Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

it doesn’t hurt brain it’s garbage for fights, but It’s okey to like puzzles

None of your example are puzzles though. They are very bog standard game mechanic in general , just above the “boss auto attacks” steps.

i-it’s not too hard for me honest, no just like pls blizzard gib me patchwerk fite


The guy who’s lambasting others for weak comebacks, comes back with… this

You’re doing me proud, buddy.

I adapted to the environment

Its called an intermission and nothing new. Also its not a puzzle. Have one of the Tank supply you with the Lantern Buff so you can see and youre done in what, 30sec.

He Summons ghosts however that require way more healing and buff the boss by 200% if it reaches him. Ending the Encounter 99% of the time unless youre lucky with Spread Shots and the tank/healers can survive the Boss hammering the living poop out of the tank.

The whole encounter is literally a testing ground for him. Hes not taking the raid seriously. Also if you fail them even once you die. Especially on Mythic where all weapons are permanently active past 60%. You couldnt survive the Ghosts otherwise as they would kill you.

And if you fail the dance you die. Once again they dont take you seriously. Many bosses dont take you seriously. The ones that do are Destroyer, Inerva, Sludgefist and Generals (to some extent). Not even Denathrius takes you seriously. But yes, imo the dance part can be removed as its “difficulty” is non existent even if it makes sense from a lore pov.

However nothing of that is a puzzle. The minigame at best applies to the council dance.

The same mechanic is present in Naxxramas

Good boy, now do “adapt to game”!

no it’s nothing new, like I said this garbage started since cata, doesn 't make it any good. and like I said puzzle is just a description I used, don’t be authistic.


you’re right

no you don’t, just go in the light and get some ticking dmg

atleast mention on what fight then

I have and can still call it by what it is

Oh insults. How amusing.

Still not a puzzle.

Dont “bruh” me. If the boss gets buffed by the big soul he will oneshot most of the raid on mythic with a mere Spreadshot given the buff he receives on mythic is 200%

I said fail the dance. Not go into the light and do it correctly. You fail the dance you die. If youre in the light the ticking damage is removed.

Naxxramas literally has a boss nicknamed the Dance boss

Tactics = bad :cry:

Patchwerk = gimme :sunglasses:

ye it’s not a real dance though, it’s dodge the slime, the slime that if u get hit by instant kill you. and the authist thing wasn’t an insult, I meant how authist can never look at the full picture but rather zoom in on one aspect, like me calling this a puzzles due bosses making you do weird things to avoid weird things. A normal person would understand I used that wording for lack of better way to describe it an autists would go : still not a puzzle!!

I mean I get why he wants to do what he wants to do but like… his straight up mega-genocide and open willingness to butcher innocent Eldian and Marleyans in Liberio was just too far, as well as him roping Armin into the butchering, even though he well knew that Armin hates the devestation that the Colossal creates.
I just feel like he’s gone too far, I can get understand why he did, but I can’t agree with him.

Then again, since the show started I’ve always routed for Jean more than Eren… even when he was being real arrogant at the start.

you like making up stuff, nice, write a book

Its still a dance. Is it more punishing than the Council dance? Yes, by alot. Is it still a dance? Yes. Its a “minigame”.


That’s cool, don’t see what it has to do with what I was talking about but cool I guess.

nothing, but ye it was cool

Puzzle stupid, me want smash.

i knew you were on my side