Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

Its the same as the council dance. One boss punishes you way harder for failing it than the other one in regards of straight up killing you. For council you could say failing the dance means less haste = less dps = not pushing the boss fast enough.

And ye sure its not a Puzzle. Neither is the Council dance a puzzle. Both are effective minigames however whether you like it or not.

Also we could take Denathrius Mythic as an example. Everything he does he does with the intend of killing you. Same as Sludgefist and Generals. Inerva too. Same as Sunking and Destroyer.

the dance boss tells you go right go left, heigan tells you nothing just tries to kill you council wants to see you dance. destroyer putting a healing debuff on you while also giving you drain life, right. denathrius teleporting you into a room where you can use his own mirrors to escape him and get to adds quickly and sludgefist I’d argue is fine, the link is pretty stupid, but w/e you disagree you think it’s all great, fine enough “breath” wasted

Why are you bothering arguing with this guy? He’s been insulting people in every argument he lost. It isn’t worth the effort of feeding this kid attention.

Case in point.

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Yes, and its still a dance. Heigan wants to kill you without any feelings. The council looks down on you as they put you down as just another one of renethals rebellions. However, still a dance in the end.

Drain life of your Allies yes. You need 2 allies to heal you up while them receiving more and more and more ticking damage while the healing you receive remains the same.

The Mirrors are useless on Mythic to get to the big adds. They are all on the Corner platforms and melees for instance have to deal with 2 of them. Either by jumping or a warlock gate. The regular cabalists are cannon fodder. The Mirror part in itself we could say ye sure, you get one point there. However Denathrius literally mocks you for 2/3 of the fight and only becomes serious during the third phase as he even forces Remornia to become his weapon rather than having her do her own stuff.

No i do not. However i disagree with your mindset that its a puzzle or minigame. What you want is a patchwerk fight pretty much. Fights that arent even good enough anymore as an entrance boss encounter.

I’ve been posting on this forum for over 11 years straight at this point. I stopped caring a long time ago. And there was only one guy that actually caused my blood to boil and that was Phalhunt due to his shere cough cough. However i miss him nowadays and want him to return.

Same, almost. Makes you feel old, huh?

Have been playing the game for way longer. And nah, im still fine on the age scale.

Yet Maghteridon never bothered to destroy the sole objects in the room that prevent him from killing the raid. As arrogant as Denathrius. However until this very death. Even if he didnt place them there to begin with for the encounter he had all the time in the world prior to us fighting him to know they are bad for him.

To be honest, the instant someone uses ‘autistic’ as an insult, or even ‘authistic’ whatever that means, you know they have kind of lost the argument.

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And this is where I mess up EVERYONE!!!

Everyone knows the term Sodomoite taken from Sodom and Gmorrah and the term “Sodomoite” is usually taken as to mean homosexual.

But sadly, it involves more than that. God apparently considers all activity that does not result in conception as a sin against the art of nature, which is what the Sodomites are in Hell for, specifically they spend eternity running around the Burning Sand as embers fall on them. Divine Compulsion prevents them from stopping unless they are compelled to by a passer-by, as happened to Ser Brunetto when Dante asked him to speak. He was not allowed to stop, but he could continue to walk.

Dante, (who it must be remembered, lived in a time when religion was of paramount importance and its word is taken very seriously) then alludes to his readers that is not just homosexuals who are punished as Sodomites.

ANY form of contact that did not end in conception is punished here.

So if you have had anything remotely carnal that did not result in a child. You’re done.

But there a lot of people in this thread, and even more, who will have a worse fate.

God hates Fraud most of all, as his Angels are incapable of it, but his most prized creation is.

because he doesn’t have an argument, he never did. All he has is the “Encyclopedia of Internet Speek” which he keeps beside his pc and has it always open to the “Killer putdown” section.

Only problem is that section only works for people who think like him, people who actually can talk to people outside of the internet laugh at him and watch with merriment as he gets angrier and angrier as he flails in the water trying to look relevant.

It’s a shame really, i kinda feel sorry for him. he did make me laugh yesterday with his attempts to belittle me and Daestra, and I had even more laughs when he put on his internet tough guy jacket, presumably cracked his knuckles and yelled “iTS ON!” when i was bored and decided to play along with him if nothing more than just something to do.

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This. If bosses didn’t make “bad decisions” regarding their abilities they’d just boil down to sheer numbers games a la patchwerk. I mean every boss that aims swirlies, why don’t they aim predictively? Every boss that has evironmental shields, why not destroy them?

Even heigan does it, he uses the same pattern every time. It’s ridiculous to treat that as somehow being more clever. If he were clever, he’d alternate it! Can we imagine how stupid bosses would be if they dropped lethal aoe with no reaction time, no discernible pattern and it killing you for touching it? It’d be ridiculous!

