilst it serves no particular purpose.
Usually when an npc or couple is ā€œannouncedā€ in such a way, It means the stereotypes are going to get rolled out again, because they have to do their best to show off homosexuality in this particulair caseā€¦and it does end up being all about that, completely brushing aside anything else that actually makes a character, a character - Not the type of representation I care for personally, but to each their own.

And although I think the OP is OTT about it, he has a right to his opinions and his disagreements, not like heā€™s in a position of power anyway or is making a speech against same sex marriage or adoption rights or whateverā€¦you know? Stuff that actually matters, a whole lot more than 2 npcs in a computer game.

ā€¦ to many proffesional victims these days, ironicly most of the times the ones most ā€œoutragedā€ arenā€™t actually the ones most ā€œaffectedā€.


some media think inclusion means holding a giant sign or else people would lack the brain power to figure it out from subtle hints

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Some of it probably has to do with guys finding at least at start, the prospect of women getting attacked and injured more unsettling.

In the first months of Playing Battlefield V, I was really unsettled by the death screams of the female avatars. I do not know if I either got used to it eventually or the toned down the more dramatic screams

well as a field operative you generally donā€™t have any men around :stuck_out_tongue: or your in teams of 2 or 3 but no more

beeing a sniper is muth easyer now when they have

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