Gay night elf marriage is now part of lore SPOILERS

spoiler it!!! you naughty naughty Twilster!!!

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Those NPCs aren’t even night elves lol


Time to switch alliance I guess.

Ugh all that traditional marriage getting shoved in your face. Saving Mankriks wife?! First the real world shoves traditional marriage in my face and now WoW aswell?!

You notice how ridicolous that sounds?


You come across as one of those straight people who immediately think a person is hitting on them when it get’s out they are gay…


It’s litterally only him who’s used that word in this thread.


Title already has a spoiler in it with the word spoiler xD

Oh no, clearly Sylvanas has got it for the Jailer. He’s got a big… uh… Maw


But your spoiler is a big one and even I was gutted when I read that one on discord (but happy about it lol) spoiler tag it!!

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Yes. Very lovely. A lot of people agreeing with each other, very sterile, very boring.

In other words: Someone who went against the grain. And now, let me explain these quotes that she is posting out-of-context:

Let us be perfectly honest here; If you saw straight people going around acting irrational (Like the OP is perceived as), you’d be quick to jump down his throat over it. Why should homosexuals not be open to the same kind of judgement when they’re acting irrational (Arguably moreso)?

I’ve discussed this on another thread here, which was a lot more civil than I expected. As the wise Kretias once said:

I am seeing a lot of bad eggs here…

I mean… Am I wrong here? Also I find it cute that Vixi is posting the “I am bisexual” part as well, which just goes to show she hates me because I am “Not the right kind of gay” in her eyes :stuck_out_tongue:

People really do behave self-righteous when these topics crop up.

I really don’t tend to disclose my orientation in games because just how people like Vixi carry themselves (I realized that the forums pretty much lap up everything gay so I decided I’d be more honest about it here).

Getting worked up really is pointless. What am I gonna achieve if I go “Oh my God someone said he doesn’t 100% support gay people! BURN THE HERETIC!”? Other than make myself sound crazy.

This is because people started to say that I am the one upset, when it was the OP and the following commenters who felt the need to not only make a thread, but fill it up with over 2000 posts of back-patting each other about how great it is to be gay. And then act as if I am the one offended when I tell people to get over themselves.

I think this picture should encapsulate Vixi pretty well:

Yeah. If you take out the posts where I am talking about the game, or anything else that isn’t involved with identity politics. What a dishonest thing to say.


I think he’s misquoting me when I said they were likely sick of not being represented in my first reply.

For clarity, that does NOT mean that straight people are sickening.

I’m one myself after all!


No, that is not what I was saying. It’s more like as if OP was saying that water is rubbish and prefer drinks like cola. And I replied if it wouldn’t be for water there would be no cola.

It is your first post to which I replied to.

If they’re sick of seeing them, when they’re the norm then that just sais bad about them. Why they’re tired of something that is common norm? Sure, live your life as you please, but don’t try to change norms in society. Especially when you act rude.

You’re factually wrong. Child cannot be conceived by gays. There always have to be woman and man to conceive a child. Adoption doesn’t change that fact.

You keep saying “as a bisexual” yet keep throwing out this cringe. How do you genuinely manage to be bisexual, who are arguably more oppressed than Lesbian or Gay people, and yet still manage to be a dumb bigot


Im not though, if one of the biological parents, or both, are gay, then they were concieved by “gays” as you put it? Being gay doesn’t mean your reproduction doesn’t work lol.


you’ve deliberately left out half of what I said to change the context to suit your own agenda

the words “without representation” make a big difference to the meaning of that sentence


The last time I’ve genuinely read a questtext was when the lore was still good and that’s at least 10 years ago.

The last time I’ve listened to a voiceover was in an unskippable cutscene, and before that during the Jaina fight to hear where the ship was coming from.

I’ve not yet been confronted with homosexuality in WoW, outside of forum posts.

I wouldn’t know Flynn was gay, or apparently bi according to the latest forum post? I wouldn’t know anything about that whole nightwarrior thing if it weren’t for your post, which you wouldn’t know anything about if you didn’t seek out this video.

In fact, the last time I’ve bothered to even think about a characters sexuality was when I tried to flirt with that Silvermoon Guard but he kept rejecting me. Pretty sure he was gay. Anyway.

Nothing is being shoved in your face. A regular player will play hundreds of hours of WoW before being confronted with any kind of relationship in WoW. Most characters parents, wife or husband, relatives, and all that stuff are dead.

In fact, the only relationship that truly was shoved into peoples faces, was the weird Thrall thing, with his wife being nonexistant at this point? Oh yeah, she’s somewhere taking care of the kids, that’s right.

Relationships don’t belong in WoW, I agree. There’s nothing to be gained from Nathanos simping for Sylvi. There’s nothing to be gained from that weird alt draenor wife for Thrall. And there’s nothing to be gained from other relationships either.

That’s why they’re subtle (usually). That’s why they’re not (anymore) part of the main expansion stories.

Shoving something into somebodies face is very different from having a few lines hinting that one character was gay or is gay.

The only genuinely weird thing regarding LGBTQ+ was that blue post specifying that one character who was a man is now a woman (or the other way around?). Why is that worth a blue post, but surveys aren’t posted on the EU and NA forums but only the NA ones?


I am personally pretty sick of how like 70% of all movies and games have a mandatory “love interest” character that tends to often make the entire story worse and completly nosedive by geniuenly shoving it into story.

And so far, all of these are straight.


Yeah, everyone will have to face the fact that gay people actually exist. So sad and so insecure of you.


Studies in the early 2000’ies found out that every 7th person is LGBT. Not so rare at all.


And? What does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to suggest their preference is wrong or invalid because “cola requires water” or something? Utter nonsense.

Should we similarly like conflict, genocide, torture, war, discrimination and such because it’s only through these things occuring we have arrived at a place in human society where we now have relative peace, rights and liberties? Not at all. It is entirely possible to like a product of a thing without liking the thing it comes from.

Also; you still rely on the idea that anyone said “Water is rubbish”, the closest you have to that is someone said “I’m sure Cola fans are sick of having water advertised to them all the time.” those are two extremely different statements. This is why people aren’t following your logic:

OP: “I’m sure cola fans are sick of having water advertised to them all the time.”
You: “Yeah well without water there would be no cola”

These statements have absolutely no logical connection whatsoever unless you’re making the bizarre assumption that people aren’t entitled to complain about something if they like another thing that is in some way derived from the thing they’re criticising. I’d sure like to know what reasoning that assumption is based upon.


It really doesn’t work like that, it still means that woman and man have to procreate to have a kid. It’s really that simple. Gay had to stop being gay for a moment to bone someone of opposite sex.