Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

What’s wrong snowflake? Did gay people existing trigger you, huh?

You don’t know history then. Remember that in many places a la Athens and Sparta were flamboyant with their homosexuality until the rise of a certain religion. The WoW universe doesn’t have that religion, so it is entirely possible to imagine it’s lack of influence.

Then it’s lucky that we don’t want every relationship in everything to be LGBTQ+ isn’t it? Unlike these people who ONLY want straight relationships?


Missing the point, but okay.

Oh nooooo, Vixi is muting me! Oh how will I survive this injustice?

Guess I’ll do the same. See you later Ellen Degeneres :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha! Slurs, she says. I’ve not said a single slur. Not my fault if you are so paranoid of the world around you, that you have to consider every word to be an act of aggression against you.

Something I’ve not forgotten. Proof being that my parents created me, and I certainly didn’t come out of a tube.

I’ve seen you post before. You’re not exactly a good sport about this.

Edit: [quote] Then it’s lucky that we don’t want every relationship in everything to be LGBTQ+ isn’t it? Unlike these people who ONLY want straight relationships? [/quote]

I’ll put a hearty X to doubt on that one.


what a ridiculous statement


Well… yes but actually no xD


We had a couple of discussions about this topic on our realm forums, which was very lovley most of the time.

Ainsbury was one of the…less so people who jumped in with such quotes as:

And of course:

Along with some geniune slurs I won’t be posting and several more inflammatory posts.

But this is also 90% of their forum history.


It’s not? The reason you were born was because those “sickening stright couple” procreated and you were born. I’m saying it’s a very rude way to talk about your parents.


As I always said, I love more representation and usually romances in the game are very unnoticeable. It’s not like Tyrande and Malfurion emote /kiss in front of the players. This isn’t the sims lol.

That being said, I am scared. There are some countries who would ban anything that has even the slightest LGBT scenes (my country being one of them) I don’t wanna lose wow


Ignored my point because you know it’s objectively correct? Without the rise of abrahamic faiths, the existence of homophobia in the world would be so much less than it actually is.

No where have I seen someone say they only want LGBTQ+ relationships in their media…

nobody is saying this. nobody is saying they want a hegemonic LGBTQ+ hivemind of relationships, nobody AT ALL IS SAYING THIS


Im sorry to hear, and I do hope your country will improve on that part so people can be free to love who they want+see representation of something that is…just part of life.

And I hope you are safe too.

Don’t let bigotry win. Love wins :rainbow: :heart:


This is what people are missing. Litterally the only thing being said is “Oh, a same sex-couple, this is cool! A bit more of it please!”

It’s not about deleting straightness or anything, but just…more of one thing people like/want as well.


That’s not what the post I replied to said. But the same poster doesn’t really have anything productive to say other than linking the songs. So …
I guess the further discussion is pointless.

They didn’t say that though. They called your post ridiculous because it was very nonsensical and didn’t add anything to the discussion.

Throwing about “Gay people wouldnt exist without straight people!” adds nothing.


In my mind traditional gender-roles dont exist in Azeroth.
I think Azerothians fall in love (or just shag) with homever they fall in love with, no matter the race and gender.
The whole human concept of straight vs. gay is not a thing in WoW.
At least thats how I want to see it.


My post wasn’t nonsensical. I pointed out the fact that straight couples are conceiving kids, the reason you were born was becuse of it. This is why it is incredibly rude to say that straight couples are sickening because the reason you were born was because of it. You’re pretty much insulting your own parents.

That post I was replying to was incredibly rude and I called it out.


In a way gender roles do exist in WoW, but they’re very non-traditional, and aren’t as rigid as reality. Take for example Night Elves and their whole societal split… the whole “only men druids and women warriors” thing kinda ended the second they joined the Alliance, so even arguably the most sexist wow society isn’t too rigid in their gender roles.

I’d love if Sylvanas is actually teasing Nathanos into thinking she loves him, but in reality swings the otherway.

And then he drops hes guard and thats why we * might * kill him.
not bait, but seeing as this is a thread apporpriate for it id thought id put it here

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But there’s nothing productive to say when your argument rests upon an assertion your opponent never made.

It’s like you saying we should tax a particular drink slightly higher to try and reduce the amount of it being sold and i respond by saying “So you want to outlaw alcohol?” - why would you do me the honour of a reply if i’m not actually paying attention to what you’re saying.

“Include more of X” is not equal to “Remove all Y” at all.


can you point to anywhere in this thread where anyone has said that?


It is nonsensical because litterally every single person alive understands that this is how most people came to be. But it isnt 100% accurate either when you got artifical insamination+donors and surrogate parents etc.

No one said “Sickening”, you are the ONLY one in this thread who’s used that word and putting it in people’s mouths. The person you responded too said:

Sick as in, tired. Sickening is your own word.

Not everyone’s parents are straight, see my first comment in this post.