I mean the fact bosses will even let a tank taunt them off the guy they’re stacking a debuff on is throwing the match, yet somehow that is ignored.
If wow bosses were super smart, they’d be unbeatable. Their idiocy is our claim to heroism.

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Ye pretty much the only reason why Denathrius dies in P3. As everything else is already aimed at you with the intend to kill you or is otherwise limited to travel time or charge time (massacre, ravage)

Precisely, so quite why certain mechanics are bosses “enabling their defeat” and others arn’t, is boggling to me.

Short of “imma gonna throw down this shield for you to stand in” mechanics i’d say each ability represents the same intent to kill - obviously though leeway has to exist for bosses to be defeatable.

I mean how else do you explain taunt? A boss attacks a player knowing their attacks stack a debuff on them, allowing them to die more easily, and yet said same boss will additionally stop doing this because some dude standing to the side of this guy yells a nasty word at them which makes them “a bigger threat”?

At this point it’s clear we have to suspend disbelief in the whole idea. I mean in seriousness any boss interested in our literal deaths would know that attacking the guy with the big shield is a stupid idea, when you could easily just focus on the guy in a dress healing him, and yet they don’t do this because the guy with a shield shouts loudly at them. It has to exist though because imagine boss encounters where the boss beelines healers and ignores all threat mechanics, instead priotising healers, then highest DPS, it’d be a complete crapshow (but it WOULD make for an interesting boss premise if the numbers were tuned accordingly, and give mistweavers some much needed love being the most mobile healers going…!)

Ironically the mobs whom best represent a “lethal mindset” are those whom exist in old school cata dungeons such as revised Dire Maul where they will stack stuns back to back and purposefully curse of tongues on healers repeatedly as opposed to aiming everything at the tank.

and? you think something being hard is better and makes it more fun? there is a reason why shadowlands lost 60% of its subs in a month and has less raids completed and less people playing than classic.

41% and over 3 months hence the 1st quarter numbers .

You and i both know you have no factual evidence to back that up as blizzard does not report the numbers .

There are lots of reasons those things may be true - but it doesn’t mean the reasons you think it is is correct.

If I build a craptastic fast food shack on somewhere with high traffic (like a crossroads) and as a result it gets 60% more customers than a gourmet restaurant out of the way, that is not evidence the quality of my food is better. All it suggests is my shack had more customers but this could be down to nothing more than it being easily accessible.

Maybe my food is cheaper as well.
Maybe people do actually prefer it.

But we don’t know that from numbers alone.

60% more raid logs on classic literally tells us nothing more than classic has 60% more raid logs. That’s it. It doesn’t tell us why. Why? Could be:

Classic is more popular
The raids are easier therefore more people do them
People are bored so raid log for something to do
The raids are more enjoyable so people do them
The raids are so easy so people focus on logging to make it feel substantial, because the raids never demand any real attention.

Also you need to be mindful of routes to raiding and raid numbers.
Classic - it is well known all the raids and requirements and routes to get there. People have been doing it for 15 years.
SL - For some it is unclear what precisely is required/needed to have best chance at raid, content is newer so people more prone to exploring the content that just rushing to the end.

Of course it could very well be that indeed classic raids are objectively better than the one raid SL has (another metric you fail to consider, you’re comparing an entire version of WoW’s raid logs versus one patch worth of an expo which hasn’t been out as long as classic lol) but my point if from the data presented alone you have no proof of that or indeed the contrary, so it’s a bit daft to claim “this is evidence classic raids are better”.

Loads of people eat mcdonalds. Probably ten times more than eat food at a proper restaurant. Does this mean they’d all agree mcdonalds is better? I wouldn’t bet on it. It’s cheap and easy.

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Too hard for you? Pick an easier difficulty. There are 4 to choose from.

And less raids completed is a given considering all of Classic raids are an absolute joke on all fronts. They require no skill at all.

And that Classic has players is also no surprise because for some its an entirely different xpac because they never played it. Prepare currently for TBC. Have completed Shadowlands as far as they want to. Arent happy with certain things or simply play shadowlands on the sides or even classic as you can complete every raid on the side. Also not 60%.

Oh boy here we are again with somebody trying to XP bash. First off i swapped guilds after my friends guild stopped raiding recently and am currently progressing Denathrius. Secondly i have been in the Alliance Hall of Fame already during BFA. So please spare me your pathetic attempts of xp bash as it wont work against me. Unless you wish to embarrass yourself.

Either say something constructive or remain silent. What i said stands. Content too hard for you? Pick another difficulty. Your “xp bash” didnt even negate that point of me even if your accusation regarding my skill level would be true which makes your post even more hilarious.

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Its like being an arena only player whos hard stuck 1750 :woozy_face:

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